spy ace

Chapter 3071 Brothers meet

Chapter 3071 Brothers meet
Nagata Mitsuo said: "So, we have to take it out in advance, but not too much in advance. We can first study the specific location and location of these gas weapons in the local area. Then how to release them to facilitate concealment. We can't always pull them out. Let’s put those things in a bright place somewhere.”

At this moment, Nagata Mitsuo glanced at the adjutant Yutenji Makoto who had been silent all this time.The other party can be said to be very loyal to Mitsuo Nagata.So when Mitsuo Nagata discussed things with others, he almost never interrupted.

Nagata Mizuo said: "Tera Makoto, take out the latest version of the local map." Youtian Sicheng agreed, turned and left, and returned after a while.Put the map on the desktop.Nagata Mitsuo looked at the location on the map and said: "Masnan Road, Nanjing Road, these places are very densely populated. Here, I remember it is an intersection, we can find a hotel near here In fact, there is no need to deliberately hide the secret place, as long as you rent a house or a room in a hotel. You can transport things in some time in advance..."

Next, these devils and Zhou Haiping, the second devil, began to study the specific places to put them.These few people are already quite familiar with Shanghai, after all, they have been there for several years. I can't say that they have a complete understanding of the population density there, but they are close to each other.Therefore, it is very fast to determine where to put it, and then discuss the specific delivery method.

They thought of many ways, as Mizuo Nagata said just now, find a hotel or hotel, and then spend money to take down a room like a guest, and wrap the gas weapon with a layer of stuff to cover it up, put it in in advance good.As long as this thing costs money, I agreed to book a room for ten days, and there will be no problem after the money is paid.

There is also renting a house, more like getting a house with a courtyard, and then putting all the gas weapons in the courtyard, and then using something like wooden boards to camouflage the appearance.There is also a car in the courtyard of a densely populated community, and the gas weapon container is hidden in the car.In short, as long as you think about various methods, it is really not difficult.And they have enough manpower now, you know, there are more than 3000 people in just one wing.Not to mention the Defense Office and the secret agents of the Nagata Mansion.

At night, they have basically marked all the locations in Shanghai that need to be placed. As for where to put them, they need to scout and choose.This task fell on Zhou Haiping's head. His defense office was full of spies from the Second Devils, so it was more convenient to do things.

In this way, while Nagata Mizuo and other devils were carrying out their plan, Fan Keqin also encountered something. Qian Jinxun came to Shanghai again.And sent a signal to Fan Keqin to join in secret.

Fan Keqin said: "I see, the next batch of medicines is coming soon, you have to be prepared, as we discussed. This time, Qiu Xingchao and the others will send Ma Hongfeng away as soon as they are done. Don't delay .”

Bai Fengtai said: "Understood. They are all ready and can be carried out at any time."

"Okay." Fan Keqin got up and said, "That's it, I'm going out. You can look at the house." Then, without further delay, he walked out of his office, then went downstairs to take a car, and drove all the way to Jinan. Inside a church on Fr. Rd.

After Fan Keqin entered, he saw a clergyman praying in front of the statue. Fan Keqin sat on the chair in the first row, not in a hurry.After about five or six minutes, the cleric finally finished his work. He was still a foreigner, not young, he must be in his sixties, and his hair was all white.Turning to look at Fan Keqin, he said, "Hi boy, are you here to repent?"

"No." Fan Keqin said: "I'm looking for Sister Griff#Hunter to ask for a glass of wine. Excuse me, is Father Isabella here?"

The clergyman looked at Fan Keqin, smiled involuntarily, and said, "Please forgive me, I'm really a little awkward when I hear this... Come with me." Then, he turned around and led the way from the side. They walked in through one of the doors, and then they went up the stairs to the second floor. The priest knocked on the door rhythmically and said, "Father Isabella, are you there?"

"Come in, please." Fan Keqin's ears were sharp, and he heard immediately that it was indeed Qian Jinxun's voice.After the two went in, the white-haired priest said, "I'm going to continue praying. If there is a situation, I will send out a signal."

"It's troublesome." Qian Jinxun nodded with a smile, watched the white-headed priest go out again, and closed the door.Turning around, he looked up and down at Fan Keqin and said, "Handsome, come on, brat, give me a hug."

Fan Keqin was also happy, hugged his brother, and said: "You have gained a lot of weight, and you seem to have a good time with you? My sister-in-law raised you fat and fat."

Qian Jinxun said: "Well, I'm not going to hide this from you, you really raised me well. Hahaha, you look good too. In Shanghai, you are a feast for the eyes, you are a beautiful woman in a car, and you are very romantic. Envy, envy ah."

"Hahaha." Fan Keqin said: "I'm envious of you. I'll arrange for you to be accompanied by beauties every day, who are delicious and spicy."

"Well, take a look." Qian Jinxun said: "When you are next to Miss Qianjin, you can speak hard." Then, as if serious, he said seriously: "Hey, don't forget, who is the real person in the family?" Room."

Fan Keqin said: "Don't talk about this, I don't know what to do in the future. Hey, it's difficult, it's a very difficult matter, and it's not easy to solve."

Qian Jinxun happily said: "Well, is it difficult? Difficulty is right, this is the price of being romantic."

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.Qian Jinxun smiled and threw a cigarette over, lit one himself, and sat beside him.Fan Keqin took a puff of smoke and said, "This is the liaison station of the military command?"

"How is it?" Qian Jinxun said, "It's secret enough."

"Yeah." Fan Keqin said: "When I came in, that foreigner completely bluffed me. If it wasn't for the correct signal, I would have thought I had gone wrong."

"Hahaha." Qian Jinxun said: "I specially established it a year ago, just after I met you last time and went back. You are an expert, and you have said so, so I am more at ease .”

"No." Fan Keqin said, "What are you doing here this time? You don't seem to be in a hurry."

(End of this chapter)

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