spy ace

Chapter 2708 Gains and Losses

Chapter 2708 Gains and Losses
I and others also have such artifacts as Huang Anfen, so there shouldn't be any problems.After confirming the situation, Fan Keqin analyzed it and felt that it was safe for the time being.So he called Bai Fengtai to his office.There are two purposes. The first one is to sum up experience and lessons. After all, if there is no follow-up to deal with this crisis, then maybe the little devil really got his way.The second purpose is how to deal with people like Hiroyuki Mizugaki.

Bai Fengtai said: "I was careless this time, I should have made the protection measures more rigorous."

"I can't blame you." Fan Keqin said: "What we need to do now is to learn from this experience. In fact, the security measures are still acceptable, otherwise, we might not have discovered it."

Bai Fengtai said: "Well, Lei Zhemao's security measures have worked, but the others have not."

Fan Keqin said: "In fact, we can think of a way to let them observe each other regularly."

Bai Fengtai repeated: observe each other.Then he thought for a while and said: "For example, one, two, three, three people, these three people live on the street that each other passes by every day, or simply, let them deliberately pass by each other once a day, just If you do this, there will be joint security issues. If one person has an accident, the rest of the people may not be safe either."

Fan Keqin said: "On and off the line, people they already know, just observe each other. For example, let them pass by each other at a certain time at a staggered time, and then let the other party observe. It's like Junichi Terauchi who came to Shanghai for the first time. When they went to the airport, they must have set up an ambush observation point in advance. Then the convoy passed there, so that they could conduct effective observation.

And our guys, just going up and down the line themselves, do it on a regular basis.Or feel unsafe, you can take the initiative to start this self-examination program.But people on each line do not have horizontal connections. "

In fact, Fan Keqin and the others can command people, although there are many.Generally speaking, it is still very safe, a bit like a parallel circuit in a circuit.There are only offline and offline contacts between each other.But every line is parallel without any intersection.Then on top of this parallel circuit, there will be a safety switch.On the top is still the turning switch, and on the top is... After several turnings, it will come to Fan Keqin.

Now Fan Keqin proposed the self-inspection procedure.That is, on each parallel line, the upper and lower levels need to check each other regularly or irregularly.But every place is controlled within its own upper and lower lines, and does not have any intersection with other online people.This is an extra step of checking each other, so it is not troublesome.It can also maintain the same high efficiency as before.

After hearing this, Bai Fengtai understood, and said: "No trouble, it's almost the same as before, except that there is an additional safety procedure for the superiors and subordinates of each line. It's easy, and I'll give instructions later. Let them strictly implement it."

"Okay." Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Let's leave this matter as it is. After the new staff arrives, you can pass it on. The next batch of staff is coming soon, right?"

Bai Fengtai said: "You can do it at any time, just be on standby. Didn't this happen just now? I'm worried that the news might be a bit tight, so I want to wait another two days."

Fan Keqin gave a "hmm" and said, "Okay, it's better to wait for a while, anyway, we haven't decided how to deal with these little devil's spies."

Bai Fengtai said: "In my humble opinion, the first thing to do is to figure out who our enemy is. When rescuing Lei Zhemao, Lu Kaiyu, and Xiao Boda, the brothers fought against them. Almost none of us What a loss, but you killed them by surprise, and killed a lot of them seriously. This is all due to your rescue plan at the time, a sudden attack. But from the previous point of view, the combat power of this group of people is definitely considered elite. If It is not a tactic arranged by you, if you hit them off guard, I am afraid the result will be two."

Speaking of this, Bai Fengtai paused, and said again: "There are quite a few people who were killed or injured by us. Among them, they can't ignore the wounded. They must go to the hospital for treatment. Those who were injured didn't die. But those who need follow-up treatment also need to be hospitalized. So Brother Heng, do you want me to send some people to various hospitals to investigate one or two, I feel that this can be used as a breakthrough, touch them, and finally find out who they are , where are you hiding?"

Fan Keqin thought about it carefully, just as Bai Fengtai said.A lot of people were killed after the fight, but there must be devils and spies who didn't die, and those who didn't die were also shot wounds.It's impossible not to go to the hospital for treatment. As long as they go to the hospital for treatment, follow Bai Fengtai's instructions and follow this clue to find the core of this group of spies.

However, Fan Keqin came up with another idea. If this group of spies passed by their own people in the hospital, they would actually have to take a certain risk, and this group of people's anti-tracking ability is quite strong.When Shunichi Terauchi left Shanghai for the first time and went to the airport, the tracking men were ambushed, which already proved that the anti-tracking ability of this group was extraordinary.So there is no need to send someone to the hospital for the time being.

So Fan Keqin talked about this idea to Bai Fengtai, and then said: "It can be solved by other methods. This time there was such a big commotion, there were gun battles in three places, and we killed and injured so many people , They always need to contact some local agencies and units, activate the internal lines of the police station, city patrol camp, city defense and other places, and let them pay attention to this matter, I believe, it will definitely gain something."

Bai Fengtai felt that what Fan Keqin said was right, so the risk was smaller. After all, some of these insiders were engaged in front-line work, and they could even contact each other in a legitimate way.And the purpose can still be achieved.So he said, "Okay, I'll make arrangements now."

The matter was quickly arranged by Bai Fengtai. In fact, just as Fan Keqin expected, Hiroyuki Mizugaki couldn't keep it up no matter how much he fought.Lei Zhemao, Xiao Boda, and Lu Kaiyu, except for Xiao Boda who ran away directly without any conflict, the other two places all exchanged fire when they were arrested.And killed and wounded nearly twenty of his subordinates.Such a movement, how could it be possible to play the enemy's tricks.

Simply, since it is no longer possible to do it this way, let's play it openly.In fact, Hiroyuki Mizugaki still...

(End of this chapter)

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