spy ace

Chapter 3070 Gas Weapon

Chapter 3070 Gas Weapon
If you want to implement the plan just relying on the organs and troops controlled by these little devils, it is too far away.

Bishan Heyan thought for a while, and said, "It's really difficult to get so many explosives. Even if the headquarters has such a stock, it is not something we can get, let alone the headquarters cannot have such a large amount of explosives." Many, if any, have been transported to the front. We might as well think of another way."

Mitsuo Nagata looked at the other party with an attitude of listening attentively.Zhou Haiping asked, "Master, have you thought of any solution?"

Bishan Heyan said: "An Qi, Guang Qi, and Jie Zi Qi." After saying this, Nagata Mizuo and Zhou Haiping frowned at the same time, not because they realized their conscience, but because if this thing can't be handled well, May injure yourself.But they knew in their hearts that Anqi, Phosqi, and Jieziqi were very, very lethal.If the wind is in the right direction, it doesn't take much, and it can produce extremely powerful damage.

Moreover, Anqi and Phosgene are suffocating gases, and the effect is extremely fast.The latter kind of meson gas is even more vicious. It is an erosive gas. If a person is hit by it, the death is extremely terrible.

Zhou Haiping worried: "I don't understand these things, but I have heard that although this thing is very lethal, it is difficult to control. If the wind direction is not right, it will also cause damage to ourselves."

Nagata Mitsuo said: "We have this thing, but it is inconvenient to use it due to the fact that there are too many observers from various countries. Therefore, the timing of using it has been missed a lot. And it is used on the battlefield in some specific environments. We will only use it when it is secret, or when we encounter some tough battles. But this batch in Shanghai only used part of it, because when the troops came to Shanghai, there were too many observers from various countries. So most of them were just hidden and stored .So in terms of quantity alone, we really have enough gas attack weapons."

Having said that, Nagata Mizuo said: "But I know there are, but I don't know where these things are stored. Since Bishan-kun can tell you, he must know where they are stored?"

Bishan Heyan said: "Yes, Your Excellency General. When I was the captain of the squadron, I led my squadron and guarded these gas weapons. Thinking about it, these things are still in their original positions. Probably in the large warehouse, and near Baoqiao.”

"Hmm." Mitsuo Nagata said, "How many? Are you sure it's enough?"

Bishan Heyan said: "The last time I left the gas weapons storage place was in 13. When the local area was captured in [-], I occupied a village, and then constructed in the name of building a barracks, and dug a storage warehouse underground. At that time, it was [-] catties in total, and about [-] catties were transported away one after another. As for where to transport it, whether to use it, and how to use it, it is not clear, but this is not important. The important thing is that as far as I know at the time There are still [-] catties left."

"One hundred thousand catties." Zhou Haiping asked, "Is that enough?"

Mizuo Nagata thought for a while, and said: "If we pay more attention to the deployment in Shanghai, then choose a suitable time to release it, for example, deploy gas weapon nets in densely populated places, and deploy less in places with fewer people. When choosing a very favorable weather, then one hundred thousand catties can cause the greatest damage. I think it is almost enough. After all, there are so many people in the local area, it is impossible for everyone to have protective equipment such as gas masks. At that time , suddenly activated, the lethality will increase exponentially, even if it is impossible to kill all of them... but ten to eighty-nine, there is not much difference."

Zhou Haiping said: "I hope it will be activated at the last time, or when it must be used. Your Excellency General, Your Excellency, I am not saying that I am afraid of other situations, but that this thing is too lethal. I... To be honest, I was just afraid that I would suffer instead. So should I consider using some timed detonators and the like? I don’t understand. Can this kind of gas weapon use a timing device? If so, that would be great , we will have gone far and safe by then."

Nagata Mizuo and Bishan Heyan looked at each other and smiled at the same time.Mitsuo Nagata smiled and said: "Of course the timing device can be used. The gas is stored in the container, and when it is used, it just releases the gas inside. As for how to release, there are many ways. We can make a powerful A very small bomb, and then install a timing device. After the time resets to zero, just blow open the bottle mouth to achieve this effect. It is not difficult."

Bishan Heyan said: "Now it seems that this plan is feasible, but we must arrange it in advance. It is not difficult at all. With things, after all, Shanghai is still under our control, so it is more convenient to do things." It's just...the procedures for guarding the gas underground armory are very strict. It was already like this when I led my subordinates to guard it. Now I think it is even more strict. If there is no order from the headquarters, I am afraid we will not be able to get these things. "

Mizuo Nagata smiled and said, "Mr. Bishan is talking about the highest local military command organization, the garrison headquarters, right? But when I came to Shanghai this time, I brought the orders and documents from the Army Headquarters of the headquarters, so it should be convenient." .”

Bishan Heyan didn't know about this situation, he just knew that the other party's authority was very high, but he didn't know what level it was.So he said: "Of course, the highest order is easy to use. So what we have to do now is where we put these things after taking them out, or take them out before they are arranged. I personally tend to Take it out in advance, and the things are in hand, and it will be convenient to use at that time.”

Zhou Haiping said: "Your Majesty, I am not against you. I just think, take this thing out and put it there? One hundred thousand catties is not a big thing, what should I do if this thing leaks secrets? Put it there. It’s easy to get the wind out.”

Nagata Mizuo thought for a while, and said: "What Mr. Bishan and Mr. Zhou said makes sense. It's okay to go in advance, and it can be more convenient and flexible when we make arrangements. But it can't be too early, our very cunning enemy Damn, he is very well-informed. I suspect that he is within us and has an intelligence network that we don't know about. So if we take it out too much in advance, I'm afraid there will be a leak. So we..."

(End of this chapter)

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