spy ace

Chapter 3039 1 thought

Chapter 3039 A Thought

Then he... Zhou Haiping is most likely to go to the offices of the Sixth Wing of the Six Wings, the Defense Wing, the First and Second Patrol Wings, the Ministry of Public Security, and the Interception Department.But it is still impossible to know exactly where he went.

Fan Keqin picked up the internal phone, called Bai Fengtai, and asked him to come over.Bai Fengtai walked into the office after a while, closed the door behind him, and said, "Brother Heng, are you looking for me?"

"Come and sit down, let me tell you." Fan Keqin pointed to the chair in front of him, took Bai Fengtai to sit down, and explained his analysis to Bai Fengtai in detail, saying: "Now, I'm not worried The first one, because if it is the day of the New Year's Eve banquet, if the little devil mobilizes a large number of people, we will definitely find out. At worst, we will stop all actions immediately, or temporarily load a few bombs on the road to kill a few Devil soldiers also make money. In short, they can't accompany them. But in the second case, it is a bit difficult to find."

Bai Fengtai nodded, and said: "That's true. How about I send some more people to the devil's garrison headquarters and the several lines in and out of the barracks to guard secretly? If the other party sends people out in a steady stream, There will also be flaws, if we have enough people to investigate, we can properly track some vehicles entering and exiting."

Fan Keqin said: "I have considered this method just now. I am afraid that if there are too many people, we will be discovered by the little devils first, so the gain will not be worth the loss. Moreover, this method has no effect if there are fewer people. If you are lucky, you may find What. But we can't leave that kind of thing to luck."

Bai Fengtai nodded and said, "Then should we send people to disperse and scout the radio station building?"

Fan Keqin thought for a while, and said: "Well, this is possible. After all, what we are targeting is the so-called live trial conference. According to what you said, send several groups of people, but each group should not be too many, and spread out. Check around the broadcasting building to see if there are any suspicious situations, such as the number of new people moving in, or a lot of new faces appearing in a certain residential area, etc. Once you find anything, report it immediately.”

Bai Fengtai said: "Understood, I will make arrangements later. Is there any other order?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "The main work of this matter is still done by the puppet Wang, and they organized the New Year's Eve banquet itself. Therefore, our intelligence network, it is best to be able to find out clearly, those who judged, and Who are the people who are being judged? We have not made any progress on this work, but they will always reveal something. For example, they must need a venue to rehearse in advance. This thing is the same as rehearsal In short, you must pay attention to all the situations in this area, and if you find anything, report it immediately."

"Okay." Bai Fengtai said: "I understand, I'll go now." Seeing that Fan Keqin had no other orders, he turned and walked out of the office.

After Bai Fengtai went out, he immediately started making arrangements.Soon, Fan Keqin's will began to be implemented.Among them, a section chief of the second section of the local municipal general affairs office discovered something suspicious.

The section chief is Li Gongshun, 37 years old this year.He is considered to be a member of the general affairs office, and he is very familiar with the work, so he does his job quite well.Just about half a month ago, the director of the General Affairs Office asked him to arrange some things, including contacting some municipal officials for a sufficient venue, asking for a venue that could hold a large reception.Do not go to some outside hotels, it is best to have a place inside itself.The second point is to let him contact some liquor merchants, chefs in various municipal department cafeterias, etc., the equipment needed for dishes, etc.There is also a few real estate, safe house.Because nothing was said.

However, Li Gongshun himself has some guesses, such as contacting the venue, it may be the specific venue for the New Year's Eve banquet.In the case of liquor merchants, chefs in canteens, etc., it may be food prepared for dinner parties and the like.As for setting up a few decent safe houses, the level must be higher than a certain level, it may be to prepare in advance to entertain some people attending the banquet.

In these cases, Li Gongshun would do it almost every year. After all, in order to show his so-called "orthodoxy" and how prosperous he was under his rule, Wang puppet also held New Year's Eve banquets every year.It's almost becoming a custom.Therefore, Li Gongshun didn't care much at first.

This is mainly because Li Gongshun is in the General Affairs Office, and what he is in contact with is the logistics.So know limited.He didn't know that there was a part of Wang Puppet's New Year's Eve banquet this time, which was a live broadcast of the trial.After all, only people of a certain level within the Wang Puppet will know about this.He is just a section chief, he must be better than the people below, but not much better, and it is impossible to think about it, and it is impossible for his superiors to take the initiative to explain the situation to him.So Li Gongshun didn't know about it at all.

Until a few days ago, Li Gongshun seemed to have heard something about it. This year's New Year's Eve banquet was different from previous years, but he didn't realize why it was different.But it's different now. According to Fan Keqin's order, Bai Fengtai shifted all the work in this area to listen to the live broadcast of the trial.So after Li Gongshun got the order, although he didn't think about it at first, but this afternoon, his subordinates came to him and said that the director had urged them again, and ordered them to arrange the [-]th office again within two days. A safe house above a certain level.

After what his subordinates said, Li Gongshun could say that an idea popped up in his head.With so many so-called safe houses I have prepared, will one of them be a rehearsal place for the live broadcast of the trial conference?
As soon as this idea came up, Li Gongshun didn't let it disappear, but kept thinking about it in his mind, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable he felt.So many safe houses may be just a cover, of course, it is also possible that some VIPs who participated in the banquet lived there, but one of them is for them to live broadcast the rehearsal of the trial conference, so it is also possible.At least you can't rule out the possibility right now.

Therefore, after Li Gongshun agreed, and immediately arranged for his subordinates to carry out the execution, he sorted out the conjecture, and then wrote it down on a piece of paper concisely, including, a while ago...

(End of this chapter)

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