spy ace

Chapter 3017

Chapter 3017
Bishan Heyan also understands that Shanghai is still under the control of the "Empire".So, to put it bluntly, we can mobilize more manpower and material resources, but ghosts cannot.As long as there is an extremely strong force and can be successfully deployed there secretly, then no matter how clever the ghost's tactics are, it will be useless.

Bishan Heyan listened, nodded, and said: "I just listened carefully to Director Zhou's plan. After listening, I still have a few questions in my mind. I want Director Zhou to give me detailed and clear answers. .”

"No problem." Zhou Haiping said: "Master Bishan has any questions, please feel free to ask. I know everything, and I can say everything."

"Okay." Bishan Heyan said, "What I want to ask is whether you have found any clues or whereabouts of the ghost. In addition, when you introduced me just now, you also said that if the ghost wants to come …If the ghost doesn’t come, it’s up to you. So is it all just Director Zhou’s imagination?”

Hey, it's still here.Zhou Haiping had indeed used these words just now, and he was never sure that ghosts would definitely come from the beginning to the end.That's what he's afraid of.But this thing really can't be vague, it still needs to be stated clearly.So he nodded and said, "That's right, Master Bishan noticed these details, and I'm very happy. I really haven't found any clues about the possible appearance of ghosts, or the whereabouts of ghosts in this regard. But I As I said just now, it is indeed because of the past situation that some rehearsals are reasonably carried out, or the predictions are more reasonable.

Because, although it is not certain that ghosts will appear.But we are also not sure, ghosts will not appear.But things have already happened, especially the trial conference, many people know about it, so it is very likely that ghosts also know about it.Then at this time, it depends on the ghost's own thoughts.Although we can't really predict [-]%, but I don't want to be too passive, so I have to guard against this move.And ghosts are also a serious threat to the empire. If he really makes a move, it will be tantamount to giving us a chance.

And if he doesn't come, the price we have to pay is only the mobilized manpower, the hard work of the subordinates, etc., the loss is not big.So, if it's a business, I think it's definitely a deal worth preparing for and worth doing.I don't know if Colonel Bishan is satisfied with my answer. "

"En." Bishan Heyan didn't answer, but was ambiguous, and just nodded to show that he knew.Then he paused and asked again: "Second question, if I agree to your plan, who will be responsible for the follow-up situation?"

Zhou Haiping was taken aback, and asked, "What does Bishan Commander mean? I don't quite understand what you mean, can you be more specific?"

Bishan Heyan said: "The ghost has really acted and set up our trap. Who of us will be responsible for catching the ghost, or the subordinates who caught the ghost, and the follow-up trial?"

Zhou Haiping understood as soon as he heard it, so he said: "That's right, Commander Bishan, our defense office just received the mission to ensure that the New Year's Eve banquet can be held safely and successfully. There are no other missions, so if it is really The ghost appeared, or the ghost's subordinates appeared, and we took down the follow-up work, or the Bishan Commander is in charge, what do you think?"

"Yes. Very good." Bishan Heyan nodded in agreement.In fact, whether it's catching the ghost, some of the ghost's direct lineage, or its indirect subordinates, it's all a great achievement.The main task of the Sixth Regiment of Bishan Heyan is to clear all the anti-Japanese fighters in the local urban area.But the weight of ghosts is different. It can be said that they are the number one confidant of the secret front.If you can play a ghost, or be the subordinate of a ghost.In itself, it is tantamount to making a lot of money.

Even though he is a little devil, if he really arrests someone and takes him away, Zhou Haiping can't stop him either.But now, the war in the empire can be described as precarious, so it is even more necessary to maintain relations with Wang puppet and others.Therefore, it is definitely better to be clear in advance.Sure enough, Zhou Haiping is still very good.

Bishan Heyan said: "Then I have one last question. What do you mean by the extremely powerful power that even a ghost is capable of? Or not enough?"

In fact, as soon as this problem came out, Zhou Haiping knew that the matter was over.Otherwise, it would be impossible for the other party to ask such a question.So Zhou Haiping seriously replied: "This needs to be calculated in detail. Ghost, he must be able to control a lot of people, but in terms of action, he can't mobilize on a large scale either. Because he must be the same as us, and he has to consider a Regarding the issue of secrecy, and operating in a city under our control, he will definitely have greater concerns, and the work of secrecy will be more difficult. Therefore, if he mobilizes manpower for this operation, there is also a limit."

Then, while thinking, he said aloud, and said: "Urban combat, pre-investigation, manpower support, and support... all these things are counted. If he wants to deal with the broadcasting building, at most, he can only mobilize Less than a hundred people. No matter how many there are, secrecy work, deployment of the attack, and evacuation after the attack will become weaknesses. Therefore, less than a hundred people, I think, is a certain number."

"Very good." Bishan Heyan said: "Then my alliance will be more sure to trap them to death."

"That's right." Zhou Haiping said, "Master Bishan, how many people do you plan to dispatch?"

Bishan Heyan said with a smile: "The lion fights the rabbit with all its strength, so I will dispatch the entire alliance."

Hearing what he said, Zhou Haiping became a little worried again, and said, "Will it be too much? It might be bad for the secrecy work. Moreover, although there are many places around the broadcasting building that are suitable for hiding people. But a United The team of 3000 people...it is impossible to hide, and there is no place to hide."

"Director Zhou can rest assured about this." Bishan Heyan said: "I know the general terrain around the broadcasting building. Of course, there is no way to hide so many people. But three to 400 people are absolutely fine. In addition, the broadcasting building It's not on the edge of the city, so we can lay out layers of encirclement circles. Adopt layer upon layer encirclement tactics.

In this way, 3000 people can definitely be arranged.Also, in the hidden places on all sides, I will arrange to hide mobile forces separately.So, even with more manpower...

(End of this chapter)

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