spy ace

Chapter 2951 A Discovery

Chapter 2951 A Discovery

In less than an hour, two more women came one after another. Both of these women came by car, and they were well dressed.So the judgment should be the wife of a wealthy family or the like.

After entering, nothing happened.However, Liang Yan immediately communicated with the group of people monitoring Wang Commander's house, confirmed the surrounding security situation, and then dispatched a few spies with good ears to wander around the Wang Commander's house for a few times, wanting to take a look. Can you hear anything.

Not to mention, when these agents came back, they really heard some movement. It seemed that there were faint sounds of playing mahjong and shuffling cards in the house.But after all, the voice was too low, and I couldn't be sure because I didn't see it.After Liang Yan learned of this situation, he immediately found a public phone and reported the situation to Huazhang.

Huazhang didn't think there was anything wrong with the two later women.After all, in terms of the number of people, there are exactly four people in a table of mahjong.There is also the mahjong sound that the agents of the Security Bureau may vaguely hear, and it is really possible that it is a big name.But now the manpower is sufficient, and in addition to being rigorous, so Huazhang asked Liang Yan to send someone to follow the two later women.

When it was seven o'clock in the evening, they were the first to receive the news that Commander Wang had returned from the City Defense Command.Then, less than 10 minutes later, Commander Wang's car did drive into the house.In this way, it lasted until around 08:30 in the evening, when the door of the Wang family opened again, and the three women including Li Linlin came out and left separately.

At about ten o'clock in the evening, Liang Yan rushed back to the Security Bureau and began to report to Huazhang, saying, "Li Linlin left in the car of Mrs. Zhao. Therefore, I immediately made emergency arrangements after they left, and dispatched more A few brothers followed Mrs. Zhao's car. After all, in such a private space as the car, it is also possible to pass some information. Therefore, Mrs. Zhao is much more suspicious than Mrs. Huo on a single wheel. "

"Well." Huazhang said: "Then, did the cars of Mrs. Zhao and Mrs. Huo return home normally? Where is Li Linlin? Did she return home normally?"

"Yes." Liang Yan said: "Mrs. Zhao's car first brought Li Linlin home, and put Li Linlin at the door. Then Li Linlin greeted normally and went home. After that, Mrs. Zhao's car didn't stop either. She went home straight away. Mrs. Huo went straight home after leaving Commander Wang's house. There was no stopover."

"Then Mrs. Zhao's suspicion will be reduced." Huazhang said: "The car parked in front of Li Linlin's house, so ostentatious? The chances of having a ghost in her heart are not too high. But today's focus is still the clothing store. It must be done. Find out who opened the clothing store, who sells clothes in it, how many apprentices there are, and even where the source of goods comes from. I want all the information. But I would rather give up than follow up. The principle of not following up remains unchanged.”

"Understood." Liang Yan said: "I have already arranged a few brothers to investigate this matter, and I believe that the basic information of the clothing store will come out tomorrow."

He was right. After a day of undercover investigation, the clothing store was transferred a year ago, that is, on May No. 20 last year.It turns out that this shop is not a clothing store, but a restaurant.However, on May NO.20 a year ago, someone paid for it.They also inquired about a piece of information. It turns out that the business of this restaurant is not bad.This is a bit suspicious.

But it's only a little suspicious from the agent's thinking.Nothing else.The owner of the clothing store is from Tianjin. It is said that he was originally engaged in this business in Tianjin.His name is Chang Tian. He is 48 years old and has a wife and children.This, on the contrary, lowered the previous ones.Under normal circumstances, the probability of a spy lurking in a certain place is very low to start a family, let alone have children.Of course, this is not absolute. Sometimes I will play an anti-psychological tactic, intentionally having a wife and children.

The store now is basically run by Chang Tian himself.The purchase channels are normal, and no problems have been found.In addition to selling ready-made clothes, Chang Tian can also make custom-made clothes, that is to say, his craftsmanship is also real, and he does it well.

After he arrived in the local area, he also took in the only apprentice named Jin Zhongyi.While doing some odd jobs in the store and learning the craft, sometimes I would order clothes for some wealthy people, and go to run errands to deliver the clothes that were already made.Or instead of going out to the customer who made an appointment every day, go to the house to measure the size.

On the day Li Linlin went, Jin Zhongyi, Chang Tian's apprentice, happened to be out to deliver the clothes to a customer who had made clothes, so he wasn't there at the time.

After reading the basic information of the investigation, Huazhang really didn't find anything suspicious.But in this tailor shop itself, Li Linlin came to the door suddenly on the way to Commander Wang's house.That itself is never allowed to be easily let go.Therefore, Huazhang put down the information and said: "Jiaren, investigate Chang Tian's family, and this apprentice, Jin Zhongyi. All the necessary means have been used. They must have a phone in the shop. Send people to the telephone office to take turns to guard , I want to know the content of all incoming and outgoing calls."

On the third day after Huazhang issued this order, Huazhang and the others finally had a major breakthrough, because they followed Chang Tianshi who came home from the store and found that Chang Tian had thrown an empty cigarette case five streets away in a designated garbage dump.

The following Security Bureau agents didn't think there was anything special at the time, but with Huazhang inheriting the rigorous style of Fan Keqin's office, they still stayed behind to guard.Sure enough, after a while, a half-grown old man who picked up garbage came over, planed some things in the garbage dump with a small hook, and put them into the bag he was holding.Then the agents of the Security Bureau followed the half-grown old man picking up trash.But on the way, the old man went through an alley and then suddenly came back.

All of a sudden, the security bureau agent who was following him immediately became more energetic.Because this is an anti-stalking action.Fortunately, their own principle is that they would rather be lost than be found.Therefore, when they saw the half-grown man entering the alley, they didn't follow up immediately. There was a huge risk in doing so, that is, it was easy to lose track of the target.

But fortunately, the opponent's anti-tracking action did not work.So then they are more cautious.Next, this half-grown old man...

(End of this chapter)

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