spy ace

Chapter 3051 Identity

Chapter 3051 Identity
Bishan Heyan continued: "The most frightening thing is that before you die, you may have to experience the feeling that life is worse than death. At that time, you will really live like a year. So, don't you want to prepare for your future? ? At least preparation is better than no preparation, isn't it?"

Zhou Haiping didn't mind Bishan Heyan calling himself a traitor.Because he actually knew in his heart that his behavior was a traitor.But now there is no need to argue.And the other party also doesn't need to have any taboos.So Zhou Haiping said: "Your Excellency is right, I also think so. But how to prepare, even if I am prepared... I am afraid it will not change anything. I can only go to the dark one way, and hope that the empire can win in the end." .”

Bishan Heyan said: "You can change. Why do you say you can only go to Hei in one way? If I am not mistaken, once the empire really fails, you are not Japanese, and you cannot escape at all. At that time, it was impossible for the empire to add a condition to take you away in the already failed result for you. Therefore, you can only escape by yourself. But you are the director of the Defense Office, and many people know this , You know how many people from the Chongqing side you have killed. So they will never let you go, so even if you can escape, you will definitely not be able to escape for a few days."

"That's right." Zhou Haiping said: "Unless I leave now, but leaving now... is equivalent to betraying the empire and the deceased Mr. Wang. The empire, like the new government, will not let me go. So , I can’t go anyway.”

Bishan Heyan said: "What you think is right, but you ignore my existence. If I help you and give you an identity, after the incident really happens, you will be a Japanese." Well, I can board a ship and reach Japan.

Think about it, I will provide you with the identity of the most ordinary soldier.Once the empire is defeated, then you can do whatever you want, and for you personally, the result is even more satisfying.And once the empire is defeated, you will be sent back to Japan as an ordinary soldier of the empire, and the loser of the war will pay the price, but you are just the most ordinary soldier, who will really be interested in you, embarrassing And you.Therefore, as long as you have my help, no matter what the result is, for you personally, you will win without losing. "

After Zhou Haiping heard it, his thoughts changed, and he felt that what the other party said was really reasonable. Personally, if he really had a backup identity as a Japanese soldier... At the very least, he could continue to live.And now I still have some secret deposits, even if I don’t need to bring other properties that I looted, so as long as I can reach Japan smoothly, then I have the opportunity to start a new life with this secret deposit. life of the Master.

No, even if you don't live the life of a master, if you continue with the life of an ordinary person, you will be making a lot of money.Thinking of this, Zhou Haiping nodded and said, "Your Excellency, are you really willing to help me? If so, please explain clearly, what do I need to do?"

"It's very simple." Bishan Heyan said, "I want you to secretly bury some explosives in certain places throughout the city. Remember, it's secret. Then, help me keep an eye on some big families." , or jewelry stores, banks and other places. Then we pretended to be people from Chongqing, causing more damage. And took the opportunity to collect the finances into our own pockets. After having money, Zhou Sang, you can go wherever you go Live a happy and wonderful life.

One thing though, I want to warn you, once I get out of this room, I won't admit everything I've said.Do you get me? "

Zhou Haiping nodded and said, "I will do whatever you say, Your Excellency. I just hope that Your Excellency can help me settle the identity matter as soon as possible."

Bishan Heyan said: "Don't worry, it's very simple for me to be an identity. On the battlefield, there are too many dead soldiers and missing soldiers. I just choose one at random, which looks similar to you, Put on your photo, and from now on, you are a real Japanese. No matter who you are, you can’t fault it.”

Zhou Haiping said: "Thank you, Your Excellency, I will start preparing according to what you said later. It's just that you said that you want to store some explosives in certain places in the city. The Defense Office has some, but it may not be enough. I hope that your Excellency will If you can provide some, and where to place them, please show me."

Bishan Heyan smiled and said, "Nanjing Road, Xiafei Road, Pétain Road, the Bund, in short, the more people there are, the better."

Speaking of this, Bishan Heyan looked at Zhou Haiping as if observing him, but Zhou Haiping did not show any discomfort.So he paused, and then continued: "We want to create chaos, and only chaos can make us do what we want. Of course, this is just a precautionary measure. Maybe we won't use it from the beginning to the end. As for Speaking of explosives, you first use what the Defense Office has, and if it’s not enough, I’ll provide it to you.”

Zhou Haiping led the way: "Okay, there is another question, that is to tell some banks, jewelers, wealthy families... to wait for your instructions before doing anything? Shall we investigate first?"

Bishan Heyan said: "Yes, wait for my instructions before proceeding. I have to prepare first. How to store these funds, you have to prepare yourself."

Zhou Haiping said: "No, I don't need it. Your Excellency, please keep it all. Actually...it's not that I don't want it, because I have no way to move these things to a real safe place."

Bishan Heyan said: "Okay, then I will collect all of them for you first, and I will secretly transport these things to the mainland of Japan. When the time comes, when you go to Japan, I will return your share to you." of."

Of course Zhou Haiping wanted these finances in his heart, but he knew it, so what to say, but is it possible?In fact, I can take the opportunity to keep part of it, then exchange it for cash, and deposit it in my secret account.This kind of money is truly his own.As for the other party saying that in the end they are allotted to themselves, then really, don't count on it.

But it must not be said that way, Zhou Haiping said: "Then I will have more Your Excellency, but these things belong to Your Excellency and have nothing to do with me. I just need Your Excellency to provide an identity, and I will be very satisfied. "

Bishan Heyan nodded and said, "Okay, then..."

(End of this chapter)

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