spy ace

Chapter 2721 Parabola

Chapter 2721 Parabola

It is said that the Security Bureau pretended to be a guest and entered the team at the Lusheng Hotel.The commander took a total of four people including him, and after turning around and going downstairs, as soon as he came out of the stairwell, he saw at a glance inside the gate of Lusheng Hotel, two spies of devils on the left and right, fighting with guns, heading towards Both sides outside fired again and again.It should be an attempt to prevent the outside Security Bureau agents from rushing in.

Seeing this situation, why are you still hesitating, the four people moved the muzzles of their guns slightly, and it was a short point that was aimed at these two people.

Each of the four people had a short point, but there was at least one of these two devils, and they were shot three times in the body, and they were knocked down instantly.But at this moment, they suddenly heard the side position, and someone was shooting at them continuously in a very short period of time.

It turned out that when they rushed out of the stairwell, the first thing they saw must be the entrance of Lusheng Hotel.Because that's where the gunshots came from.Furthermore, they also knew that their own people would definitely attack from the outside again, forming a pincer attack with themselves and others. Therefore, the most important thing for them was to look at the position of the gate first.

But when they put the two devils guarding the door at the door, Hiroyuki Mizugaki, the devil's spy chief hiding behind the reception desk, immediately started to attack.

After finishing the phone call, he had already started to make plans for what might happen in the future.If the other party rushes in, where should I take a step back for the time being?In this way, you can delay the other party for a while, so as to buy more time for your own support to arrive.Wouldn't it be too fucked up if he was killed before the backup arrived?

There is another one, the gunshot upstairs, there must be enemies.Hiroyuki Mizugaki was even sure that there must be enemies who lived in as ordinary guests.It's not that they haven't paid attention to this aspect these days, but after all, there is no way to investigate deeply. It is impossible to kill all the guests living in several floors, or throw them out.

Now there is fire upstairs, no need to ask, there must be enemies.Therefore, I have to find a way out.In other words, Hiroyuki Mizugaki lived in the Lusheng Hotel in Shanghai after Toshiichi Terauchi died. It can be said that he has a good understanding of the environment and structure of the hotel.

When he should prepare to retreat in advance, he immediately glanced at the door behind the reception desk.This door is the corridor door leading to the room on the first floor of the hotel.In other words, this side is based on my intentional or unintentional understanding during my stay here.The rooms on this side are similar to those upstairs, but certainly not as good as my penthouse suite.Basically a single room.

And there are many rooms, so there are many choices for yourself, and there are water rooms, utility rooms, toilets and so on on this side.The windows of many rooms lead to the street behind the hotel, which is the residential area.Therefore, if he passes through here, there will be a way out.

Mizugaki Hiroyuki thought to himself: The other party is looking for him, so as long as he loses his sight, even for a moment, he doesn't see himself entering that room.Then they can only search every room.Even if they have high search ability and quick hands and feet, they don't dare to be too presumptuous.Be careful to hide in a room and shoot them.Therefore, no matter how fast they are, their search will definitely take more time.

In this case, he has a great chance to escape through the rear window.But what about the enemy?The enemy will definitely be held back.In this way, as soon as my support arrives, they will also be wiped out by myself and others.

After putting down the phone and calling attention quickly, Hiroyuki Mizugaki continued to hide behind the reception desk, but leaned towards the side of the door.Use all your senses and pay attention to everything around you.

At this moment, he heard that the door in the stairwell on the left was suddenly opened.Hiroyuki Mizugaki himself bent over to avoid it, and shrank his head again in fright.It was precisely because of this that he was on the side, and there was a three to four meter long reception desk blocking him, so when the four people from the Security Bureau came out, they didn't see him at all.

Immediately afterwards, Hiroyuki Mizugaki heard the sound of rattling gunshots.So he immediately took advantage of this moment to rush out from the reception desk. With a low body, he used the reception desk to block the other party's view, and in a few steps, he smashed open the double door of the corridor leading to the room on the side with his body.

The moment he entered, Hiroyuki Mizugaki turned around quickly. At this time, he was no longer short, because if he was short, the reception desk would block his own sight.Standing up, he raised his hand to the four members of the Security Bureau and quickly pulled the trigger.Papa papa... four shots in a row.

Of the four shots, one was shot, because it was four security bureau agents who basically aimed at him, and he fired too quickly, so it flew away.The remaining three shots, two of which hit the far right Security Service agent.That is, the one relying on Hiroyuki Mizugaki this time.A shot hit the team member's right shoulder, and a shot passed through the front of the chest and abdomen, opening a big hole in him.

The other shot was very accurate. Hiroyuki Mizugaki, an old devil, was lucky this time and hit the neck of the second member of the Security Bureau.

But after four shots, Hiroyuki Mizugaki didn't dare to continue fighting.The other party is not a good stubble, and I rely on sneak attacks.If it took longer, and the few bullets left in his gun chamber didn't really bring them down, then he must be the one who got them.

Furthermore, the other party reacted very quickly, especially a man who looked 38 or nine years old. When he fired the second shot, he had already turned his head in his direction.By the time of the fourth shot, the opponent had already started to bend forward to the side, making a fake body to avoid the bullets, and at the same time, the muzzle of the gun was also moving over.

Therefore, after Hiroyuki Mizugaki fired four shots in quick succession, he didn't dare to fight, turned around and ran away.He was only two steps away when the gunfire sounded behind him.Fortunately, Hiroyuki Mizugaki ran in against the wall, and the opponent had some shooting angles.Therefore, although there were several bullet holes in the double doors in the corridor, Hiroyuki Mizugaki was not hit.

While running, Hiroichi Mizugaki took out a magazine that had been fired before from his pocket.When he passed a guest room door and pushed it with his hand, he obviously felt that the door was opened. The moment before he turned in quickly, he pushed the magazine with his left hand, and threw it forward along the wall of the corridor this time. out.The magazine draws a parabola in the air...

(End of this chapter)

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