spy ace

Chapter 2983 Plan for yourself

Chapter 2983 Plan for yourself
For example, the other party sent people to mix in the street, approaching like passers-by, and suddenly launched an attack.In this case, it is really hard to guard against.If the inspection is too detailed, it will be discovered in advance. If you see that the inspection is very strict, you may give up.Yes, the method is the same, neither loose nor tight.then what should we do?

Zhou Haiping thought about it carefully and decided to do some articles in the courtyard.The yard between the courtyard wall and the broadcasting building is a good buffer.If the other party really uses the method of infiltrating passers-by, when to attack is something that the other party can control, and you can't do it yourself.Then in the courtyard between the courtyard wall and the broadcasting building, if you do some ambushes yourself, there is a courtyard wall to block it, and you cannot see the inside from the outside.But as long as the opponent launches an attack, they won't be able to fly.

So they will definitely pass the courtyard wall, as long as they pass, their ambush will work.I can set up some men inside the courtyard wall, as long as someone rushes in, these men will shoot and attack immediately, that's all.

Um!The more Zhou Haiping thought about it, the more he felt that this plan was very feasible.Then, brush up and start to record in the notebook...

That's it, Zhou Haiping was thinking about the plan in the office, and it took almost a day to design the whole set.Then I checked it before I got off work, stroked it from the beginning several times, and found nothing wrong.Only then did he retract the notebook into the desk drawer.Seeing that it was almost time, he got up and walked out.

When he got home, Zhou Haiping completely relaxed and began to enjoy life.Eating great food and drinking expensive wine.How could such a life be given up?But now, the Japanese are really a bit out of control.I have to plan for the future.

Speaking of the Japanese, don't look at yourself as taking refuge in the other party, but this group of people never regards themselves as their own.Always be on guard.So do you want revenge?Then how can we get revenge?Do your own job well first, and then further gain their trust.Then, I can take advantage of my position to earn more money.Yes, I must get more wealth, so that I can be invincible.

Then with money, once the Japanese are defeated, as a defeated country... at least for a long time, they may not be relieved.This time must be their weakest time.And the economy of a defeated country must have been at an extremely low level for quite a period of time.And if I can get quite a lot of wealth, can I do something in Japan?For example, taking advantage of the extremely low stage of the other party's economy, frantically absorbing various local assets of the other party.In this way, he is equal to a master.At that time, it will be very good to be a domineering, and this is also the greatest revenge for them.You know, Japanese women...hehe, they still have a bit of taste.You can try it yourself.

However, money is not enough for this matter, one must also have an identity.Well, I have to abandon my current identity.To be a Japanese... no, to be a Japanese is not okay.If the defeated country is defeated, it will still let the victorious country be trampled under its feet for a long period of time.Well, Meidi’s house is not bad.

But the American family, or the European and American regions generally have discrimination.It is definitely not possible to go to Europe and the United States by yourself.Well, what about becoming a Chinese from the Meidi family?Although this identity will definitely encounter discrimination in the Meiji family, but... living in Japan as a Chinese-American is different.No matter what I say, I am also an American. I can't say that I am going sideways in Japan, a defeated country, but it will definitely be more convenient.After all, at that time, if the Japanese did something to themselves, they would have scruples.No matter what you say in name, you are a big old beauty, so even if the big old beauty discriminates, for the sake of face, she will not sit idly by.If I give some money to the officials of the consulate in Japan and the United States, the effect... Even if I can't walk sideways by then, it will be almost less.

Yes, I must wait for this incident to pass, and immediately start thinking of ways to get more money.Then I used money to hook up with some people from Talamey to get an identity as Talamey.Hey, at that time, no matter who wins this war, he will be invincible!
Ah, I almost forgot that there are quite a few so-called free people in the Hendry Club.In fact, among these people, there must be some old and beautiful people.In the club I often go to, there is a guy named Smith, who should be Da Laomei.It's just that he doesn't have any clues, and he seems to have a good relationship with a guy in Germany, so the little devil is a little scrupulous about him and won't do anything to him.Then, can I use him to see if there is a chance to get the identity of Da Laomei?

Well, try it and you will know, anyway, there is still time, even if it doesn't work, it doesn't matter.Do whatever comes to mind.After Zhou Haiping finished eating, he tidied up a bit, and after getting dressed, he drove to the Hendry Club.

Zhou Haiping's luck today is neither good nor bad.It's not good because I didn't meet that Smith who is suspected to be a big old beauty today. Well, it's because I met a nice chick.Although this chick must have seen her spending a lot of money, who cares?It's really hard to find a chick of this level.As long as you can play, who cares about so many things, kid.

So, at night, Zhou Haiping took the chick to the hotel and opened a room, and had a good time.By the second day, I felt refreshed.What a wonderful life, I want to continue to enjoy it.

With a very good mood, Zhou Haiping drove to the defense office building again and entered his office.Once again, the plan was set up as a trap plan.

Yesterday, he had completed the plan for the first part, that is, the part about the broadcasting building.Therefore, Zhou Haiping took out his notebook and checked it again. He did not find anything wrong, so he began to plan the second part of the trap.That's the plan for the fundraiser banquet.

Even, Zhou Haiping thought, is it possible to use this banquet to raise more money?But for the time being, let's talk about the full set design first.Well, a lot of big shots came back from the banquet, from the Japanese side and from the Wang side.The party is at night, but because these people all live in different places, if the ghost makes a move...

(End of this chapter)

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