spy ace

Chapter 3046 Kill

Chapter 3046 Kill
The west side also has a high probability that no one will be guarded, or a small probability that it will be guarded.

He flew up to the wall, then kept still, and used his vision and hearing, which were too much beyond ordinary people, to carefully observe the situation in the courtyard. It was fine, and there was no movement.So Fan Keqin immediately raised his legs, pressed hard on the wall, and rolled over.

When it landed on the ground, it immediately leaned over and raised its face, and took a closer look again. It was very good, there was no movement, whether it was in the yard or the second floor, it was quiet.At the same time, Fan Keqin was looking at all the windows.After he finished observing, he got up and took a few quick steps to the bottom of the wall on the second floor.I gently pushed the window with my hand, but it didn't open.But it doesn't matter, Fan Keqin quickly moved to another window and pushed it with his hands, but it still didn't open.

In this way, Fan Keqin squatted down and moved continuously, trying the windows in this row, but he did not find any windows that could be opened.So he could only come to the other side, which is the main entrance. To the south, Fan Keqin squatted down, moved from under the window to the gate, and quietly lined up at the gate to listen to the voices inside.

But Fan Keqin can be sure that there is someone inside this door.Because this person seems to be flipping through a book, or reading a newspaper or something.You know it's midnight, and there are still people, so Fan Keqin can't help but suspect that the people reading books or newspapers here may really be the bodyguards of this family.

Fan Keqin was not in a hurry and just listened quietly.About ten minutes later, Fan Keqin heard the sound of the book being closed, and then the sound of the book being placed on the table.Follow the person up, walking, and away from himself.

All these figures are actually not that big. It would be impossible for someone else to hear them so clearly.But when it comes to Fan Keqin, his hearing is like having clairvoyance.Hearing that the man put down the book, got up and walked inside, Fan Keqin felt that this should be an opportunity.Unless the person is walking backwards, he must be facing away from himself.

So just when he heard that this person was moving away from him, Fan Keqin immediately inserted two small stickers into the keyhole, then said goodbye lightly, then turned it 180 degrees, and heard a slight click.Fan Keqin has been paying attention to the movement inside, and the speed is very fast, the whole process of unlocking the lock takes less than two seconds.

So the voice was still moving, but the pace had slowed down. Fan Keqin estimated that the other party probably had already arrived at the destination. As for the purpose of walking this short distance, it was not clear.So Fan Keqin held on tighter, put the iron bar in his pocket, and pulled out the dagger.The other hand held the doorknob and opened the door.

Sure enough, when Fan Keqin opened a gap, Fan Keqin had already seen that person.It was a man in a black satin blouse.It was probably in the villa, so the other party was very relaxed, and he didn't hide the gun in his waist.It's on his right waist.

This kid is facing Fan Keqin with his right back.It was standing next to a small countertop, holding a cup in one hand and pouring water in the other.Fan Keqin didn't care whether the door was closed or not, he just flashed into the room, then tiptoed, and started walking straight towards this person.

The man had finished the water and was about to drink from a glass.However, he seemed to have noticed something, most likely when he opened the door, there was a small wind, which he felt.So he paused and turned his head to look.But as soon as his body stopped, Fan Keqin already knew it was not good.With a knife in his hand, the dagger flew out immediately.

The knife drew a beautiful line under the control, and it just arrived when the person just turned his head.With this knife, Fan Keqin rushed towards the top of the opponent's head.So as soon as the kid turned his head, the tip of the knife pierced in from near the bridge of his nose, close to the inner corner of his eye.

This kid might have seen a black shadow, but before he had any other reaction, he was immediately stabbed in the brain by this knife.He stopped again, and then began to fall backwards.

You know, after Fan Keqin raised his knife, he didn't stop, and Fan Keqin went towards the opponent even faster.So before the man fell backwards, he grabbed the clothes in front of him with one hand, and with the other hand, he helped the small table, the water glass that was about to be pulled down by this kid.Then, carrying the boy, he turned around and quickly came to the door.Fan Keqin controlled it very well, instead of carrying it with his hands hanging down, he carried it in a vertical way with his arms bent at the top so that the boy's head was on top and feet were on the bottom.

This is Fan Keqin's experience. You must know that if you use a knife, blood will definitely remain.Don't worry about piercing it there, it will bleed.Although Fan Keqin is not afraid of getting on the ground or something, after all, everyone is coming, and at most they will kill everyone.But halfway?For example, on the way, Fan Keqin was upstairs, but when he came out from the first floor, he saw blood on the ground.Or Fan Keqin was in a certain room on the first floor, but a person came down from the second floor and saw blood.

Although Fan Keqin is extremely capable, he is also confident in handling this situation.But that's troublesome, it's definitely not as good as being clean and not being discovered.If you can save a little trouble, you will always make money without losing money.Therefore, in this way of carrying people, the blood from the eyes is flowing downwards. As long as Fan Keqin does not shake back and forth, or the bleeding is very large, the blood must pass through the clothes and pants, and the clothes and Pants are made of cloth, which can absorb a certain amount of blood.Therefore, as long as it is processed within a certain period of time, it will naturally not flow to the ground.

Fan Keqin reached out to close the door, then pushed the side door close to the door, and the door flashed, um, it was not locked.So Fan Keqin opened the door gently.Take this person and go in.As a result, as soon as he entered, he saw that there were two beds in this room, and a black shadow immediately sat on one of the beds.

Fan Keqin had already brought this person in at this time, but kept him in front of him.Seeing this reaction was extremely quick, he held the person with one hand, pulled out the dagger from the opponent's eye with the other hand, swung it down, and the knife flew out again immediately.

In fact, this black shadow just fell asleep, after all, he just got off shift and got ready to rest.It is in the stage of falling asleep, not yet completely asleep.In addition, he was a bodyguard himself, so he was still quite alert. When he heard the door open and there was a slight creak, he immediately sat up vigilantly. After opening his eyes, he found a black figure entering the room. The figure seems to be his own companion...

(End of this chapter)

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