spy ace

Chapter 3047 4 Kill

Chapter 3047: Four Kills
Looking at his figure, he seemed to be his companion, so he relaxed a little, and when he was about to ask, he saw a hand that seemed to come out from the back of his companion's head. After all, it was quite dark, and the light was not turned on. When I opened my eyes, it was a little blurry.But that hand, then flicked towards him.

Before he could see what was going on, he felt a click on the bridge of his nose, and almost instantly, he lost any consciousness.But it was Fan Keqin's knife that hit the opponent's nose bridge, and the sharp part of the knife directly pierced into the brain, and the opponent was stabbed to death immediately.

Fan Keqin brought the man to the bedside, let go of his hand, and put the dead body upside down on the bed.He returned and pulled out the knife from the brain of the other person on the bed, shaking off the blood.In fact, according to Fan Keqin's professional skills, throwing blood is even worse. If you are a bloodstain expert, you can even judge where the blood was thrown, how much force was used, what kind of height, etc. based on the blood.

But now Fan Keqin was bleeding halfway in order not to hold the blood-stained dagger.It's still the same problem, what should I do if I am in one room and come out of another room and see the dripping blood.Although this chance is very small, and even if one or two drops of blood are found, they may not care if they are found, or the blood is too small, and they may only suspect that someone cut a small hole in their hand.But in case, someone just thinks seriously, you really can't rule out this line selection.

Therefore, Fan Keqin should avoid such things as much as possible.His blood throwing posture is also very particular, with the tip of the knife pointing down, then swinging out vertically, followed by a sudden stop, using the emergency brake, to throw the blood on the knife on the opponent's body.

Turning around and coming out of the room, Fan Keqin closed the door behind him.Then walk forward against the wall, and there is also a door at the position closest to the corner of the stairs.Fan Keqin reached out to hold the handle, opened the door and took a look inside. It was a kitchen. The whole space was quite large, but it was clear at a glance.In fact, he has been listening to any movement in the whole house, but can he rest assured if he doesn't take a look.

After coming out and closing the door again, Fan Keqin moved silently to the opposite wall. There was also a door here, and he twisted it with his hand, and the door opened as usual.This is a normal phenomenon, as if you are at home, you may only close the door at the main entrance, and you are unlikely to lock the doors of several rooms in the house.

When I opened it, I saw that it was a bathroom, which was not small in size, and the decoration was good, and there was a big bathtub.Come out and close the door again.After checking the several rooms on the first floor, Fan Keqin started to go up the stairs to the second floor.

Upstairs, the layout is different, mainly because there is a living room as soon as you enter the door on the first floor.The upstairs is not the case, there are many more rooms than the downstairs.Fan Keqin was not in a hurry and listened quietly for a while.In the first room in the innermost room on the left, someone should have turned over.The rest heard nothing.

So Fan Keqin first came to the room closest to him, put his ears on it, and listened carefully.It seems that there is no movement.But this does not mean that there must be no one. Although Fan Keqin's hearing is very good now, not everyone's breathing is thicker. If it is normal breathing or small breathing, then there is a door , Fan Keqin may not necessarily be able to hear clearly.

In fact, this is mainly due to his rigorous personality, and no one can hear or express.So he shook the handle lightly.Well, it's unlocked, and then I took out the oil can and dripped a few drops on the top and bottom of the door hinge.Then he came to the next door, and still held the door handle with his hand, but this one was not locked, so he still dripped oil on the door hinge.Go inside again...

That's it, Fan Keqin first oiled the door hinges of all the rooms on the second floor, then put away the small oil pot, and moved quietly to the outermost room on the second floor.Then he stretched out his hand to hold the doorknob, and pressed it lightly. Very well, the door was opened.

Fan Keqin raised the knife in the other hand and opened the door.Sure enough, the silence does not mean that there is no one inside.Just look at a person sitting on the side of the window, the curtains are drawn, but there is a small gap on the far right, which you cannot see from the outside.But the person sitting here is close to the window, so from his angle, he can see the outside.However, this person was obviously just looking at the wall, expecting someone like a thief to come in.And the direction he was facing was north.

As the door was opened wider and wider, Fan Keqin was able to see more and more clearly the layout of the entire room.This is quite an ordinary room, with a single bed, two chairs, and a small cabinet, nothing else.Obviously, it should be the bodyguards on the second floor, who are on guard on duty.But on the bed, there was still a person lying there.Looks like it should be a shift system as well.Watch alone, rest alone.

Moreover, these two people lived in the first room on the second floor, which was even more of a behavior of bodyguards.Even if there were thieves I didn't see, or they came in from other directions, but I stayed on the outermost side of the second floor, which was still an insurance policy.At the very least, the thief has to pass through his own room to get inside and get close to the owner of the house.

Fan Keqin went inside, took one step quietly, and then suddenly rushed up when he took the second step, and at the same time threw the dagger in his hand.Right in the head of the lying man.In the next moment, Fan Keqin had already arrived behind the person sitting by the window, grabbed the other person's head with both hands, twisted the master violently, and retracted forcefully.It was as if the man's neck, which was in his arms and arms, made a crisp clicking sound.But it was covered in Fan Keqin's arms, so the voice was even muffled and couldn't be heard at all.

Fan Keqin lightly felt the state of this person, his head had become a rattle, and his neck was weak at all. He must be dead.So he let go of his hand, took a step to the side of the bed, pulled out the dagger, and used his own method to shake the blood vertically again.Very well, these two people also hung up.

So Fan Keqin turned around and walked out quietly, and came to another house in two steps.Slowly pressing the handle with his hand to open the door, but no one was there.It doesn't matter, keep going inside.Came to the innermost door, which should be the master bedroom.So Fan Keqin pressed the handle slowly again to feel it, and it turned out that the door was locked.

(End of this chapter)

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