spy ace

Chapter 2960

Chapter 2960
Then, the Security Bureau agent reached out and knocked on the door.Speaking of which, Furui Maru Hisashi had already finished making out with his mistress at this time, and the extreme cooling-off period had passed for a while.I was having some snacks, drinking some wine with the woman in the house, and relaxing for a while before going to bed.After all, it's been a long time, so it's natural to enjoy it when you come out.

But at this moment, someone knocked on the door.Gujing Marujiuji has raised his vigilance psychologically.But he didn't overreact, after all, when he came out, he only went to the measures on the way, making detours and speeding up.The probability of having a tail behind him is very low, so although he has raised his vigilance, it is only a normal standard.

Glancing at the woman, he found that the other party also shook his head in a daze, so he said, "Go ask who it is."

"Okay." The woman agreed, and came out of the bedroom, followed by Furui Maru Hisashi, who was carrying a gun, so he stood behind the woman with his hands on his back.The woman said: "Who is it?"

"Hello." The agent of the Security Bureau said: "I am the neighbor upstairs, can you open the door?"

When Furui Marujiu heard the other party's answer, he became less vigilant.It's not that he believed the neighbors once they were mentioned outside.It is judged from the tone of the other party's voice.The other party is generous, and the volume has also been raised. This kind of behavior means that he is not afraid of being heard by the surroundings.If you really want to do something, your voice will actually be involuntarily lowered.But the people outside didn't.It was just a male voice, and Furui Maruji still maintained a normal vigilance.

After hearing this, the woman looked back at Furui Maru Hisashi, who whispered, "Ask him what he does?" After seeing him, the woman asked, "What's the matter with you?"

I heard the people outside still say generously: "Oh, neighbor, I'm new here, good man, don't be afraid... Let me ask, is the drain pipe on the ceiling of your toilet covered? ? There is something missing in my house, it is my wife's ring, can I discuss it with you and see if it can be taken out."

These words sounded a little confused.But saying it so openly does not seem guilty.In addition, Furui Maruji naturally knew how many sewer pipes were in the toilet.Although he is not professional in plumbing, as a man, even he doesn't know professional plumbing knowledge.But a main bar for the water is connected to the branch of the washbasin, and connected to the branch of the toilet. This thing can be seen as long as it has eyes.Unless it's someone who doesn't even want to move their brains, otherwise, they can basically know.

The woman said: "Then...how to open...how to get it? Can't you get it out at your house?" This must be a layman's word, but it's understandable. .

The people outside said: "Neighbor, help me, can you take a look, that is, we can pay for it and fix it for you. My wife really likes this ring."

In fact, when we got here, the security agents outside naturally became more vigilant.If you really can't cheat the door, you can only use other means.He has already made up his mind to pay attention, and he is dealing with a few words. If the other party does not open, he will make himself look like a neighbor, but if you do not open the door, then what to do, he has no choice but to leave.

The woman in the room looked at Furui Maruji, and the latter really didn't have much doubts after hearing it now.After all, what the other party said is actually logical.In this year, when building a building, it is not as good as it is in later generations.So well designed.Many pipelines are exposed outside.If someone's ring is really upstairs, for example, when you wash your hands, you accidentally drop it, and if it is washed away by the water and enters the main bar that goes straight up and down, then if you really want to find it, you can only find it in the well downstairs try to find.But if it is not washed into the main bar by the water, then you really have to go downstairs to find the neighbors, discuss hiring a plumber, cut the pipe and so on, and take it out.

Furui Marujiji thought for a while, then nodded.Seeing this, the woman said, "Wait a minute." Then she opened the door and looked at the people standing outside.

The security bureau agent outside stood at the door, nodded, and said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Hey, come in and take a look." The woman said, "You can see it."

"I'm sorry. Hey, hello, hello." The security agent entered the door and handed a pastry box on his right hand to the woman.Then I saw Furui Maru Hisashi again, and immediately greeted him, saying: "My wife was not careful, and the ring went from the eye that was transferred to the washbasin when washing hands. I know that there should be a bend under the washing position... Anyway, it's troublesome..." As he spoke, he handed the bag of fruit to Furui Marujiuji again.

It is said that when the woman opened the door, Furui Marujiji was still touching his gun.But the people who came in had no intention of intruding at all.He also handed his mistress a box of pastries.Seeing that he also had an embarrassed expression on his face, he handed himself the bag of fruit he was carrying.And he didn't wear a coat, which is in line with the characteristics of his neighbors as he said.

When the woman saw that there was a gift, she accepted it with a smile on her face: "Oh, why are you still...bringing something, it's a bit polite."

Gujing Maruhisa also reached out to take the fruit, and said, "Yes, where is it, the washbasin in the toilet..." When he picked up the fruit, he also used one hand.And it's left-handed.Although the right hand touched the gun on the back at this time, it seemed to be hiding a hand behind the back, and it was also easy to attract attention.Therefore, Furui Maruhisa changed to put his hands on his hips.In this way, keep your hand not far from the pistol.

But just as Furui Maruhisa took the fruit, he hadn't finished his sentence.The neighbor suddenly changed his face, and said in a low voice: "Come on!" While speaking, he slammed forward, and at the same time he punched out, the other hand went to take Gujing Maru Hisashi, the hand that did not catch the fruit.

In other words, Furui Maruhisa had just picked up the fruit, and his mind was more or less divided.In addition, he was being polite.When people speak, experiences are also dispersed.Therefore, the agent of the Security Bureau suddenly exploded, and Gujing Maruhisa really didn't react.He could only instinctively tilt his head to the side, but he was still hit on the left half of the neck, and he let out a groan.The fruit also let go, and the other hand wanted to pull out the gun, but was grabbed by the other party directly...
(End of this chapter)

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