spy ace

Chapter 2984 Chief of Section 2

Chapter 2984 Section Chief
Zhou Haiping is not in a hurry, anyway, there are still several months before the New Year's Eve.So he slowly planned, perfecting the traps he wanted to set up one by one, and then slowly, even called a few absolute confidants, and began to find a place in the suburbs to start training and exercises.He deliberately found some people, some cars, and acted as the attackers, using various methods to attack and deduce.It was also because there was enough time that he made it extremely detailed.

On the other end, Fan Keqin is also perfecting his plan.He and Bai Fengtai opened up their minds and imagined various possible situations to enrich their plans.In this way, time passed quickly, and half a month passed.

On this day, as soon as Fan Keqin came to the office, Bai Fengtai came to the door.After locking the door behind his back, he took out a piece of paper rolled into a stick from his cigarette case.Handed it to Fan Keqin and said, "A letter from my hometown."

Home refers to the headquarters.Fan Keqin took it with his hand, unfolded it and looked at it.There are quite a few words on the note, but they are all encrypted text.So Fan Keqin took the note back to the lounge in the office and started to paraphrase.After about a few minutes, after getting the contents all set.Fan Keqin returned to the outside office with the note.

Passed the content to Bai Fengtai, and said: "Look at it, there is a person's information on it, and what we want us to do."

Bai Fengtai agreed with an "hey" and took a look.Sure enough, there was a person's profile on it: Pu Yingrui, 35 years old, male, 1.7 meters four.Pseudonym: Wu Yingfan, currently Wang Puppet Shanghai Political Security Bureau, Public Security Department, Chief of Section Two.The goal of the operation is to ensure that the operation team's assassination of Zhu Anfu is successful during the security conference.There are also contact passwords with Pu Yingrui and so on.

After Bai Fengtai read it, Fan Keqin personally burned the information points and said: "The meaning of the headquarters is that the task of this old Pu is to observe the assassination of Zhu Anfu by the operation team. If it succeeds, there is no need to take action. If it fails, it may , then Pu Yingrui must guarantee the success of the assassination."

"Well." Bai Fengtai nodded and said: "Then our task is to provide Pu Yingrui with all the conveniences, including information support, weapons and equipment, and even manpower assistance, etc. This task is not difficult. The difficult thing is that Pu Yingrui has to complete it. task."

"Yes." Fan Keqin also thinks so. It is really not difficult for Fan Keqin to provide support to Pu Yingrui.All kinds of materials, even information support, are really nothing.As long as the other party needs it, just give it to him, it's not a big deal.It's just that even if his support is in place, it's an assassination of Zhu Anfu.The current spy chief of Wang Puppet Secret Service Headquarters.This kind of assassination is really difficult.What is even more difficult is how to escape after the action.

Fan Keqin thought for a while and said: "For his mission, someone must get in touch with him. Let's set up a separate information line for him, the level... is the same as yours. In this way, even if something happens in the end, he can immediately Disconnect for our own safety."

Bai Fengtai said: "Understood. But Brother Heng, according to my level, it will require a lot of manpower."

Fan Keqin nodded and said: "I know, this task is not pleasant to say, and it is a narrow escape. It is normal for us to support stronger. And by doing so, the most important thing is to ensure our own safety. So , let’s do it. You first establish an information line with Lao Pu before talking.”

Bai Fengtai nodded, and said, "Understood, as for Wang Puppet's security conference, should we let insiders inquire about this information?"

"Inquire." Fan Keqin said: "But it's still the same principle, don't take the initiative to inquire, to ensure the safety of the inside intelligence network, and under this premise, passively accept all relevant information."

"I see." Bai Fengtai stood up and said, "Then I'll do something." Seeing that Fan Keqin had no other orders, he turned and walked out of the office.

In other words, Wu Yingfan, the incarnation of Pu Yingrui, was originally a latent agent secretly dispatched to Shanghai by the Military Intelligence Office.Later, Sun Guoxin set up the Security Bureau alone, but he also had many old connections. With the establishment of the Security Bureau, he transferred from the military.Among them, Dan Yingrui is like this.

Before, after Pu Yingrui came to Shanghai, he hadn't made any achievements yet.But his identity is very clean, and he once stayed abroad in Germany.It belongs to the military command and security bureau that joined secretly.Therefore, as long as he changed his name and surname, his identity would be very clean.Because everything he has experienced can withstand investigation.

Therefore, his experience of studying abroad made him a high-end talent in this era.Add to that his very clean résumé.Therefore, slowly let him open up the situation.At the beginning, he joined the local Police Headquarters, starting as the inspector.As for the business of the Political Security Bureau and the Police General Administration, there are many cases of contact.

The year before last, the director of the Public Security Department of the local Political Security Bureau, because he often dealt with the police station, came and went, and became acquainted with Danying.I found that this person is very capable, and he is also very good at speaking and doing things, so I developed an attitude of appreciation for him from the bottom of my heart.In the end, relying on his own relationship, Pu Yingrui was transferred from the Police Headquarters to the Political Security Bureau.

And Pu Yingrui's own ability is not weak, plus he has a special ability to come up, and the chief of the Public Security Department personally got it here, so he can be regarded as the chief's confidant.So after working for a short time, I became the deputy chief of the second department.About a year ago, the head of the Public Security Department had a strong relationship, so the delivery room sent good news—they gave birth.He became the deputy director of the Political Security Bureau, so he also promoted some old subordinates. Among them, although Pu Yingrui was not considered an old subordinate, he couldn't hold back that Pu Yingrui would come.

What else is there to investigate and prosecute individuals, what kind of property is seized, the thief Pu Yingrui understands.A property of [-] can be made into [-] by him.Then take out [-] yuan and divide it equally among the brothers below.But after taking out [-] yuan, he quietly came to the director's house, chatted with the director's wife for a while, and there seemed to be something like "sister-in-law, last time I had something at home, I asked the director Borrowed some money, no, I just got over it and sent it to you."

Just how to put it, I know the Jade Seat Golden Buddha and the theory of Steepunk very well.She works beautifully and speaks nicely, who doesn't like it?So, after the chief of security became the deputy director, Pu Ruiying also became the chief of the second department.

(End of this chapter)

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