spy ace

Chapter 2964 How to Pass

Chapter 2964 How to Pass

"Okay." Furui Maruhisa smiled, hugged the woman again, and said, "Actually, it will be beneficial for them to come to you. As long as we keep this secret, there will be no problems."

That night, Furui Maruhisa was on the bed, although he seemed to be asleep with his eyes closed, after all, he wanted to show it to a woman.But in fact, he hardly slept much in the first half of the night.Been running the pros and cons of this in my head.Don't think that since he is a professional, he should know how to deal with this situation. It is also his first time, so how could he be so silent.

But after weighing it over and over again, I turned my mind, anyway, it was already like this, so I had no choice but to continue.After all, there is no other choice, and in addition to encountering such a thing, I am actually mentally exhausted.In the middle of the night, I finally fell asleep in a daze.When I got up the next morning, I forcibly lifted my spirits and woke myself up.

Furui Maruji's woman is actually similar. After waking up in the morning, although she is still tired, she still insists on helping Furui Maruji make breakfast.There was no taste for the two of them to eat, but Furui Marujiu still put on a nonchalant look and ate with big mouthfuls.After eating and drinking, I once again told the woman not to disclose this matter, as if it had never happened.After hearing the beeping of the car horn downstairs, Furui Maruhisa came to the window and said, "The car is here to pick me up. I'll come back tomorrow. Please keep these gold bars for me."

Saying that, Furui Maruhisa gave the woman a formal hug.Only then did they separate, put on their coats and went downstairs, and got into the car.

After returning to the headquarters, Furui Maruhisa returned to his office, and handled his work normally throughout the morning.After two o'clock and less than three o'clock, basically nothing happened.He got up from his chair, went to the door, and locked it.Then he turned around and came behind the desk, and opened a safe that was mounted on the side of the wall.

From it, he took out all the basic code books, checked them, and put them in his briefcase.There are six cipher books in total, and these cipher books are like books.But in fact, if you look closely, you can see that all the pages in this book were all stapled together later.

But at the beginning, when sending the spy team out, Furui Maruhisa used [-] sets of different kinds of books from China and Japan.A few pages were randomly selected from each set of books, and there were many pages, all of which were written by himself with a pen. Finally, they were put together and stapled together by hand to form six new books.Therefore, you may see nothing wrong with reading one page of these books, but when you read down, you will find that there is something wrong with the lips of the ass.This is also done for the sake of confidentiality.

After he put the code book in his briefcase, he thought about tomorrow's progress in his mind.Or go to work normally, and then go out by yourself when it is time to get off work, then you must still take a car.When I got into the car with my briefcase, the secretary would definitely not say anything, but holding the briefcase... can still be seen by the secretary.Although it is impossible to doubt yourself when you see it, but just in case, do you still have to think of a way?

Furui Maruhisa thought for a while, and took the codebook out of the briefcase again.For the time being, he was in the desk, and then, he took out a bank deposit certificate from it.After pondering for a while, he got up and went to the office door, opened the door, and brought in his secretary.

Furui Maruhisa handed the briefcase and the deposit slip to the other party, and said, "This is a sum of money I deposited in the bank. I will use it tomorrow. You can take it out. You don't have to go out of your way, just take it back to me before you get off work tomorrow." up."

"Yes, Minister." The secretary replied, only to find the deposit slip and the briefcase, and then asked if there were any other orders. Seeing that Furui Maruhisa said no, he withdrew.

Furui Marujiji thought: "In this way, it will become completely reasonable to go out with the briefcase tomorrow. There are only six more books in it."

He was thinking about how to hand over his code book, and Fan Keqin had already been reported.Things went smoothly, and Fan Keqin was able to breathe a sigh of relief.After all, this opportunity came too suddenly. Although Fan Keqin had already analyzed it before, it was not a trap or something.But it is still inevitable.Now that Furui Maruji's photo, audio recording, guarantee letter, and application letter are all there, naturally there is no need to worry about this aspect.

What Fan Keqin needed to consider was the next step, that is, how to pass these things to Huazhang after he got the codebook.Use the radio?Fan Keqin considers that although the codebook has not been seen yet, in order to be able to paraphrase the codebook itself, the number of characters cannot be too small.For example, on one page, the number of words is limited, how do you convey the meaning you want to express?But after the number of pages is large and the text is relatively complete, it will be much easier to choose the appropriate words to express the meaning you want.

Therefore, the number of pages of the code book itself must not be that kind of particularly thin booklet with only a few pages.At the very least, if the word count is complete, it will take about ten pages.But even so, the content of a dozen pages of a password book, the characters on each page are all combined, how much content is that.What's more, according to the report below, Furui Maruhisa has a total of six spy teams, and the codebooks are not universal, so there are six.How many characters are there in total on the six books?

So many characters, sent back by the radio?No matter how fast the telegraph operator is, it takes a long time to send.As for the radio station, the longer it takes to send a message, the more dangerous it is.It is too troublesome to control the amount of content at one time and send it in multiple times.Therefore, dangerous, long time, frequent, these restrictions added together, Fan Keqin directly ruled out the method of transmitting to Huazhang by radio.

Then there is only another way to send the password book back to the accompanying capital.Manual transmission is actually dangerous, because the traffic is inconvenient after all these days.It also takes many days, and a long part of the road is in the area controlled by the little devil, and Shanghai itself is.But there is also an advantage, that is, the secrecy is actually very strong.

After all, there are many people on the road every day.And a person carrying a code book, hidden among these people, is quite secretive in itself.Little devil, it is impossible to treat everyone...

(End of this chapter)

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