spy ace

Chapter 3089 Mantis Catching Cicadas

Chapter 3089 Mantis Catching Cicadas
It was the one they were following.And the person driving the car was separated by a person, and the angle was not very good, so he couldn't see it clearly.But I think it must be the other party's accomplice.

But this is enough, they can now be completely sure that every time they pass through that street, they will change their clothes, and this time they took a rickshaw first, and after getting out of the car, they even smoked a cigarette. Light a cigarette and observe the situation behind you.And after he entered the alley, the car started immediately, and he still sat in it.Adding this series of actions together, if this person is fine, then he is truly out of the ghost.

The two of them really didn't dare to follow too closely this time, because the car obviously drove out of the city and headed for the suburbs.There are fewer people in the suburbs, and cars are even rarer.Under the flat river, if I follow too closely, the other party is very likely to see them when they sit in the car and look back.

So they could only wait for the car to drive almost beyond the limit of their vision, then push the car out and start tracking.Their tracking in the outskirts needs to be more detailed and constantly adjusted.They must assume that the person being followed is vigilant.And vigilant people, if they are in the suburbs, for example, those who are sitting in the co-pilot, are they fully qualified to look at the side rearview mirror.Especially in this kind of environment in the suburbs, there are few people themselves. As long as they see it once, they will immediately suspect that they are being followed.Therefore, the difficulty can be said to be much higher.

But Malaben and his partner also have a solution.Still a relative theory.They are easy to be found, and relatively, they can also easily lock each other.Therefore, they even used the method of leaving the line of sight to follow for a while, and then accelerated. After seeing the car again in the line of sight, they immediately slowed down and left the line of sight again, and then accelerated after a while...

This cycle goes on and on, constantly letting the car out of the line of sight, and then re-locating after it reappears.It is the most suitable.Because of this, the time they appear within the opponent's line of sight will be greatly shortened, or even appear for a while, and then leave the line of sight again in less than a few seconds.And there are few cars in the suburbs, so they are not afraid of getting confused. Every time they catch up and find a car, the possibility of another car is also very low, and they are not afraid of following the wrong target.

Moreover, the ground in the outskirts is uneven. While the speed of the car is not fast, the undulations of the ground can also hide Ma Liben and the others. Sometimes as long as they keep up, they can hide by lowering their bodies immediately.It is even more suspicious to expose a pair of eyes, reducing the exposed area of ​​the body.

That's it, Ma Liben and his partner used this method all the way, followed for more than 40, nearly [-] kilometers, and detoured from the edge of Taicang.It has been not far to the outskirts in the northeast of Taicang.Malaben and his partner are not sure how far it is from Taicang.But when they saw the car coming here, it turned behind a hill.After a while, two people came out from the hill and started to walk forward.

Malaben and his partner immediately rode over there, and then found a soil bag, behind which there were some low plants.They threw the car under the fast-moving plants and began to continue tracking in the direction of the target.It's not that they didn't want to continue riding the bike, but after they followed up, they saw that the two people turned into a small forest by the side of the road.It was obviously impossible for Xiao Shulin to ride a bicycle.

Ma Liben and his temporary partner also cautiously entered the grove, instead of chasing forward immediately, they cautiously hid behind the tree and watched forward.The grove was not so dense, and the two of them did not use the line-of-sight limit tracking method this time, but caught up in time.As a result, the distance of the tracked target is not too far, and the trees that are not dense enough to completely cover the two opponents will always appear from time to time.

Therefore, after Ma Liben and his partner discovered each other, they immediately started tracking again.In this way, I went all the way to the depths of the grove, and it took about half an hour to walk like this.This time, the temporary partner quickly pulled a horsepower book, and the latter immediately hid behind a tree and peeked ahead.

I saw those two guys had come under a tree and stopped.Then each of them picked up a dead branch that could be held by hand, and began to dig in the ground.However, it was obvious that the digging was not very deep, maybe only ten seconds later, the man in gray dug down once, and it seemed that a dead branch picked up a piece of cloth or a cloth belt or something.Both men stopped digging at the same time.

The driver before reached out and grabbed the cloth strap and pulled it up, and the man in gray also helped.The next moment, they pulled a cloth bag from the ground.This cloth pocket is not too small, and it is similar to a normal briefcase as a whole.The driver reached out and patted the dirt on the cloth bag, then lifted the cloth cover of the bag to look inside, nodded his head, and said something.But the sound was not loud, and Malaben and his temporary partner couldn't hear the content.After seeing the man in gray nod his head, the driver patted the cloth bag again, and carried it directly on his body.

Then the man in gray and the driver continued to walk forward, this time after walking for a while, they turned and headed towards the front left.Malaben and his partner followed immediately.Now that there are trees and other occlusions, they dare not follow too far for fear of losing their target.But fortunately, there are many trees that can be used as shelters at any time.

After the man in gray and the driver changed direction, the following time was not too long, only seven or eight minutes.These two guys are out of the woods.Entered a small hilly area with not too much ups and downs.In this way, after following for another ten minutes, Ma Liben and his temporary partner saw the man in gray and the driver in front of him bent down, and then carefully climbed up a hill that was only about 8 meters high. Cautiously poked his head out and took a look.Then, the driver opened his pocket and took out two binoculars from inside. He handed one pair to the man in gray and held the other by himself. The two of them began to look at the other side of the hill.

Since Ma Liben and the others were behind each other, it was naturally impossible to see what was on the other side of the hill.But they know that the other party may still be with them in this way.They are all looking for some kind of target.Ma Liben involuntarily glanced at the grove behind him, because he thought of the man in gray...

(End of this chapter)

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