spy ace

Chapter 2707 The Doctor

Chapter 2707 The Doctor
It was because of excessive bleeding that the person almost went into shock.We gave him a blood transfusion and it got better.Now doing the stitching on the left back. "

Seeing this, Dongyang De admired these doctors and nurses very much, so he said, "Thank you doctor, when will it be better? We don't have much time."

"Finally, it only takes a few minutes." The doctor still spoke.

Dongyang De said: "Actually, the final suture doesn't need to be too beautiful, do you know the military doctor? It only needs to be sutured well enough. So, will it be faster?"

"Are you sure?" The doctor hesitated for a moment, and then said, "No, I can't listen to you."

"Believe me." Dongyang De said: "If the time is too late, doctor, no matter how good you sew it up, he will die in the end. It is better to listen to me, but you can really save him."

Hearing this, the doctor turned his head again and glanced at Dongyang De and the others.Nodding his head, he said, "Okay. Save lives first, then treat illnesses. If I tell you the last thing, I'll hurt him if I persist." As he spoke, he began to "open and close".

Seeing this situation, Dongyang De turned his head to two of his subordinates and said, "Go and carry the doctor who was injured by the devil's spies just now, and go to the door. Then immediately go to the hospital door and guard."

"Yes." The two agents replied, turned around and walked out immediately.

"Cross-infection. Was the doctor in our hospital shot?" Another doctor asked.

"Yes." Dongyang De said: "I was shot twice by the devil, one shot in the arm and one shot in the ribs. Just in time, you have finished treating our brother and started to operate on that little doctor."

"It's too layman to talk." The doctor said: "It needs to be cleaned and disinfected, otherwise there will be cross-infection." Then he said: "I don't need me here now, I'll go and get the other operating room ready."

The one who may be the chief surgeon said: "Okay, you go, it will be over soon."

The previous doctor turned around and was about to leave when an agent glanced at Dongyangde.Dongyang De hesitated for a while, and said: "I believe in the doctor, thank you!"

"You're welcome, you should." The doctor replied and walked out of the operating room.

After the doctor left, it may have been more than a minute, less than two minutes.The operation has already been completed, and he said: "I won't keep you, I know you can't let him stay for treatment. Pay attention to the wound when moving. Hold this blood bag by yourself, and remember to pull out the needle after the transfusion. I The most worrying thing is the problem of infection. If possible, we still need to get some antibiotics. The wound should be disinfected every day..."

The doctor was babbling and giving instructions after finishing the work, and Dongyangde and the others immediately started to work, tore off a few electrocardiogram instruments, and then pushed the hospital bed and started to walk out.But this doctor is indeed a person with great medical ethics, so Dongyang De and others respect him very much in their hearts.

After leaving the operating room, Dongyang De turned his head and said: "Thank you, doctor!" Then he immediately joined the others and quickly pushed the liaison officer out.

When they got outside, a few people were reasonable and transferred the liaison officer to the car. In fact, the conditions in the car were limited, so he had to lie on his side.An agent sat on the edge of a chair in the back row, blocked the position of the liaison officer's butt with his body, and supported him with his hand.At the same time, hold the blood bag.

A group of people hurried into the car, started it immediately, and drove out of the hospital.Then immediately turned right in a short time, turned left, turned right again, and then turned a few blocks, and then started to go in the direction of the safe house.

Fan Keqin's order was to transfer immediately if the operation was performed last night, and to transfer with the doctor if the operation was not completed.Dongyangde can be said to adapt to the situation and let the doctor complete the operation before transferring.But the result was no different from Fan Keqin's instructions. The ultimate goal was to completely get out of the opponent's sight in front of the little devil.

In fact, this is also the case. After arriving at the safe house, everyone reasonably carried the liaison officer into the house.Take out the stored medicine and prepare it. When Dongyangde wakes up, he will start to take the medicine.

In fact, about seven or eight minutes after the people in Dongyang left the hospital, several cars drove towards the hospital quickly.These people were the spies sent by Hiroyuki Mizugaki.But after all, he came a step late... He could only call immediately, contact Hiroyuki Mizugaki, and explain the situation.

Hiroyuki Mizugaki understood that his own strategy of "the enemy is clear and we are dark" should not work well now.After all, the gun battle had already happened, and he knew that the enemy must have known about his own existence.So I immediately ordered the people in the hospital not to worry about it, and quickly contacted the Gendarmerie Investigation Office and the Police Department, and asked them to send someone to cooperate with the investigation.

And Hiroyuki Mizugaki himself asked Shangbei Jiyu to lead people, and also contacted the secret service agency directly under the garrison headquarters, asking them to send people to assist him, and began to investigate the situation of Lu Kaiyu and Xiao Boda.And he himself took people to Lei Zhemao's situation.

While rushing to Lei Zhemao's house, Hiroyuki Mizugaki began to meditate while sitting in the car.The ghost is indeed well-deserved of its reputation. When the people on their own side only revealed a flaw that can't be regarded as a flaw, it can be regarded as an accident. They reacted so quickly, and there was nothing wrong with their response. In the end, these three people were caught in the eyelids of their own people. The child was robbed.It seemed that he was not vigilant enough after all.

Hiroyuki Mizugaki thought about it, but he was not in a daze.This kid's tenacity is not enough to be sluggish by these things.Instead, he reminded himself that from now on, he had to be [-]% determined to deal with Fan Keqin.

After arriving at Lei Zhemao's house, the opponent's house and the place where the shootout was fought were all blocked by his subordinates.At this time, the local police station and other personnel have also arrived.

However, after Hiroyuki Mizugaki showed the order from his own military department, he easily took command of the scene into his hands.Start asking your subordinates to conduct visits and investigations.He asked his subordinates to look for several directions. The first one was to ask about the specific process of the shootout, including the weapons used and so on.The second is to visit Lei Zhemao's neighbors and try to get a full grasp of Lei Zhemao's situation.The third one is for those who escorted Lei Zhemao, find out the car they are riding in.Try to find someone by car.

When his investigation started, Fan Keqin had already known about Dongyangde and the others nearly ten minutes ago, and had already rescued the liaison officer Wan Xinzhi.It's just that Dongyang De was injured, but fortunately the injury was not serious, and he and others...

(End of this chapter)

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