spy ace

Chapter 2962

Chapter 2962
Could it be possible to conjure countless weapons and equipment out of thin air, such as airplanes, large ships, tanks, and cannons?At this time, after listening to the other party's words, Furui Maru Hisashi thought for a while, and then nodded.

"Very good." After the security bureau agent said something, he stretched out his hand and tore off the cloth for him.This is a good step, using a very small thing to get the other party to agree.But it often starts with an inconspicuous little thing to accomplish a big event in the end.

Sure enough, Gujing Marujiuji didn't yell, but took a breath, and asked, "You all want me to understand clearly, at whose hands did I die?"

The security bureau agent smiled and said, "Minister Furui Maru doesn't have to say that, I believe you have already understood what I mean just now. But since you asked, I will tell you that we are from the Security Bureau. You should have heard of it too. Now let me ask you again, Minister Furui Maru, you chose to serve us, and you can live normally afterwards. We will not give you any mission to send you to death, and we will definitely protect you as a source of information. And there will be rewards for you..."

Having said that, the security bureau agent patted Furui Maruhisa on the shoulder and said, "Every time you are required to provide information, there will be a huge reward. I know you look rich now, but you Think about it, once the war is defeated, can your money be guaranteed to be transported back to Japan? Especially fixed assets, you can’t do anything even if you want to. But our rewards are different, whether Japan is defeated or not, you will get it , and you can dispose of this money as you like, which is great.

Other than that, I just choose another answer. Minister Furui Maru knows this answer well, but it involves my responsibility, so I still have to explain it clearly to you.You refuse to serve us and you will die.Then, your little lover will die too.I don't think anyone will find you dead until at least tomorrow morning.Then, your people will investigate, but how can these investigations catch us.We came suddenly and left suddenly, no one saw us.In the end, your death will be in vain.

But what about after you die?Does it make any difference if the few lines of information you hold will be handed over to others, or if you lose the person who controls the kite line and become a broken kite?So, you don't need to feel guilty.Because their ending is preordained.Even, the information line you have is the reason why we came to the door.Um?Would you be where you are now without them?So... Whether you live or die, it's all up to you. "

He spoke in a calm and unhurried manner, and made these words so clear that Furui Marujiuji could understand them very well.When he finished speaking, it was life or death.Sweat was already dripping from Furui Maruka's forehead.He had to admit that there was nothing wrong with what the other party said.Even if he is a minister, he is definitely a high-level person in the secret service of the headquarters.But even so, if he died here today, he would die.As the other party said, the agency will definitely come to investigate the scene, but what about after that?
Whether you can catch people is another matter.Who will be cheaper to get those properties, houses, cars, and tickets with all my heart?What is the final outcome of my own women?Why keep yourself alive?I don't even believe it when I say this.But what if he was alive?
If he is alive, he can continue to control these things, and even get more finances.And with these, even if he is defeated in the end, he can still live well and enjoy the life of a master.In addition, after the defeat of the war, the liquidation itself, as a high-level spy agency, should have a list.But now that I have invested in the past, it is completely different. Not only will I not have any liquidation, but I will still have a big reward waiting for me to claim it.Only in this way can we really win without losing.

However, providing them with information... may still be risky.But be careful yourself, at least if you are alive now, you can control these to the maximum.

Thinking about these things in my heart, I weighed them repeatedly.Furui Maruhisa finally made up his mind, and said: "Okay, I promise to serve you, but you have to promise that when I provide you with information in the future, you must protect me as the source of the news. In addition, I will not do missions that must die This is my bottom line, otherwise, I promise you, the ending will not be better than dying now, and it will be meaningless to me."

"Okay." After hearing this, the security bureau agent immediately agreed, saying, "Minister Gujingmaru's request is very reasonable. As I said before, as long as you serve us, we will definitely protect you. Otherwise, we Why did you take so much effort to find you? Sure enough, we saw the right person, Minister Furui Maru, he is indeed a gentleman who understands current affairs. I wish us a happy cooperation... Then please write down the letter of commitment and guarantee, and then Minister Furui Maru Read it aloud, and I will record a sound for you. Ah Yun, use your camera to take pictures of all of this."

"Understood." The agent named Ayun picked up the camera and replied.

While talking, the agent who had been talking with Furui Maru Hisashi stretched out his hand to help the other party loosen the rope, and said in his mouth: "This rope is tied a little tighter, and it will definitely leave traces. Minister Furui Maru, be careful when you go back. Don't let people see it. I was hit on the neck, but it's not a big problem. Wearing clothes with a collar can cover part of it. Besides, you went out for a tryst... eh? Man, it's very easy to go back with some marks It's normal, and this shows that Minister Furui Maru's woman is very happy."

After untiing the rope, the agent of the Security Bureau continued: "From now on, I will be your upline, my name is Luo Yu, you can call me Lao Luo. Also, don't blame my brother for spoiling the scenery, Minister Gujingmaru, your Woman, what do you want to do with it?"

Furui Marujiuji glanced at the mistress he had a tryst with today. To be honest, he found several mistresses that he liked very much.Moreover, he himself was very cautious before, and the price of being cautious was that even finding a mistress was time-consuming and troublesome.So now that Luo Yu told him this, he naturally understood what it meant, but if he was asked to give up, he was really reluctant.So, after pondering for a moment, he said, "Leave her, and I'll let her know that it won't ruin our business, how about it?"

"Yes." Luo Yu said: "As long as you agree, I don't care..."

(End of this chapter)

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