spy ace

Chapter 3018 Emerging in an endless stream

Chapter 3018 Emerging in an endless stream
Bishan Heyan went on to say: "In this way, no matter how many people there are, they can be arranged. The most important thing is that we still have more than one and a half months, so I can take a small share , a small group, very secretly and quietly arranged the staff."

Zhou Haiping listened to what he said, and felt that it was still practical. There are about 3000 people in an alliance, which is really a lot of people.According to the general situation, it is still a bit difficult to avoid being discovered by the transfer of so many people, especially in the city, it is even more difficult.But what Bishan Heyan said was very reasonable. There is still more than one and a half months before the real time for the New Year's Eve banquet.Therefore, if they are arranged one by one, and they are still arranged around the periphery of the radio station, then not only can such a large number of people be arranged, but also a relatively secretive arrangement can be achieved.

Zhou Haiping thought for a while, and said, "What Bishan Commander said makes sense, so... we have a happy cooperation?"

Bishan Heyan smiled, reached out to shake hands with Zhou Haiping, and said, "It's a pleasant cooperation."

After confirming the cooperation, Zhou Haiping and Bishan Heyan studied it in detail.After all, Zhou Haiping was just talking about the situation before. Now that there is real cooperation, it is natural to start to study how to cooperate.In this way, almost the whole day passed, and at night, Zhou Haiping and Bishan Heyan had been basically agreed, but there were still some details that needed to be confirmed in detail when they needed to be arranged.

After Zhou Haiping left, Bishan Heyan, the devil's boss, showed some face. After all, it was about catching ghosts, so Bishan Heyan was also very concerned.He sent Zhou Haiping downstairs, watched the other party's car drive out of the gate of the garrison headquarters, and then returned.

However, for such a large operation, it is another alliance that is dispatched as a whole.It must be approved by the commander of the garrison headquarters.But this point is basically certain, Bishan Heyan is not too worried.After all, I did this myself. In addition, I have to say that Zhou Haiping thought very carefully.The enemy, ghost, is very cunning. During the New Year's Eve banquet, he is likely to come, but he is also very likely not to come.In this situation, as Zhou Haiping said, whether he comes or not, he needs to be prepared. In this way, if he really wants to come, he will make a lot of money.If you don't come, it's tantamount to having a secret training session. No matter what, this is a sure-fire deal.

Thinking about this in his heart, Bishan Heyan mainly sorted out his thoughts and rhetoric.All the way quickly came to the fourth floor, passed the adjutant, and entered the commander's office.

The current commander of the Garrison Command is called Shinuchi Kensaburo.He is 57 years old this year, and he is considered newly transferred. Two years ago, he was transferred from the devil's army lieutenant general here to serve as the chief officer of the garrison headquarters.This old devil is very restrained in his usual personality.That is, when getting along with people, there is no feeling of publicity at all.

However, when this old devil was doing things, he was very fierce and decisive.This may be related to his previous experience, but it doesn't matter anymore, it doesn't affect anything after all.At this time, Bishan Heyan entered his office, and the old devil Shinuchi Kenzaburo was looking at a document.Seeing the other party come in, he pointed to the chair in front of the desk.He didn't speak, and was still looking at the information.

Bishan Heyan saluted, then sat on the chair, quietly waiting for the other party.The time is not long, that is, 1 minute.Just watch Kenzaburo Shinnai close the documents and put them in a letter bag to be the president. Then, he signed it with a pen and stamped it.Then, with a red stamp, it was stamped with the imprint of second-class secret.Then he put the file bag under the desk, and then looked at Bishan Heyan.

The old devil, Shinnai Kensaburo, was smiling, looking at Bishan Heyan kindly and kindly, and said: "It's so late, you still came here, there must be something very important, right? Bishan Lord?"

"Hi one." Bishan Heyan nodded and said, "I have work to report to Your Excellency. Sorry to bother you."

"It's work, it's nothing to disturb, but I admire Bishan-kun very much." Kenzaburo Shinuchi still asked kindly: "So, what's the matter?"

"It's about ghosts. To be precise, the purpose is to prevent ghosts from causing damage during the New Year's Eve." Bishan Heyan said, "Your Excellency, I just sent away Zhou Haipin, the director of the Defense Office. He came to find Me, tell me..." He immediately reported to Kensaburo Shinuchi what the other party said after he met Zhou Haiping, his own situation, the plan reached by the two of them, the details of the research, etc.Even what he thinks and how he analyzes in his heart, he also told Kensaburo Shinuchi.

After he finished speaking, Kenzaburo Shinuchi was quite old, but his brain was very useful.After listening, he closed his eyes slightly, weighed it in his heart for a while, then opened his eyes still with a smile, nodded and said: "Well, I understand what Mr. Bishan said. If this is really the case, it is true. It’s a business that does not lose money. It’s like a gamble, we don’t need to pay any money at all, as long as we go, we will get a lot of money if we win. If we lose, we don’t have to pay anything, it’s nothing more than running errands.”

"Hi one." Bishan Heyan bowed and said, "That's right."

"I agree." Shinuchi Kenzaburo said with a smile: "Then do you need me to support you?"

"Oh, thank you, Your Excellency." Bishan Heyan said: "I have the confidence to do this well. Getting your approval is the greatest support for me. In addition, just like the analysis just now, this is still out of our control Under the circumstances, no matter how clever the ghost is, he can't mobilize much power, and no matter how clever the tactics are, it will be useless when facing the encirclement of my entire alliance."

"Okay." Shinuchi Kensaburo said: "Then you can do it boldly. If you have any needs, you can come to me at any time. But I must remind you of one thing, this person is our confidant, so We have been researching. But you must be clear in your heart that we have never been able to touch or see the ghost. The actual progress is almost none. That is to say, although we have been researching him, he actually What it looks like, what ideas you have, we are not sure after all. Therefore, when the moment comes for the implementation of the plan, you must be on guard against ghosts, endless tricks...

(End of this chapter)

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