spy ace

Chapter 3052

Chapter 3052
Bishan Heyan continued: "Okay, let's talk about it when the time comes. And to show my sincerity, I will confirm your identity as soon as possible."

After sending Zhou Haiping away, Bishan Heyan immediately called his deputy.In other words, the relationship between this deputy and him is quite close.The two are considered fellow villagers, and when they talked when they met, they also found out that their parents still knew each other.Bishan Heyan's father was a teacher, and his assistant had studied in school with his father for several years.It can be said that the two hit it off immediately, and their personalities are quite compatible. Therefore, after a few years, the relationship can be said to be very, very good.

His deputy was Shuichiro Tsuboi, and when he arrived, Bishan Heyan said, "Ichiro, our plan has come to fruition again."

"Oh?" Shuichiro Tsunei said, "Have you found someone you can cooperate with?"

"Yes." Bishan Heyan said: "On New Year's Eve, I met Zhou Haiping, the director of the Defense Office. This person's ability is still very good. Although he was finally defeated by the ghost, even I Unexpectedly, the ghost would know something that was impossible to know. As a result, [-] of the [-] people died. Then the trial live broadcast, of course, could not start. But this mistake, in fact, I don’t think he is the fault, on the contrary, He was able to find me before carrying out the task, thinking of setting up a trap to get the ghost to take the bait, this is very rare in itself."

"Yeah." Shuichiro Tsunei said, "I know him, and he has cooperated with people from the Defense Office. It can be said that we have jointly arrested many anti-#日#恐怖#terrorists."

"That would be even better." Bishan Heyan said: "I told him about the benefits of persecution, he is still very good, we just need to provide him with an imperial soldier's ID card, and he will help us complete the plan."

Shuichiro Kuboi nodded, and said, "It's not difficult. We have all the materials and equipment for making the documents. However, are you talking about the real documents, or are they just fake ones?"

Bishan Heyan said: "The real certificate, he is still useful to us. Get him the real one, he is in our wing. When entering the file, let him be an investigator. In this way, it can explain that there are basically no people. met him."

"Okay." Shuichiro Tsunei said, "It can be done within two days, within two days."

On the other hand, after Zhou Haiping returned to the defense office, he also called his confidants and ordered him so and so. Then, according to Bishan Heyan's instructions, he began to send people to investigate the local banks, jewelry stores and other places.

Zhou Haiping himself is the boss of the defense office, and he is usually very strong in his work. Therefore, although his subordinates don't know why they are investigating and monitoring some banks, jewelry stores and other places, they still follow his requirements.After all, everyone in this business knows that it is impossible to leak secrets in advance. Even if it is to investigate a suspicious person, how can it be possible to tell you the purpose of the mission or all the information.So now they are investigating the jewelry store, and the bank has not been told why, and it has become a matter of course.

Almost at the same time, Fan Keqin was also ordering Bai Fengtai to do something.If the highlight of the New Year's Eve party was destroyed, it must be reported. After finishing the report, Fan Keqin found Bai Fengtai and asked him to contact his special telecommunications team to send the situation back to the headquarters.

After Bai Fengtai made a statement, he said: "Brother Heng, we destroyed the live broadcast of the trial, but there was no donation at the banquet. And because the venue of the banquet was too tightly sealed, we had no chance to destroy it, which led to, although The first part was destroyed by us, and the puppet Wang put his focus on the second part. The current situation is that the Japanese puppet is indeed still in control of this place, so under such circumstances, those wealthy businessmen who participated in the banquet agreed to donate The probability is high."

In fact, Bai Fengtai didn't say anything, Fan Keqin also knew about this situation.After all, Wang Puppet is really helpless now, he can only fight like a cornered beast, struggling stupidly.All beasts know to deny it before they die, let alone humans.And the smarter the animal, the less willing it is to die, and the more fierce it will be.Therefore, Wang Puppet will inevitably exhaust all methods to struggle desperately.The dossier at the New Year's Eve dinner can be imagined, what kind of coercion, high-pressure measures, in short, they will definitely use all the tricks they can think of.

In addition, some of the people who can participate in the puppet Wang's annual party are not forced to come. Their interests are tied to the puppet Wang. They know that once the puppet Wang is over, they will not be good. Therefore, we will definitely donate money and materials actively.And the minority drives the majority, and other people are also afraid that they may be retaliated against if they don't agree to Wang Puppet's words.

And the people who participated in this banquet were all kinds of tycoons and businessmen.That is to say, if they have money, their "donation" of twelve is probably not small.And no matter how big or small, these materials and financial resources are only enough to sell one bullet, and if it is sent to the hands of the little devils on the front line, then this bullet may still hurt our anti-Japanese soldiers.What's more, might it only be enough to change one bullet?According to Fan Keqin's knowledge, there are several grain merchants here, as well as cotton and textile tycoons.Although food, quilts and the like are not weapons, these things can still fill the stomachs of little devils, put on new military uniforms, or cover them with quilts that will not freeze in winter.These are all things for the little devils, and even the puppet army to increase their combat power.

It's just a pity that during the New Year's Eve a few days ago, Fan Keqin did some research, and there was really no way to do it at the banquet.Otherwise, it must have been a spoonful of stew.But now knowing this, Fan Keqin couldn't just watch.

Seeing that Fan Keqin was still thinking and did not speak, Bai Fengtai said: "Brother Heng, why don't we kill all of these guys. At that time, when the puppet Wang held a New Year's Eve banquet, we had no chance. But now they all go back to their homes , If you want to kill them, there are still many opportunities."

After hearing this, Fan Keqin waved his hands, but still didn't speak immediately, but gave Bai Fengtai a cigar, and he lit it himself and took a puff. After pondering for a while, he said, "I'm afraid it won't work. If you kill them, you still have family members." .Even if there is no family member, the puppet Wang is now at the point of life and death, so he can just rob it directly. They dare not rob people while they are alive..."

(End of this chapter)

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