spy ace

Chapter 2963 Let It Go

Chapter 2963 Let It Go
Luo Yu went on to say: "As long as you are sure that she will not really do anything bad, it will be fine. After all, we are not some murderous monsters who like to kill people everywhere."

"Thank you very much." Looking at the mistress who was placed in the corner and fainted by the cover at this time, Furui Maruji moved his wrist and said: "I will write now. As for her, I will make it clear to her, please." Do not worry."

Luo Yu nodded, and said with a smile: "Minister Gujingmaru, he is a real official. I admire him. Then let's start writing now?"

"Okay." As he spoke, Furui Maruhisa sat at a desk, took a pen and paper, and began to write the investment letter and guarantee letter.The agent named Ayun next to him immediately took the camera, and took pictures from time to time, including the overall and individual close-ups of Furui Maruji, and close-ups of the text on the paper.Anyway, he brought several papers with him, which was definitely enough.

After the letter of engagement and the letter of guarantee were written, Furui Maruhisa held these two items and was photographed again.Then read it again and it was recorded.After that, Luo Yu took out five small yellow croakers, put them on the table, and said, "Congratulations to Minister Gujing Maru for abandoning the dark and turning to the bright. The minister's task is related, and he also asked Minister Furui Maru to provide a list of the garrison headquarters, various departments up and down, and the personnel list, and write it down. We will also take pictures."

Furui Maruhisa himself is an expert, he knows what it means.Compared with the letter of application and the letter of guarantee, this is equivalent to the application letter submitted by yourself in the past.So he immediately wrote down the structure of the various departments of the Garrison Command and the list he knew.The picture was taken again.

Luo Yu took the list he provided, looked at it, then put it away carefully, and said: "Minister Gujingmaru is clean and neat, I really admire and admire it. In addition, the list of spy teams you have, and We also need to know the password book for contacting. Don’t worry, one yard is one yard, the reward we give is absolutely fair, and the five gold bars just now are not counted this time.” He took out a few more gold bars and put them on the table.Then he said with a smile, "Minister Furui Maru, please write it all down."

"Of course I know the list of spy teams I have. It's just..." Furui Maruhisa said: "I really can't write down the codebook now. I mainly have a total of six spy teams. These five There are four spy teams, each of which acts independently and has its own spy radio station. You can contact me directly, and there will be no horizontal intersection with anyone else. But my contact with these five spy teams The codebooks are all five books written independently, and it is impossible for me to memorize all five books. So I am not rejecting you now, but it is impossible for me to write it silently."

"Hmm." Luo Yu secretly said: This is almost the same as what Shangfeng predicted.So he nodded and said, "I can understand what Minister Furui Maru said. Then... when can you bring out the password book?"

Furui Marujiji thought for a while, and said: "The day after tomorrow, I have never been out overnight. So tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, I will bring out the code book. But it is best for you to copy it, and I will take the original copy back. .”

"Of course." Luo Yu said: "Otherwise, you won't be able to use it when you need it. Isn't that revealing your secrets? I understand, I understand. Then let's talk about it now, how to communicate in the future, and how to transmit information is more secure."

Before coming, Luo Yu and others had already made preparations, how would Furui Maruhisa kill each other if he didn't cooperate.Or if Furui Maruhisa cooperates and chooses to come over, what should I do.Therefore, soon, they discussed several methods of contact.After finishing the work, Luo Yu said again: "Minister Gujingmaru, that's how it is, the next day tomorrow, and when you come out the day after tomorrow, contact us, then give us the code book, we will copy it and then give you the original. "

"Okay." Furui Maruhisa nodded and said, "Then it's settled."

Luo Yu said: "If that's the case, we won't bother Minister Furui Maru." He waved his hand while speaking, and a kind of agent immediately tidied up and reinstalled the rope, camera, tape recorder and so on.Luo Yu finally nodded towards Furui Maruhisa, and led a group of agents from the Security Bureau to retreat from the room.

After they left, Furui Maruhisa took a breath and calmed down a little, only to find that his clothes were basically soaked.He immediately took off his clothes and hung them aside to dry.Only then did he come to his mistress, and found that the woman was still fainting.Maybe it was because I was quite frightened before I fainted, so I haven't woken up yet.

Reach out to help her loosen the rope, and then start shaking each other.Finally the woman took a breath and opened her eyes.It seemed that his eyes suddenly frightened again, maybe he thought he was in danger, and opened his mouth to shout.But before she could make a sound, Furui Maruhisa directly covered her mouth with his hand, and said, "Okay, okay, it's over." sound comforting.That's it, after a while, the woman calmed down.

The woman still looked around in fear, and said, "Really...are you all right?"

"It's all right." Furui Marujiuji said: "But... you must not tell anyone what happened today. If you accidentally reveal the news, you and I may really die. But as long as we don't let outsiders know, We can continue to live a life of rich food and clothing." As he spoke, he took out the little yellow croakers just now and showed them to the woman.He said again: "Did you see it? They gave it to me. The reason why they came to me is because I have what they need, and they will give me a very generous reward. I just wrote something, I have already got these gold bars. But whether we can enjoy these rewards depends on whether we can keep the secret, do you understand?"

The woman nodded vigorously, and said: "I know, I'm actually worthless to them. It's you...it's because of you that they let me go, right. Don't worry, I'm not with anyone. will speak."

(End of this chapter)

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