spy ace

Chapter 3088 Suspicious characters

Chapter 3088 Suspicious characters
The tenant's original place of residence hadn't expired yet, and it was still ten days away, and they didn't want to spend money repeatedly, so the decision was to wait until the lease on his side of the house expired, and then move in.It doesn't matter, it just so happens that during this period of time, one after another, it's time for the Master. If Qian Jinxun wants to meet someone, he can also be in this house.This is the same reason, if something happens in the future, then this house will become a fuse.

Sure enough, in the days that followed, people arrived one after another.Of course, Qian Jinxun didn't want to meet everyone, but some important people.He divided these people into several groups, each group had a team leader, and then he had a good grasp of the contact passwords and other conditions of these people, and then began to assign tasks.It's very simple, he asked the stationmaster of the Shanghai station to submit the delineated list, and then he only needs to use means to target these people.

After Qian Jinxun gave these instructions, it was almost time. He immediately arrived at the newly found safe house, handed over the previous house to the tenants, and began to wait for news.

During this time, one of Fan Keqin's subordinates, Ma Liben, a master detective, also discovered something.When he was investigating the Nagata Mansion, he didn't feel anything at first. He used conventional methods to stay away from the Eternal Mansion, but he watched the road leading to the Nagata Mansion from the window of a building.

As a result, Ma Liben discovered some unusual situations when summarizing his work.One of them always came out and went in every other day.It's like coming out today, but disappearing when you come back tomorrow morning, and after a day and a night, this person comes out again.

This situation is also normal. If it is placed elsewhere, some people go to work every other day.But it feels wrong to put it here.So after discovering this person, he began to pay attention to this person, and this attention found something even more wrong.

Because this person wears different clothes every time he goes out, how many times has this happened?In this day and age, people at the lowest level can wear a piece of clothing for several years without changing it.Although the person Malaben found was not the kind of low-level person, he didn't have to change his clothes every time.Therefore, in Ma Liben's eyes, this kid's behavior became a way of covering up.

So after he reported the situation to his upline, his upline also felt that something was wrong, and immediately photographed him as a temporary partner.Let him investigate this guy further.After meeting their partner, the two began following the man the next day.

Unsurprisingly, the boy who was being followed changed into a gray shirt.And Ma Liben and his temporary partner had been preparing for a day. Both of them were riding bicycles, so they followed this kid for a few days and saw this guy get into a rickshaw.

Malaben and partner followed, and with the bikes it was much more flexible, taking a different approach to tracking.Specially prevent the opponent from using some unnoticed methods to observe behind.The two of them changed shifts, or waited from the street, and took advantage of the speed of the bicycle to follow this kid to the edge of the north of the city.

This piece is a bit difficult to follow.After all, it is on the edge of the city, there are few pedestrians, and there are few cars on the road, so it is quite difficult to follow behind, and it is easy to be spotted.Fortunately, the two of them have rich experience and are both masters of investigation.Using the relative situation, you and others are easy to be found, but the reverse is also the same, the target person is also easy to see at a glance, and will not be blocked by pedestrians or vehicles.In addition, both of them have bicycles, they are fast, and they try to follow the street as much as possible, or follow the time difference, and they have not let the target escape.

After arriving at the northern edge of Shanghai, when entering a certain street, I saw a rickshaw parked on the side of the road.The two immediately hid behind a house and peeped.After paying the target and sending the rickshaw driver away, he stood where he was, took out a cigarette, lit it, and took a puff, then turned around unhurriedly and entered an alley on his side.

Ma Liben and his partner looked at each other, which made it even more difficult to follow.Don't think they are good scouts, but if they enter the alley, it will be strange, and there must be very few people. If one is not paying attention, or the other party suddenly turns around, it is very likely that they will meet each other.

Ma Liben said: "If it doesn't work, you support him, and I will follow him. At most, we will have a face-to-face meeting, so you will have another chance."

The partner said: "Let me go. You have been staring at him for a few days. If you see him face to face and only me is left, you must be upset. So let me do it."

Ma Liben knew that time was running out and he couldn't say more, so he nodded immediately.His partner also nodded, leaning the car against the wall next to him and going out.But at this moment, Ma Liben suddenly reached out his hand to stop him, and said, "Wait." Then he pointed to his ear.

His partner immediately stopped, and while looking over the cover of the wall of this house, he listened with his ears up.It turned out that he heard it too, it was the sound of a car starting.

Again, if it is placed elsewhere, how can there be a problem with the sound of the car starting.Furthermore, there are too many noises in the city, and it is impossible for anyone to pay attention to this movement.But where are they now?It is on the edge of the city, there are so few people, and there are not too rich people who live on the edge of the city.How could there be so many cars?In addition, when the car started, the direction of the sound came from the same direction as the target they were tracking, the alley they had just entered.It is very suspicious to combine all the information.

So, they were right to wait.Even if the judgment was wrong this time, and it wasn't the target of the track who drove out, then at most they failed to track this time, but they were not discovered by the target after all, and they still have a chance in the future.

But this time, their judgment was completely correct. After a while, they saw a black car driving out of the alley.The car that has just come out of the alley, because it has not yet reached a higher speed, and has to turn to the road, the speed will be slow.And on the edge of the city, there are very few buildings, basically bungalows.Nothing too much shade.

Therefore, Ma Liben and his partner could see quite clearly.I saw that the co-pilot of this car was sitting in the front...

(End of this chapter)

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