spy ace

Chapter 2974 Radio Station

Chapter 2974 Radio Station

On this day, Nian Tai'an felt a little flustered.Because on the way home from get off work yesterday, he saw the agreed signal.So I had to go to a designated mailbox and take out one of the letters.Nian Tai'an would not dare to wear this kind of thing for a long time.Just like before, when I found that there was no one in the corridor, I immediately started to check.It was Fan Keqin who ordered Bai Fengtai to convey to the intelligence network, many insiders, the task of the party in a few months.

The information on it was very short, and Nian Tai'an read it in just a few seconds. Seeing that the paper was not too big, he threw one ball into his mouth, chewed it twice, and then swallowed it.Then went home.

On the second day, when Nian Taian remembered the content of the message, he was still a little flustered.He used to be more panicked, but now after such a long time, he is more or less used to this kind of thing, so it is just a little panic, which has no effect.

Sitting in his office, he finished his normal work first, and then Nian Taian fell into deep thought.Fortunately, Nian Tai'an is the deputy director of the office, so he has an independent office and won't let anyone see it. Therefore, he can be more involved in thinking.

The task assigned by the online is to inquire about the situation of the party.But I, the deputy director of the office, have never heard of it.But going online is definitely not groundless.Now, can it be said that the upline knows about this matter, but he has no access to it, and the task is also emphasized, not to advance rashly.That is to say, I... can fish again.As long as you get this matter out of the way, it should be fine...

Weighing the pros and cons repeatedly, the more Nian Tai'an thought about it, the more he felt right.It is true that I have never heard of any New Year's Eve party, so fishing is naturally no problem.After thinking about the future, Nian Tai'an was determined.Even the little panic in my heart is gone.

At noon, I happily went to the cafeteria to have a meal.In the afternoon, Nian Tai'an planned to fish for a while, and in the evening he got off work normally, oops, the day was over again.After eating, Nian Tai'an was sitting in the office, drinking tea and smoking a cigarette to rest.There was a knock on the door.

"It's not locked, come in." Nian Tai'an sat on the chair, flicked the banquet and said.

As soon as the office door opened, a man in his fifties walked in.His hair was a little gray. When Nian Taian saw this man coming in, he said "Ouch", stood up from the chair, turned out of the desk and greeted him, and said, "Director, why are you here? Let the secretary call me , It’s over if I go there. Come, sit here, you can taste the bitter tea I brought from home, it’s really cool.”

"Thank you, I won't drink the tea." The director who came in said, "It's my fault too, I forgot to call you. I just came back from the meeting and I was thinking about something on the way. After I came back, I just came back Come to think of it, I didn't notify you in advance. How is it? Are you busy now?"

"Oh, Director, you just came back from a meeting." Nian Tai'an said: "It's okay, if there is anything, just tell me."

"That's it." The director said: "Put on your coat, and follow me to the radio station."

"Hey." Nian Tai'an agreed, began to put on his coat, and asked, "Director, what are we doing at the radio station? Is there any municipal information for them to release?"

"That's not true." The director said, "I'll tell you on the way."

"Hey, good." Nian Tai'an finished passing on his coat, and he and the director came out of the office and walked out of the municipal building.The two of them took a car and headed for the broadcasting building.On the way, the director began to introduce the situation to Nian Tai'an, saying: "Xiao Nian, we will go over in a while, mainly for equipment inspection. You can tell from the radio that the announcer sometimes announces before the show, and professional people manage it." This is called a live broadcast. That is, if this side just speaks, it will be heard on the radio."

"Yes." Nian Tai'an said: "I know this. Sometimes the announcer says, please enjoy the song XX, and this sentence is the live broadcast, and then he starts to play the film and sing."

"That's right." The director said: "Didn't I just come back from a meeting, and I took on a task, which means that we can ensure that we can broadcast live, if it is impossible to record it, and then play it at a specific time. But try It is still possible to live broadcast, so we went to the radio station this time to confirm whether it can be done."

"Oh, is it possible for some equipment to broadcast live?" Nian Tai'an said: "I guess it's okay, isn't it just a normal live broadcast of a speech or something like that, didn't it happen before. When people arrive in the broadcasting room, the equipment turns on, Just speak directly into the microphone."

"No, no, it's not that simple." The director said: "The request this time is not in the broadcasting room, but whether they can be invited to go to another place, and then live broadcast some of the things that happened through the live broadcast."

"Ah." Nian Tai'an understood a little bit at this time, and said, "That's it, then really confirm that the broadcasting equipment is so big, can it be moved casually? Why do I feel so uncomfortable."

The director said: "Yeah, that's why we're going to the radio station, let's make sure before we talk about it." After explaining clearly, not long after, their car was parked in the local radio station compound .

It was still very easy for the municipal car to get in here. The two got out of the car and looked at the broadcasting building.In fact, it is a building with only four floors in total, and it does not occupy a large area.After all, there are no tall buildings these days, so four floors are enough, and there is a big antenna on it.

The two entered the broadcasting building and contacted the person in charge in the mail room below.That is, the director, who quickly greeted him personally. "Oh, Director Lin, Director Nian is a rare visitor, hurry up and sit in my office, don't leave too early at night, let's have a small gathering."

"Hahaha. You are too polite." "Yes, yes, we came here today with a mission, so we didn't bother Director Li."

"Well, it's too late for me to be happy for you to come." Director Li waved his hand in and said: "Please come to my place for a cup of tea first. In addition, if you have any instructions, just tell me, I will definitely follow them." Do it."

Director Lin said: "Don't be too polite, Lao Li. I won't drink the tea for now. I want to ask you something, can your broadcasting room broadcast live? Let's go to the broadcasting room first to see how it is."

(End of this chapter)

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