spy ace

Chapter 2722 Desperate Evacuation

Chapter 2722 Desperate Evacuation
The empty magazine was thrown out by Hiroyuki Mizugaki for a distance of three rooms, and landed on the ground near the door of the fourth room.At this time, Hiroyuki Mizugaki had already entered the room he pushed away.

As soon as he entered, he hurriedly turned around and quickly closed the door, and when it was about to close, he pulled back slightly.Don't let the closing door make too much noise.

In other words, when he just turned around and ran into the corridor door.The four Security Bureau agents outside, the commander of this team immediately said: "Xiao Wu stay, take him away from the battlefield. Remind our people, be careful of the devils coming down from upstairs." After a little hesitation, he added again: "It's time to evacuate."

The evacuation was because of his assessment, so many people outside were waiting for the two of them, obviously not possible.And it's even worse to come in and follow his own two actions. Who knows if he will be directly held back by the possible support of the devil.If it is really delayed, then the devil's support must be continuous, so that none of these people will be able to leave in the end.

After finishing speaking, he patted the arm of the other uninjured companion and said, "Let's chase!"

The two quickly came to the door of the corridor, and did not rush in immediately, in case the other party was ambushing behind.The commander set his gun and pointed it at the door.Seeing this, the companion suddenly slammed open the corridor door.

The two rushed in almost in no particular order, but there was no trace of them in the corridor on this side.No, it's not that there is no trace.The commander saw something in the middle of the corridor, on the ground next to the room.He is still very familiar with this thing, the magazine of the pistol.

The companion also saw it, and the two looked at each other, and immediately ran forward holding the gun.At this moment, there was a boom, boom, and a few more explosions from behind, which sounded like grenades.But the two of them definitely couldn't care about the situation behind them, and they quickly came to the position of the magazine.

The commander fired a gun, and his companion slammed into it, and then the two rushed in.The two of them scanned the area first, but found no one.The companion went to the toilet in this room, and the commander looked under the bed and at a double wardrobe next to it.Still not found.

At this time, the commander felt that he couldn't delay any longer, and he had already thought of several possibilities.Hiroyuki Mizugaki, the devil's spy chief, probably threw the magazine here on purpose, but it's really not certain whether he himself was in that room.After all, magazines are something that cannot be thrown away.Why did it just fall here?And there's no one in the house?
But you have to search carefully, you may find it, or you may not find it.With so many rooms, it will take a while.In this way, the gang of brothers outside might be trapped deeper and deeper by the devil forces when they come to support them, and they will suffer heavy losses in the end.

Therefore, the commander also stopped when he stopped, saying: "Retreat! Jump out of the window!" As he spoke, he had already reached the other side of the corridor, and a gun butt shattered the glass.The two jumped out one after another.

The two of them had just come out, and the right side of the street outside was fine for the time being, while the entrance of Lusheng Hotel was on the left side.The person who attacked with horns before had already reached the door.The few people closest to the door were shooting in, and there was almost constant rattling gunfire.It's the same inside, the sound of gunshots can be heard from time to time, it is obvious that the devils upstairs have completely attacked.But the two groups of people have nothing to do with each other for the time being.

In addition, the few team members who were not close to the door were very alert.When the commander and that accomplice jumped out of the window, they had already discovered it.

"Quick retreat! Quick retreat! Is the responder coming?" The commander immediately started shouting after he came out.

"The signal has been sent!" Several people outside the door immediately came out and said.It turned out that the two team members who were injured before received the order, threw two grenades back again, and then ran out of the entrance of the Lusheng Hotel.Join the people outside and convey the commander's affairs.The people outside immediately began to make several gestures towards the opposite side.

On the opposite floor, the agent who killed the devil's dead gunman immediately notified the pick-up vehicle by phone.

But they couldn't run away rashly, so the devil who was rushed out from inside would be shot in the back.So just wait at the door.

In fact, it didn't take long at all, about twenty seconds, several cars swished out at the intersection on the left side of the opposite building, and stopped directly at the right side of the entrance of Lusheng Hotel.

"After the grenade is broken! The rest get on the bus!" The commander shouted again.He himself was the one with the grenade.So he, his former companion, and another team member boarded the last car.Before getting into the car, one after the other, each of them threw another grenade into the hotel.Let the grenade explode every few seconds.In this way, it can also cover the team members at the door to get on the car.

At this time, they got into the car and threw grenades at the hotel entrance from the window.Anyway, each of them carried at least four of them in this operation.So it is definitely enough for now.

With a whoosh, two grenades were thrown out one after another.The commander said anxiously: "Let's go!" The agents driving the car didn't even need him to say, they had already hit the gas pedal as soon as their grenade was released.Drive the car forward.

Being bombed by grenades every short period of time, the devils who rushed down from the upstairs of the Lusheng Hotel also did not dare to rush out.But they also learned from their experience that their military literacy is very high. These grenades were all covered by each of them, and they lay down at a far distance. Only one person's calf was scratched by a shrapnel that flew far away. But definitely no problem at all.

But also because of this, they delayed the best time.When they made sure that no grenade was exploding, and rushed out of the hotel entrance, the last car, with only one car butt, turned to the left, and was immediately blocked by the building at the corner of the street on that side, and lost out of view.

But at this moment, a series of bullets suddenly rushed over. How could these devils who were chasing after him think that the firepower point in the building opposite had changed its name?The light machine gun fired a shuttle of bullets back and forth.The devil was beaten to pieces at once, and six or seven were knocked down on the spot, and among the six or seven, five of them were shot to the point, and basically they would not survive.

The rest of the ghosts were lucky, and they all turned around and retreated to the gate of the Lusheng Hotel.It turned out that the agent on the opposite side who controlled the machine gun...

(End of this chapter)

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