spy ace

Chapter 3040 Clues

Chapter 3040 Clues

After writing down the specific location of the safe house I had prepared some time ago, I checked it and found that there were no mistakes or omissions. I folded it into a small piece of paper and hid it on my body.As for the new arrangement just now, it has to be ready, it is not clear yet, but this thing belongs to the scope of my work, so the subordinates must report it to me when they find it, and just talk about it at that time.

He got up and walked out of the office, and then he also found an excuse for the local work and slipped out of the general affairs office.In fact, he was really looking for a safe house again, but when he was looking for it, he couldn't just stay in a certain place, and he could move around reasonably, so in the middle, he came to the agreed dead mailbox location , and then quickly hid the small paper into the crack of a brick in a corner, and then stuffed it with a piece of small brick, so that nothing could be seen.

Then Li Gongshun continued to work normally.But just half an hour after he left, a person also arrived at the dead mailbox, took out the things, and after reporting layer by layer, Fan Keqin quickly saw the message.Did not say, check.

Now they still have enough manpower, so Bai Fengtai divided the manpower into groups according to Fan Keqin's instructions, and each group corresponds to investigate an address, so that the efficiency will be higher.And these investigators, after arriving at various locations, began to observe, household garbage, people coming in and out, whether there were cars, whether there were spy posts around, and so on.

So, just for one day.Of the eleven places on the address, there are seven with feedback information.These seven are relatively easy to investigate, or when the investigators are observing, the people in the room have already come out, so the situation can be determined.

However, these seven addresses with feedback information, after Fan Keqin's analysis, were not what he was looking for.Five of them are multi-person residences. The information on these five is very clear. It can be seen at a glance that five people of considerable status have lived in it, and they are accompanied by a few followers.The other two are vacant houses, and there are still many people who notice the vacant rooms and the ones that are inhabited.

For example, you may not see people or household garbage for a whole day, and there are no lights at night, and you cannot see any smoke from cooking, etc.After observing for nearly a day without finding anything, one of the investigators approached to investigate and determined that there was indeed no one living in it.

So Fan Keqin has basically ruled out these seven addresses, but he still needs to follow up and observe. Don't turn around and leave.Fan Keqin asked these groups of people to continue to observe.

On the second day, the observations of these seven groups were similar to the previous day. Fan Keqin asked two of them to continue to observe without anyone, and the rest could be withdrawn, but they would observe again the next day.This is because the two uninhabited variables are the largest, and I don't know when they will be enabled.

In addition to these seven, the remaining four also have news.After two days of observation, of the remaining four, two of the people who lived in were quite low-key, except after taking out the trash in the morning, they didn't come out for the rest of the time.However, there are men and women who live in it. At first glance, they are the kind of people invited to the New Year's Eve banquet, that is, one of the "representatives" of all walks of life who are going to donate money.

The other two have no problems. The security measures in these two places are very strict. It may not be obvious from the outside, but after two days of observation, some clues can still be seen.The other party adopts the shape of loose outside and tight inside, and there are special people who go out to buy some food and drink.But after careful observation, I found that during the day, there were people staring out of several windows.It's like keeping watch.And at night, every once in a while, there are people in the yard of the safe house, wandering around, patrolling and so on.

The reason why I didn't see it until today is because the people who hid in the window of the house during the day were very careful, and it was also because of the long observation time that they discovered that there was a sentry at the window to observe the outside.And someone came out to patrol at night, it was dark in itself, and the other party didn't come out very often, just walked around in the yard, separated by a wall, it was really not so easy to find.

Although I basically confirmed the situation of these eleven addresses, I didn't find anything that I needed to pay attention to.What he is looking for now is the person who will broadcast the trial conference live.First of all, there must be many people in the live broadcast of the trial conference. For example, your judge, the plaintiff and the defendant, the defense of both sides, and even observers, guards and so on.There must be these people, and it is impossible to have less.And so many people may be the live broadcast team composed of various agencies and units of the puppet Wang.Then it is impossible to really be in a certain institution of the puppet Wang, such as finding a conference room for rehearsal every day.

Otherwise, the insiders would have discovered the situation long ago.Not to mention that nothing has been discovered today.However, after searching for eleven addresses, none of them were found, and Fan Keqin was not discouraged. In fact, before this evening, Li Gongshun gave out the second batch of addresses.

This is the address of the safe house that Li Gongshun wanted to find when he first passed on the information.There was an order from the director of the General Affairs Department, requiring them to complete it within a certain period of time, and they didn't dare to be lazy, and in addition, Li Gongshun, the section chief, went to look for it in person, so even if it was performance, it had to be done as soon as possible.So by the next day, they had found the house all together.The most important thing is that they are fake people. If they really like it, even if it costs money, it’s not their money. In some places, it doesn’t matter whether the owner agrees or not. Anyway, we want it, and you can’t say no. Say something.

After getting the address, Fan Keqin continued to arrange for Bai Fengtai to be divided into eight groups, and began to resort to tricks for the newly obtained address.This time the investigation went really smoothly. The eight addresses were sent back within a few days with the investigation report, but like the previous eleven addresses, none of them were what Fan Keqin was looking for.

In order not to make any mistakes, Fan Keqin asked the investigators to monitor all the known addresses again, and then re-analyzed them himself, but found nothing.Just when he thought it might be that the puppet Wang's side was not arranged like this.A day later, in the news sent back by the investigators, there was a sudden discovery.Among the eleven addresses given at the beginning, there were two empty houses, one of which was visited this morning.

When these people came, they came in batches and dispersed.And they are all dressed in different clothes, but they are all casual clothes.After entering...

(End of this chapter)

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