spy ace

Chapter 2723

Chapter 2723
This agent, after making the phone call, kept looking at the opposite side, watching his companions get into the car one by one, and after evacuating quickly, he did not leave immediately.What he did was to prevent the devils from chasing them out too quickly and shooting at the car that hadn't completely left. If someone was injured, or the car was damaged, or the tire blew up, it would be more harm than good.

He himself was on the other side of the street and didn't see the last car of his men leaving.But he felt that the time should be almost up, and he was about to get up and leave here.He saw eight or nine devils rushed out of the door of Lusheng Hotel.Although these devils are also wearing plain clothes, carrying a submachine gun.But this agent of the Security Bureau is not afraid.Seeing this, to be on the safe side, he moved the muzzle of the gun slightly and pulled the trigger.

This light machine gun is the devil's Taisho [-]th type, which is commonly known as a crooked handle, or a machine gun called a crooked handle.This light machine gun is quite good, and the shooting state is very stable. In addition, the legs have been extended at this time, so it is even more stable.So, the chug chug went down, and more than half of the people lay down directly.The rest of the devils quickly slipped back into the hotel gate.

He threw a grenade and the safety latch down the window, then lifted the machine gunner who was already dead before, and carefully pressed the grenade underneath.Then the agent turned and whooshed and began to run.

In fact, when he turned around, there were several cars whizzing by on the street on the left side of Lusheng Hotel opposite him.It turned out that Hiroyuki Mizugaki had arranged for a group of devils to hide in the residential area behind the Lusheng Hotel.

It seems that they came too slowly, but in reality, how long did it take?A total of less than 3 minutes.It can only be said that the assault style of the Security Bureau is to be fast, no matter how fast, even faster!

Originally, it was too late, but then it was too soon, from the attack to the security bureau agents who pretended to be guests, attacking from upstairs to downstairs.Then the two people left behind slightly blocked the devils who were rushing upstairs.Then I went to the commander and companions, went to the corridor on the right side of the first floor of Lusheng Hotel, and searched a certain room.After exporting, they got into the car and evacuated. In fact, it was a lot to say, but they never stopped.So it's less than 3 minutes total.

And behind the Lusheng Hotel, there is the little devil support team hidden in the residential area.Although this group of people is equally elite, and the distance is not too far.But they were afraid that someone would deliberately make noise in the hotel to test out the security measures they had arranged.So they have to wait for the call before they can go out.

Of course, this time didn't take long, how long would it take to make a phone call.Although it is an old-fashioned phone with fingers inserted and circled back, ten or so seconds is enough.

When they came out, they got in the car and drove through the residential area and down the street.It happened to be a little more than three points, but with such a fast speed, it didn't stop the agents of the Security Bureau.Of course, there is also the judgment of the commander. If he didn't think that Hiroyuki Mizugaki might really not be able to find it, or it would take too much time to find it.He immediately and decisively asked to evacuate, then the two of them would definitely meet.

But in this situation, because the Security Bureau's attack and evacuation were too fast, they ran into nothing.

Let's talk about the agent who controls the machine gun, his name is Su Jinglue.After turning around and running out of this room, he immediately turned left and ran a few steps.Then turn right and enter a bathroom.

It turned out that he had already paved the way for himself here before.Behind here, there is a unit door, and there is a door edge sticking out above the unit door.So don't look at it as the third floor, but the position of the door edge is basically only a little lower than the ground on the second floor.Therefore, between one plus and one minus, jumping from here to the lower edge of the door is actually not that high.

He reached out to open the window of the bathroom, ran to the window without hesitation, glanced down a little, and then jumped down.Stepping on the edge of the door with both feet, after squatting to relieve the force, he jumped lightly again, and fell from the edge of the door quickly to the ground.

Following Su Jinglue and walking forward without hesitation, this place is also a group of residential buildings, below which are some wooden boxes, or sheds for coal storage, one by one, forming a small alley.

After Su Jinglue entered the small alley, he took off his hood and threw it on the roof of a shed.Seeing that there was no one around, he took off another windbreaker outside.They were held in one hand in a ball, and when they walked by, they were stuffed into the half-open door of a coal shed.

He was wearing two coats, so the different styles inside were exposed.In addition, there was a mask to cover his face before, so as long as he can escape, he is not very afraid of being found later.

After passing through this small alley, his pace slowed down a little.But the pace is slightly larger, so it can still be faster.But you can't run, because as long as you run, you will be noticed easily.Turn right, and once again pass through the courtyard of residential buildings with only a few people here and there.A door opening was formed between the two buildings and passed through.

Then turn left, follow the street away from Luxon Hotel.Su Jinglue looked at another residential area one street away. He needed to go in again, so that he might be able to steal bicycles and the like.

After all, I left my resources behind and didn't let the car wait for me.However, Su Jinglue did not regret this decision.If there is a car left behind, maybe someone will really notice it.After all, the courtyard of the buildings just now was not completely empty.

But just as he was walking forward, he heard the sound of a motor behind him. It was obvious that a car was coming, and the speed was still very fast.In an instant, Su Jinglue realized that it was broken, it was the devil's car coming over.

But after thinking about it, I don't need to panic, after all, I have already come out of the previous residential area, and I have still walked for a while.The streets here are not completely empty of pedestrians.The devil had never seen his face, so he just had to calm down and wait for them to pass by.

Sure enough, very quickly, within a few seconds.The cars behind, or the convoy, swished past Su Jinglue's side road continuously.But at an intersection in front of him, he braked directly and stopped.Then the people who rushed down from the car immediately set up a trap.

Is this to seal off this area?It's broken...but there's hope.Thinking of this, Su Jinglue still walked forward normally, not far away, turned right again, and he returned to a building group on this side.

(End of this chapter)

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