spy ace

Chapter 2975 Judgment

Chapter 2975 Judgment
"It can be broadcast live." Director Li said: "Then let's go this way, walk up the stairs on the front, and go up to the fourth floor and make a turn." After saying this, he paused, and then said: "The two Director, is the live broadcast going to be live now? Do you need me to call Song Fei over, she is off today."

"Master Li." Nian Tai'an said with a smile: "The Song Fei you are talking about is...the famous... It seems to be called Xiao Bailing, right?"

"That's right." Director Li said: "She belongs to our ace announcer here. She has a good voice and reads the manuscript very emotionally. Do you two want to broadcast some news? I'll get her back , let her help the two live broadcast, absolutely can't go wrong."

"Haha, no need." Director Lin said: "There is no live broadcast today, but we just want to see the equipment for the live broadcast. In addition, we need to ask Mr. Li for some advice on the live broadcast. It's hard for Xiao Bailing to take a vacation. , let her rest well."

"Oh, that's it." Director Li said: "This is even simpler. The equipment is there, and others can't see it. The two directors must see it casually. You can ask me if you have anything. At the beginning, I When they installed the equipment, it was followed from beginning to end. In addition, I have also studied electricity before, and I understand a little bit, high voltage and low voltage, and radio. "

"Oh." Nian Tai'an said: "In addition to being a leader, Director Li is also a technical talent. Then Director Lin and I have found the right person."

"Don't dare, I'm so scared." Director Li said with a smile: "When I was studying, I liked these things, and I liked to tinker with them, so I went to the classroom on the side of the electric power, and attended a few classes. I can't take it seriously. ah."

Several people flattered each other to be polite, and soon came to the fourth floor.The radio in this year is not like the later generations. There are so many stations all day long, and there are programs at any time when you turn on the radio at any time.And these days, a radio station has so many programs, so it only plays a song at a fixed time.Read two manuscripts, or even a paragraph from a newspaper, and you're done.Other than that, there is almost nothing else.Oh, if the people above make an urgent speech, or have a special broadcast message, it can be considered as content, but such cases are very, very rare.

The little devil also has his own radio station, and every day he publishes a message similar to: We are so powerful that we have wiped out so many victories. Anyway, it is bragging B.

And the equipment of this radio station was supported by the little devil.Whether it should be said or not, the little devil still has two brushes when it comes to this technical issue.At the beginning, several technical engineers came to explain and train Wang Puppet's radio station.

But Wang Puppet's program is not interesting, and the content is even less.So, a few people went upstairs, and the door of the broadcasting room was locked. This situation, on the contrary, is normal for thieves.Director Li called someone over and opened the door.And let the equipment maintenance team of the broadcasting room come over.

Director Li pointed to a row of equipment against the wall, and said, "Director Lin, Director Nian, look at this switch, which is the main switch. Turn this switch on, and then turn on these switches at a time to power on each device. Then turn on this microphone and speak directly.”

The two said they knew.Nian Tai'an looked at Director Lin and said, "Director, Director Li means that as long as this operation is done, the live broadcast can be broadcasted at any time. Is that what you mean? Director Li."He continued: "Director, it can be broadcast live at any time, can it meet the requirements above?"

"I'm afraid it really won't work." Director Lin looked at the device and said, "Is this thing fixed?"

"Yes." Director Li was a little puzzled, and said still: "Some things are fixed to the wall, why? Director Lin, do you want it?"

Director Lin looked at the technical maintenance personnel following him, and said, "Director Li, please put this little brother first... I'll tell you in detail."

"Hey." Director Li immediately understood that this involved some confidential things, and he couldn't just let other people listen to it.So he raised his head towards the technical maintenance staff and said, "Go out first, then close the door from the outside, and let us watch, and no one else is allowed to come in."

"Yes." The man replied, turned around and walked out, closing the door behind him.

"Director Lin, Director Nian, what's the matter with you two?" Director Li said, "Can we talk now?"

"That's it." Director Lin said: "The higher-ups want to give the people some confidence, so there will be a big trial on the New Year's Eve. It will interrogate those who were arrested. Then, I want to live broadcast the trial site through the radio. It is said that it can inspire the hearts of the people and deter the little ones. At the same time, the purpose of letting many people have confidence in us. I am responsible for the technical issues of this live broadcast. But you also I know, what do I know about this live broadcast technology. So why don’t you hurry over here and check it out.”

"That's it." Director Li frowned and said, "Where is the live broadcast? The big trial...is it in the courtroom?"

"I really don't know about this." Director Lin said, "What's wrong? Where...is there any influence?"

"Yes." Director Li said: "Look, our equipment is here, and it can't be moved at all. This...if it is in other places, it is impossible to live broadcast. Unless...unless Move the scene of the big trial here, but you can also see that our broadcasting room is... not too small, but the big trial... how many people are there? I'm afraid it may not be able to pretend." Speaking of Here, after a pause, he asked, "May I ask you, was there a lot of people at that time? What's the requirement? Should the judge's words be broadcast live, or should everyone speak clearly?"

"Uh, it should be judges, defendants, litigants and other key people." Director Lin said: "The words of these people need to be broadcast."

"Director Lin, I'm just asking nonsense." Director Li then lowered his voice and said, "Is it because the higher-ups want to put on a show? If that's the case, then it's easy to do. If not, please invite them to come over to us." Wouldn’t it be over after one show in the broadcasting room. If it’s in other places, you’ve seen that these devices can’t be moved at all.”

Director Lin said: "Whether the big trial will be staged... then I don't know, let's see, these devices can't be moved anyway..."

(End of this chapter)

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