spy ace

Chapter 2724 Confrontation

Chapter 2724 Confrontation
Back in the building group, while walking towards the courtyard of the residential building, he thought quickly in his heart: "The devils set up a checkpoint at the intersection just now, that is to say, they have just reacted, so they will not block this area so quickly. No leaks. I must still have a chance. But the cars on this side of the road are driving very fast. Does that mean that there are devils and spies on the other side of the street in this residential area, and they drove to the corresponding intersection? !
In this way, even if I pass through this residential area, I can't turn left, otherwise I will be blocked by the card.Then... what I should do is, walk through the residential area, then walk through the corridor, try to enter a certain building on the opposite side of the road, and then go out.This is tantamount to passing through the devil's blockade horizontally. "

What Su Jing thought about was only the checkpoint set up by the devil he saw just now as a basis.But his speculation is absolutely very reasonable, so he did the same.Quickly walked through the residential area, came to the street, pretended to be a normal pedestrian, and glanced to the left.Sure enough, the next moment at the intersection, a black car lay across there.There are several devils holding guns beside them, looking back and forth in all directions.

At this moment, four people were stopped in front of them.After all, there was a distance, and the devils didn't shout loudly, so they could only hear what they were really talking about, but couldn't hear what they were talking about.But the few people who were stopped seemed very helpless, and three of them had to turn around and come back.There was another person who was still explaining something to the devil, and took out his pocket watch and said something anxiously.

But judging from the status of the devil's spies, it should be that oil and salt do not enter, and finally shouted: "No one can pass, this is a military order! If you try to break in, I will kill you." As he said, although the gun was not aimed at this person , but it was loaded with a crash.

Su Jinglue didn't look any further, and after crossing the road, he came to the opposite side.But the streets on this side are basically all shops, and I want to reach a place with small alleys that can be crossed.You need to go in the direction of Lusheng Hotel. Even if you can go there, time may not allow it.

According to Su Jinglue, when he saw a restaurant, he turned around and walked in.At this time, it is not considered a meal time, there is only a table of guests inside.The restaurant is not too small, there are eight tables in the house.After walking in, a guy greeted him.

Su Jinglue took out his wallet and said, "Well, you prepare three hot dishes and one cold appetizer for me. There are no taboos, so you can do as you see fit, and boil a pot of wine. I'm going to buy something, these You take the money first."

"Hey, sir, I'll ask the kitchen to prepare it right away." The guy smiled and said, "This is a lot of money. I'll do the math first, and then I'll find it for you."

"No need." Su Jinglue also smiled and said, "It's a tip for you. Hey, by the way, can you go out later? I'm going to do some shopping and I'll be right back."

"Yes, I can take you there." The clerk took the money, and the service was more sincere, and immediately took Su Jinglue to the back, passing the bathroom, water room, and stove room.He opened a door and said, "Sir, when you come back, knock on the door harder, and I'll come back and open it for you."

"En. Good." Su Jing slightly nodded, and walked out.

In fact, he had already thought about it. If there was no back door in this house, he would immediately turn around and go out to another house.There is always a back door. Under the attack of banknotes, the little devil has not carried out large-scale investigations or registration methods at this time, so there is still a high probability that he will find a store with a back door.

After walking out, Su Jinglue glanced at the street on the left again.There is still a devil's car at the intersection, and there is a river ahead, and I can't cross it.This is bad, if the time delay is too long, it will be over.There must be more and more support from the devils, and the seal will be tighter than now, so I really have no way to leave.

It turned out that Hiroyuki Mizugaki, a devil, was indeed very talented.After hiding in a room, he locked the door.Then came to the back window, and the window was opened.This is not the time to jump ship and flee.Because if I really jumped out, I ran along the base of the wall to both sides. Who knows if there is anyone around the building of Lusheng Hotel.

So once he jumps out of the window, he can only go through the passage immediately, and then enter the residential area behind the Lusheng Hotel. He believes that there is no problem here.Because I arranged it before, there is a pair of people in the residential area behind.In this way, if you run there by yourself, you will probably be fine.

However, you must not be in a hurry, for example, if you jump out at this time, run to the opposite side of the road.Then there is no shelter on the road.And the person chasing him, even if he didn't find the house he was in now, but was searching another room, is it possible to see himself in the aisle from the back window?Even if they can't catch up with themselves, they only need to shoot crazily.It was a Thomson, a submachine gun with a high rate of fire.Therefore, he is still in great danger.

Hiroyuki Mizugaki's mind was very calm, and he also held his breath, standing quietly by the window.Use all your senses to hear everything you can hear.

But after a while, he heard a crash in the corridor.Although the sound was not loud through the door, Hiroyuki Mizugaki was still sure that this was the other side of the corridor, that is, the window in the direction of the front door of Lusheng Hotel was smashed.Did someone jump in from here?Is it our own people or the enemy?
It should be the enemy. After all, there are many enemies at the entrance of the Lusheng Hotel, so if you jump in from the front, it must be the enemy.But there is another possibility, that is, the person chasing him is very decisive. He probably feels that he will not be able to find him for a while. The fastest, break the window and leave.

No matter what, Hiroyuki Mizugaki walked to the door on tiptoe with a gun in his hand, and put his ear on the crack of the door to distinguish the sound carefully.

The sound insulation effect of the hotel room door is still good, but the commander outside happened to jump out with his companions at this time, and loudly urged everyone to evacuate.And he just picked out the window, so the sound can still be transmitted from the window to the corridor, and it can be heard by Hiroyuki Mizugaki, who is standing across the three doors.

But Hiroyuki Mizugaki still didn't move, he was afraid that it was the opponent's deliberate trick to lure the enemy...

(End of this chapter)

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