spy ace

Chapter 3077 Great Wisdom

Chapter 3077 Great Wisdom

But to say it's not suspicious at all... No, there is one person who, thinking about it now, is a little suspicious.That was a child, a newsboy to be exact.

Thinking of this, the agent's thinking seemed a little clearer.Yes, I haven't seen a newspaper boy delivering newspapers a few days ago.Heck, if that's the case, it shouldn't be.But it was quite normal for that newsboy to appear at that time, and only after the incident happened can we speculate from memory.Otherwise, if it continues like this, who would have thought that the newsboy might be the most suspicious person.

In fact, it cannot be said that there is really a problem with that newsboy.After all, the newsboy appeared around noon in the morning, and then the Sanyuan Bookstore was open normally, and several customers also went in in the afternoon.The reason why I can ring the newsboy now is only because that newsboy may be a child, and what distinguishes him from other guests may be his age.

However, since I can recall a newspaper boy, I might be able to explain a little bit to Shangfeng.Otherwise, if you lose your target, you may be punished.

Thinking of this, the military commander felt that someone touched him again, and when he turned around, he saw that it was his companion.The latter frowned and said, "I didn't find it."

The military commander said: "Well, let's go back first, and tell you on the way, I think of someone. It seems to be a newspaper boy. That kid should be a real newspaper boy..."

The two people exchanged information silently as they walked back... Qian Jinxun learned about this matter from the two people Fan Keqin lent him not long after.Qian Jinxun asked them to drop a very severe letter into the dead mailbox again.The content is to let the Shanghai station self-examine what is going on.

At the same time, Qian Jinxun contacted Fan Keqin again.A few days later, after receiving the reply, Qian Jinxun felt a little fucked up. The Shanghai station said that on the day of the accident yesterday, a newspaper boy entered the Sanyuan Bookstore at noon in the morning, and then the accident happened at night.Qian Jinxun really can't judge this thing, but now the Shanghai Station is sending people to secretly look for the newsboy.

In the afternoon, Fan Keqin found the church again, met Qian Jinxun and complained, and said: "This group of people is really promising, just let them monitor someone, and they leaked it , I even suspect that there is an inside ghost here. But if there is an inside ghost, the information at Shanghai Station should be mastered by the Japanese puppets. But when I was at the headquarters, I read their work reports for a long time, Nothing happened, and there is no suspicious situation on the Japanese and puppet side, so I don't know how to judge now."

Qian Jinxun took the cigar handed over by Fan Keqin, lit it and took a puff, and said, "Help me analyze and analyze what the hell is going on."

Fan Keqin said: "Didn't you have a clue? That newspaper boy, find it first." At this point, he paused, and then said: "It's useless for you to think about it now. Whether the inner ghost exists or not depends on these things now." The information can’t be judged at all. My personal suggestion is that all the customers who went to the Sanyuan Bookstore on the day of the accident yesterday are suspicious. If you investigate, you can start with these people. Two brothers said that the incident started from If you push forward, you find that it is the newsboy, not a guest, so start with the newsboy.

A child, carrying a bag selling newspapers, didn't you see all this?It's not enough to hit the big luck all over the world, so I have to go to the newspaper office to wait.And these newsboys usually go back to the newspaper office very early to pick up a new day's newspaper.You can let people go to squat.As long as you find the newsboy, you can ask for information from him.If he's okay, you're moving on to the other guests, but if there's a problem, it's not some so-called insider.You can focus on the information that the newsboy responds to, and that's it. "

"Yeah." Qian Jinxun nodded, and said, "Yes, you're right. These people are so stupid. They could have squatted at the newspaper office this morning. It's a waste of a day. There's no need to say anything tomorrow." Can't let it go."

After finishing speaking, Qian Jinxun smiled and said, "It has to be my brother. It's Gao."

Fan Keqin smiled and said: "Father and son soldiers, fight tiger brothers. I don't want to take on your job. The little devil has not been beaten away, so why should he turn his guns to deal with his own people. It's too dirty. That’s right, that’s you, I would have let him play with someone else.”

"Yes yes yes." Qian Jinxun said: "From this we can see that the friendship between our brothers is like a drop of gold and iron..." After a pause, he also sighed a little: "Yes, it is indeed dirty. , However, whether it is dirty or not depends on people's hearts. If the people above are dirty, the people below may not be able to do it even if they don't want to be dirty."

Fan Keqin laughed and said, "Who are you alluding to? Old Jiang?"

"Hey." Qian Jinxun said: "I didn't say that." He instinctively denied it first, but then remembered that this was in a very safe environment, and the other party was his brother.So he continued: "But... it's not very clean anyway. Look at his face, he's so careful and thoughtful."

"Hey hey." Fan Keqin said with a smile: "You said this to Old Jiang in person. But you are right, he must have a lot of small thoughts. And he can be seen by others, is he smart? Maybe it's true Smart, but with great wisdom I feel he still lacks shortcomings."

Qian Jinxun said: "What's the matter, can you really tell from the face?"

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "You didn't read the study notes I gave you at all. This is called psychology, but it is definitely not from the appearance, but from the behavior such as sitting and lying, and then look at a person. Just looking at the face, unless you are lucky, otherwise, it is impossible to be accurate."

"Hey, then look at me." Qian Jinxun said: "How about your brother and me? What can you tell?"

"You." Fan Keqin said: "Anyway, if you talk about great wisdom, you are better than Old Jiangtou."

"Hahaha." Qian Jinxun laughed and said: "Oh, my brother is accurate in judging people, but we don't have the same fate... Hey, don't talk nonsense about this. Kill me later. "

"Look." Fan Keqin said, "I'll say you have great wisdom."

"Hahahaha." Qian Jinxun said with a smile, "Okay, I know you're awesome, and you'll see who you are. But that's all for today, so go back quickly. I'll contact you when something happens tomorrow."

(End of this chapter)

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