spy ace

Chapter 2961 surrender

Chapter 2961 surrender
The agent of the Security Bureau rushed upwards, punched Gujing Maru Hisashi on the back of the neck, and grabbed him at the same time. He didn't hold the other hand of the fruit, and his body didn't stop.Furui Maru Hisashi was stunned by this sudden attack, so his reaction was naturally slow.Moreover, the agent of the Security Bureau is 30 years old, which is the best period for a man to be healthy.As for Furui Maruhisa, who is 49 this year and will soon be [-], how could he win in a frontal fight?Those who were rushed fell directly behind.

But this old devil's second reaction was pretty quick.After Guo Guo lets go, he immediately uses his spare hand to help. As long as he can draw out the gun, he still has the advantage, at least he can have the ability to resist.But this Security Bureau agent is the same.After punching, he immediately went to help and became controlled by both hands.Furui Maru Hisashi's own strength did not have an advantage. He was rushed forward and fell backwards. There was a bang on the back of his head, and when he fell to the ground, he hit the ground, and his head buzzed immediately.

The agent of the Security Bureau felt that the opponent's hand was loose, and immediately turned his body sideways, clamping the opponent's other arm with his legs.The hands are to control the opponent's other arm.All of a sudden, the opponent's hands could no longer move.Although it was said that Furui Maru Hisashi kept reaching towards his lower back just now, but if the agent of the Security Bureau didn't see something, it must be something good.And most likely a gun or something.

In other words, when the Security Bureau agent whispered "up", he kept blocking the door when he came in.So it was impossible for the woman to get past him and open the door, so he didn't close it himself.Then he handed over the things and started to act immediately.Therefore, when the security bureau agents hiding on both sides of the outer door heard it, they rushed in immediately.

One of them immediately covered the woman's mouth and nose, and wrapped his other hand around the opposite's neck and pushed it against the side wall.When the other agents rushed up, it happened that the "neighbor" and Furui Marujiu fell to the ground not long ago.Seeing that his accomplice had already controlled the opponent's arms, he rushed forward to help.Some held down the other party, some covered the other party's mouth to prevent him from yelling, and some searched the other party.

After controlling the person, an agent turned around and came to the door, closed the door, and walked back.At this time, Furui Maruhisa had been controlled by two agents of the security bureau on the ground, and he was tying ropes to his hands.In fact, if you want to tie someone up, if the other party doesn't cooperate, it will be very strenuous.

Fortunately, there were so many of them, they grabbed their arms and legs, and after working for a while, they still caught Furui Marujiuji.That woman is more in control.At the beginning, I was dumbfounded, screaming again and again, but the agent of the security bureau covered his mouth with his hand, and could only hum with his nose, and his whole body was just trembling.And it is impossible to say that humming can make a dolphin sound with your nose, so it is not a problem.

Everyone worked together and got Furui Maruhisa and the two into the living room.There is no need for a stool to control the ground.One agent was still at the door of the room listening to the movement outside all the time, while the other agent was on the side of the window, staring at the situation downstairs.

At this time, an older Security Bureau agent who was under 40 years old turned around and took back the suitcase that had been thrown at the door when he rushed in.Open it and take out the camera and tape recorder.Then he turned his head and said, "Minister Furui Maruhisa, you already know who we are. We need your cooperation. It's very simple. We need your surrender."

When Furui Marujiji was caught, a thought flashed through his mind.The first reaction was that he was about to die, and the other party might be a group of people who had previously carried out the assassination.This is to do it yourself.On the way here before, some of the measures I used obviously didn't work.Rigorous, one of my requirements is rigorous, but now it seems that it is not enough.

But when Furui Marujiuji heard it at this time, the other party said cooperation and surrender.He didn't mean to continue to kill himself, but a wave of hope rose in his heart.He looked at the agent who spoke suspiciously.Seeing him like this, the latter said: "It's very simple. We need to know that you received a telegram from Chongqing when you were on duty at night twelve days ago. This telegram is encrypted. We need to know the password. What."

Having said that, the agent paused, looked at Furui Maruhisa, and said, "I'm not joking when I say surrender. As the head of the information department of the intelligence agency of the headquarters, you should know what the current situation is. In addition, we It’s very simple for you just to get the codebook. And we can guarantee that when you get the codebook, the source will be protected. In other words, your safety is definitely not a problem.”

While speaking, he pointed to the tape recorder and camera, and said, "Minister Gujing Maru is no stranger to these devices. If I'm telling lies, it's impossible to bring these things with you to your door." Then the topic changed, and he said again: "However, Your Excellency, if you don't choose the best way, we can only give you the worst way. You will die here, just like some time ago, those who died It's the same as the people in the secret service. At that time, the spy team you can control will also become a kite with broken strings. You should consider it yourself."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to pinch the gag, and continued: "Minister Gujingmaru, I will help you remove the gag now, you are a professional and a man, in this situation, don't yell like a woman Shouted. Let us all be more respectable, agree?"

Furui Maruhisa, while listening to what the other party said, was calculating in his heart.Judging from the current situation, it is almost impossible for him to escape.And there are many people on the other side, there are five in total, how can I escape.Even if a magic weapon suddenly descended from outside, the other party might have time to react, and it would be more than enough to kill him.What's more, there is a fart magic soldier.

Then I would rather be broken... In fact, sometimes the more you know, the more active your mind will be.What he is doing now is the minister of the Ministry of Information, and he must have more contacts, intelligence, etc. than ordinary people.Therefore, the other party is really right, the situation of the war has been reversed, and trying to make a comeback... anyway, the difficulty is a bit scary.And what to use to make a comeback, the resources are scarce...

(End of this chapter)

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