spy ace

Chapter 2959 Chance

Chapter 2959 Chance

"Ah, no need. Thank you." Furui Maruhisa said, and opened the car door.Get out of the car.

What Furui Maruji didn't know was when he got out of the car.In a residential building on the opposite side and on the side, several people have already entered the several unit doors facing the street on the outside.It was the agent of the Security Bureau who was responsible for tracking and investigating Furui Maruhisa.

They saw the target enter the courtyard of a residential building, so naturally they couldn't rush in too.It is easy to cause a "meeting" with the target, so they took this measure, entering the unit doors of different buildings from the outside, so that if the target is in a certain place in the yard, they can all see it from an angle.And it's a window in the corridor, as long as you are more careful, it will be very difficult for the other party to find you.

It was indeed easy for a group of Security Bureau agents to pass through the window in the corridor.I saw Furui Maruhisa getting out of the car and entering one of the unit doors.And the car that came slowly drove out from the gate of another residential building not long after Furui Maru Hisashi got off the car.

Seeing this situation, one of the agents immediately turned around and waved.After seeing it, an agent at the bottom of the stairs quickly turned around and left the unit door, and waved his hand quickly.Not long after, one of the tender-faced agents, who looked like a student, quickly ran into the yard and glanced at the leaky window.Where there was a hand to the right, Kong Kong made a gesture of six, and then disappeared quickly.

So this student-looking student seemed to be in a hurry, maybe he was in a hurry to go home.Quickly turn to the right, cross the first five unit doors, and enter the sixth unit.In fact, even though he is fast, in fact, when he hit the ground, his feet retracted slightly, so that the sound of his footsteps was not so loud.Especially when entering the unit door, the footsteps are lighter.At the same time, look up from the gap formed between the stairs and the stairs.The ears listen to all the sounds in the corridor.

Um!There are also footsteps, indicating that the last person who entered the corridor has not yet entered a certain room.And listening to the voice, I have already reached the third floor... Well, I heard it suddenly.There was the sound of picking out keys...the sound of unlocking the lock, the sound of opening the door...um...it was the door in the middle of the third floor.

When the sound of closing the door sounded, the corridor returned to silence.But the agent didn't leave, but Jingbu also came to the third floor.Then he hid on the side of the door in the middle, squatted down, then leaned over and put his ear on the door, listening quietly for a while.Well, there was the sound of someone talking inside, but very faintly.It can only vaguely feel that a woman is talking to a man.

Don't wait any longer.The agent turned and walked quietly downstairs again.Immediately notify the person in charge of this follow-up.The latter immediately arranged several flexible monitoring points for them to keep an eye on.Then I immediately rode my bike to a payphone a few streets away, and began to make reports.

In other words, Fan Keqin's insurance measures are very rigorous, and rigorous insurance measures are of course time-consuming.Therefore, it took Fan Keqin half an hour to receive this message.However, Fan Keqin didn't think it would be too late, after all, the old devil had been staring at him for some time.It just came out, and there seemed to be a woman's voice in the house. This is not from the secret service of the garrison headquarters, and simply stayed for one night.Probably a tryst with a little lover or something.Therefore, Furui Maruhisa will not leave in a very short time.

How to do it?In fact, Fan Keqin's own plan was to investigate Gujing Maru Hisashi, and after knowing his locations, set up a trap.When you're ready, start working on the plan.As a result, after Furui Maruhisa came out, he seemed to have directly given himself a chance.

That said, did Fan Keqin ever think that this is also the little devil's side fishing?thought about it!But impossible.Furui Maruhisa is a high-level executive of the secret service directly under the Garrison Command, even if he is fishing, the bait is too big.Furthermore, there is a lot of manpower to arrange and investigate Furui Maru Hisashi himself.Scattered around, if there is a trap, it may have already started to activate.And now the information can be delivered to oneself.And when it was delivered, there was no alarm for its own security measures.This in itself shows that there is a certain degree of security.

Therefore, Fan Keqin thought about it carefully in his mind, and said: "The opportunity is right in front of us. Besides, it is impossible for him to take action himself, and it is impossible to find the ghost directly with the trap set by the other party. So if now Your own hands have been discovered, so it is better to act directly. Therefore, no matter how you calculate it, doing it is the best choice."

After making up his mind, Fan Keqin immediately called Bai Fengtai and told him his thoughts.Finally ordered, said: "Camera, miniature tape recorder and so on, are you ready?"

"It's ready." Bai Fengtai said: "Before, when you ordered to start investigating Gujing Maruji, it was already ready."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "Then let them go. In addition, we are preparing a military maneuver group. Go to the street of Pétain Road and stand by in case of accidents. If the little devil is really immune to someone like Furui Maru Hisashi Big fish, what should we do if we set up a trap for us. The mobile team can support at any time, let them drive a few more cars, be careful, don’t be fine, and show yourself first.”

"No problem." Bai Fengtai said: "Do you have any orders? If not..."

"No more." Fan Keqin said: "You can do it."

Immediately after Bai Fengtai left, he began to follow Fan Keqin's orders. First, he activated a group of troops, armed with submachine guns, grenades, etc., and set off to stand by on the street at Pétain Road.Then he notified the specific implementation team that had been prepared long ago, and asked them to visit Furui Maruji.

It is said that it is a door-to-door visit, but it is actually a bit like it.A member of the executive team is holding a miniature tape recorder.Well, it is said to be miniature, but it is actually like a briefcase, and it is very thick.You need a suitcase to put it in.There are also cameras etc.The weapons are just close-fitting short guns.

After they led the order to Petain Road, they entered the building before Furui Maruki, and after going upstairs, they stood in front of the door of the target room on the third floor.One of them waved his hand, and the other four hid on both sides of the door.

(End of this chapter)

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