spy ace

Chapter 2952 Absenteeism

Chapter 2952 Absenteeism
Then a group of agents from the Security Bureau finally followed a half-grown old man into a dilapidated house on the edge of the city.About an hour later, there was smoke from the chimney of the dilapidated house, apparently a fire was being made for cooking.

At this time, the agents of the Security Bureau had found the phone and passed the information to the headquarters of the Security Bureau.After Huazhang knew the situation, he made several phone calls in a row.That is, an hour after the phone call.The people from the Telecommunications Department immediately came to the door. It turned out that they had already captured a new mysterious signal based on the information provided by Huazhang.

Hua Zhang immediately realized that someone was sending a telegram.So, I immediately sent people to the Electric Power Bureau to check the electricity consumption of various places they monitored during this period...

In other words, during Fan Keqin's stay in Shanghai, there was no disturbance. The situation that was originally incompatible with the Nagata Mansion has reached a balanced state at this stage, and there is no disturbance.Nagata Mizuo was a little caught off guard.Originally, he had already set a trap. If the other party continued to act and assassinate his own people, then as long as the trap was activated, there would be a great chance of mentally or unintentionally taking down the person who did it.In this way, there is a breakthrough point.

But after so many days, the other party seems to have completely stopped this kind of action.Nagata Mizuo couldn't help but feel that he really has the other party's inside line here.Why did the other party stop immediately after setting up the trap just now?Therefore, internally, he dispatched Youtian Sicheng to conduct a secret internal investigation, but nothing amiss was found.

Fan Keqin didn't know what Nagata Mizuo thought, anyway, he would respond to all changes with the same.But he certainly can't always be inactive, that can't consume the little devil.So on this day, after he found Bai Fengtai in his office, he said, "Our plan can start to continue."

"Continue..." Bai Fengtai said: "Brother Heng, if there are really traps, the risk is relatively high. Even if we are cautious, in the end we don't know if the other party has traps. We don't know what kind of trap, how it was arranged, and what form it was in."

"Well." Fan Keqin said: "I know this, but what I said to continue to act is not aimed at the Nagata Mansion, but all the local Japanese and puppet agencies. Even if the Nagata Mansion is setting traps, it can only be set up." Let’s deal with them themselves, but what about the other Japanese and puppet institutions? If there are such precautions, then the entire Japanese and puppet institutions in Shanghai will be paralyzed, and I’m even happier.”

"Oh, I understand." Bai Fengtai said with a smile: "We temporarily let go of the Yongtian Mansion, and turned to deal with the local gendarmerie battalion, garrison headquarters, consulate general, Wang puppet secret service headquarters, etc. The principle is still the same. Just like last time, only at the most suitable time, when you are most sure, do you make a move?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "But we have to stagger the targets. For example, today we assassinate people from the Yongtian Mansion, and tomorrow we will kill the spy personnel under the jurisdiction of the Consulate General. The day after tomorrow, it will be the puppet Wang. People from Secret Service Headquarters. The advantage of doing this is that it has nothing to do with yourself, even if it is No. 76, and the Security Committee knows that it is the local security brigade who have been killed several times, at most it is just pretending Concern. Don’t say that it is very likely to set a trap for us like the Nagata Mansion right now. Do you understand what it means?”

"Understood." Bai Fengtai said: "Target one by one to prevent them from really uniting. Even if they really want to unite, we must delay their union as much as possible so that we can achieve more results. In addition, we Various local agencies and units have their own intelligence networks. If they really take any measures, we can also get information and prevent them in advance."

"That's right." Fan Keqin said: "That's it, you can arrange it and execute it. I still have to listen to the report at least once a day."

"Yes." Bai Fengtai said, "I'll make arrangements now."

Bai Fengtai quickly conveyed Fan Keqin's new layout to all his subordinates. People themselves are ready-made, and the previous stage's actions against the Yongtian Mansion were only suspended.But if the human hands want to get in touch again, they only need to start a program to continue, but this time the action has changed the target.

It can be said that among the security agents in Shanghai, Fan Keqin really feels like he is in command.That is, on the night of the night when he gave the order, 18 people in the local security brigade jointly established by the Japanese and puppet officials did not see the sun the next day.

In itself, after Fan Keqin came to the local area, it wasn't that he didn't do anything all the time. After the intelligence network was established, it was impossible to just leave it there.And the intelligence network he has mastered has been drawn in by various means one by one, and is inside the various local agencies.These people themselves know their institutions very well.For example, it is impossible for you not to know the personnel composition of the unit you work in, and you also have all the departments in your heart.Who is the head of each department, the important core figures, and who is the big boss of the agency unit? How could it be possible not to know this.

Therefore, in the local security brigade that suffered that night, nearly half of the eighteen people who died died in their own homes, and a small half died in the other courtyard where their mistresses lived. The rest basically died in their homes. On the way for various occasions.In addition, among the eighteen dead people, four of them were the management of the security brigade, including two squadron leaders and one small team leader.The other is the Liaison Officer of the Information Office.

The agents of the Security Bureau itself are mainly engaged in action.Therefore, this can be regarded as their old line.There is also the principle that Fan Keqin laid down, that you can only make a move if you are sure.Therefore, after the death of these [-] members of the public security brigade, they were not discovered until they went to work the next day.Because one of the dead squadron leaders was assigned a mission the day before, and when he got up this morning, the captain of the security brigade wanted to ask him about the situation.As a result, why didn't you come?So he contacted other people, but the contact found that not only him, but also another squadron leader did not come.

This is a bit wrong. I immediately counted and found that there were as many as [-] people who "absent from work" today...

(End of this chapter)

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