spy ace

Chapter 3078

Chapter 3078
The military command is still very good at finding people. Following Fan Keqin's instructions, Qian Jinxun immediately activated a quick contact method and asked them to go to the newspaper office tomorrow morning.Shanghai Station received the order from Qian Jinxun, the deputy director, and naturally complied immediately.They even deliberately sent people dressed as new newspaper sellers to go to the newspaper office to "buy goods".In this way, it will be more reasonable, and the methods will be more diverse, so that it will not be missed.

How could that child be on guard? According to his own habit, he came to the newspaper office early in the morning and started queuing up to get the newspaper.He was immediately recognized by the military commander.In fact, the situation at that time, they saw the child at the monitoring point, but at a distance, the face was not very clear.But who made the child's clothes the same?

This year is not the future. The children in the family have a lot of clothes to change at will, and wear whatever they want.To put it bluntly these days, it would be nice for a child to have a complete set of clothes, why change?What a sweet dream.If he hadn't come out to sell newspapers and made some contributions to the family, he might not even have this complete set of clothes.

Therefore, the people under military command saw it at a glance.Then pass it to your partner with your eyes.At the back of the queue, a waiting newspaper seller was right behind the kid.Then, as if he hadn't noticed, he bumped the child lightly.Immediately afterwards, he immediately supported the child with both hands, and said, "Oh, I bumped into you, how is it? Are you okay?"

Just touch it, and there will be a shit.The child turned around and said, "It's okay, I'm fine."

"Okay." The military commander nodded with a smile, and then said differently, "Hey, little brother, are you selling newspapers on Erxiang Street? I seem to have seen you somewhere the day before yesterday?"

"Ah." The child nodded immediately after hearing this, and said, "Yes, uncle is there too?"

The military officer said: "Yes, it's a coincidence, so... let's go together later, I have a car here, and I will carry you back."

The child said: "Then... Actually, it doesn't matter. I'll walk back and sell it along the street. Maybe I can sell a few copies."

"You kid, why are you being so polite?" Juntong said with a smile, "I'll take you back on my back by bike. How many copies can you sell at such an early hour? When we get to Erxiang Street, I guess Ah, it's going to be a long time before I come out of the house. Listen to me."

"Then...thank you, uncle." The child nodded and said.

"You're welcome." The military commander replied with a smile, and then continued to line up with him to receive the newspaper.With just a few words, the people in the military command felt that this child was definitely not some kind of little traffic officer.Because the way, content, and demeanor of this child talking to him is just an ordinary child.And when I said I would carry the other party back, the other party was polite, but finally agreed, so the possibility of this is very small.

After receiving the newspapers, the military command came outside with the boy selling newspapers, got on a bicycle, and rode forward along the street.

"I didn't have breakfast in the morning, so I'm a little hungry. How about you, have you eaten in the morning?" The military commander asked while riding a bicycle.

The child in the back seat hesitated for a moment, and said, "I... I've eaten."

"Okay, let's eat some more with me." The military commander on the bike said, "Anyway, it's still early, we must have time."

"Then...Okay, okay." The child behind replied.Just like that, after a few streets, the bicycle turned and turned into another street.After a short time, I stopped at a small stall selling chaos.

"Two servings of Chaos, two pancakes." The rider pulled the child and sat on a small table, and ordered food.Soon the stall owner brought the food to them.The child is very polite. After all, it is the first time he encounters such a situation. It is not allowed to be rude: "Thank you, uncle."

"It's all right." The man from the military commander replied with a smile, "Come on, eat it while it's hot." He took a sip of the chaotic soup with a spoon first.Seeing this, the child also took a bite of the pancake.

In this way, two people chat while eating, isn't it easy for the military commander to talk about a child?Ask where the other party's home is, how many people are in the family, and what their name is.Then the military commander put down the bowls and chopsticks, and said, "Xiao Guan, I want to ask you something, do you remember the day before yesterday, you went to the Sanyuan Bookstore, and that bookstore caught fire afterwards. Good guy, the fire is quite big."

"Remember." The child named Xiaoguan said, "I heard about it yesterday."

"Ah." The man in command said, "Then why did you go to the Sanyuan Bookstore? Buying books and studying?"

"No." The child named Xiaoguan said: "That day, a gentleman asked me to deliver several newspapers and a letter to Sanyuan Bookstore. That's why I went."

"That's it." The military commander smiled and said, "That's right, it's good to earn some errand fees. Didn't the bookstore owner tell you anything?"

"No...no." The kid named Xiaoguan, he is only in his teens this year, but he is not a fool when he was young, and he also felt something when the other party asked him this way, so he asked: "Uncle, what's the matter? Isn't it your...the boss?"

"Yes, he and I are friends. But the kind of unfamiliar friends, he helped me before." The military commander said: "No, I saw his bookstore was on fire, so I wanted to take a look. Is there anything I can do to help, and I can't find anyone? Do you know where he went?"

"I don't know about that." The child named Xiaoguan said, "I just deliver newspapers and letters, and I haven't seen the boss."

"Oh." The military commander said: "Do you know the person who asked you to deliver the letter? Did you pay attention to that person at that time?"

"I don't know him either." The child named Xiaoguan said, "There were quite a few customers in the past who asked me to run errands and buy some cigarettes. So, I didn't pay much attention."

The military commander nodded and said, "Then do you remember his appearance, or what clothes he was wearing, or any features on his face, such as a mole at the corner of his eye, or a scar or something?"

"No." Xiao Guan replied, "but...he kept coughing, maybe he was sick? Or his throat was uncomfortable? So when he talked to me, he blocked his mouth with his fist, but it was the same, I can't see the whole face. But the clothes he wears are very high-end, a suit, dark, with small eyes and narrow slits..."

(End of this chapter)

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