spy ace

Chapter 3090 Suspected factory

Chapter 3090 Suspected factory
Because he thought of the man in gray and the two of them following him.So will someone follow them in the same way?But fortunately, nothing happened.Then they continued to observe the man in gray and the driver.These two boys were lying on the slope of the small slope, their heads were exposed, and they stuck out the binoculars tightly, looking for something.But what are they looking at.

Malaben and his partner looked at each other, and Malaben whispered, "Old Qu, we have to figure out what they are looking at."

The partner Lao Qu nodded and said: "Yes, you are here to stare at them, and I will go around from a distance to see what is there."

Ma Liben hesitated for a moment, and said: "Okay, Lao Qu, then you should be careful, there may be other people. They are so careful, which shows that they are also defensive in the places they observe." Then he pointed to the side, and said: " I will hide there to monitor them. You come back and go directly to find me in that direction."

"Understood." Partner Lao Qu said: "I will be careful." Then, he nodded towards Ma Liben again, and then looked in the direction of the man in gray and the driver, and saw that the two were still observing, and they were not at all concerned. Pay attention to the situation on this side, and then go to the side.

The trees in this forest are not very dense, but after walking far away, they still blocked the view. Just after he couldn't see the place before anyway, and he couldn't see the man in gray and the driver at the same time, Lao Qu immediately Started to turn to the left, and soon came to the edge of the woods.He bent down, poked his head from behind a tree, and looked carefully at the direction he came from before.Well, some small hills still block the view.

Then Lao Qu lowered his body and walked forward carefully. While walking, he looked at the man in gray and the direction ahead.Is there anything worth noting.Then he didn't climb over the small hills, he only walked on the low-lying terrain formed by small hills and small hills, and sometimes he had to make a small circle.In this way, it took him about ten minutes to walk a distance of almost a hundred meters in a straight line.

Finally, he came to the edge of this small hilly area. He also lay down on the slope and looked in the direction of the gray-clothed man again. Very well, there are one or two slightly higher hills that can block the view from that side. , and it happened to be able to cover his figure from the side.

So Lao Qu felt relieved, climbed up little by little and within two meters of the hill, carefully and slowly poked his head out.Um?Just look, the front is about 200 meters, nearly 300 meters, there is a fence, but the front of the fence is a flat terrain as a whole, without any shelter.On the top of the wall, several taller buildings inside are exposed, like factory buildings.However, due to the obstruction of the wall, it is difficult to see the situation inside.

Moreover, Lao Qu's place is a bit too slanted. At a glance, it is full of walls, and there is no door or anything.But above the wall, there is barbed wire, and it seems that there are some broken glass pieces standing on the top of the wall.It can be seen that the security measures in this suspected factory building should be relatively high.

Just as Lao Qu was thinking about whether he was going a little farther and looked at this suspected factory building from a different angle.At the end of the wall at the farthest point of sight, a person appeared.About thirteen of them were counted. These people were all carrying guns, but their clothes were overalls.It's very similar to the style of the guard team of a big and rich factory with good benefits.Or it is a factory established by a big boss. They don’t care about money, they only care about the stability of the factory, and then they spend money on guns for the factory guard team, security team and so on.

You know, these days in the suburbs, or on a certain hill, there are bandits and the like.After all, it is not a future life.And although there are some factories in the urban area, the area must be limited. Well, some large factories will naturally be established in the suburbs outside the urban area, and outside, if you want to be safe, there are basically factory protection teams.For some small factories with no strength, workers may work part-time as part-time workers in the factory protection team, and they are issued with big knives, wooden sticks with pointed ends and so on.And the rich ones are naturally equipped with guns.Therefore, the situation seen now is really nothing special.

However, when Lao Qu combined the actions of the man in gray and the driver, it felt wrong.Their appearance can be said to be very similar to scouting points before certain actions.Then there must be something wrong with the suspected factory they observed.But it's not clear what the problem is.

Just look at this team of suspected factory guards with guns on their backs, walking along the wall, then turning around, walking along the wall on the other side for a while, and disappearing from sight.This is obviously a patrol, and their patrol looks really serious.Formed in a single file, they looked decent, and when passing by this side, Lao Qu saw them keep looking around, maybe trying to find some suspicious situations.

Lao Qu had no doubt that if someone attacked them at this time, it would be a warning to the inside of the factory.And the group of people I saw was by no means the entire strength of the factory. There were also one, two, and three teams of people who would come out to support or prepare to meet the intruders.

Lao Qu took out a pen and paper from his pocket, and roughly drew what he saw, and then wrote all kinds of notes.After putting away the pen and paper, he retreated slowly, just like when he came here, he specially walked the low-lying land formed between the small hills, and got into the woods again.

Follow Lao Qu and start walking back. When walking back, you must also be careful.Turn your head away, or make some noise.If the man in gray and the driver were alerted, it would be fucked.Old Qu, who was very focused, looked back while observing, and came to the place Malaben had pointed out to him earlier.Merged with Malabon.

Crouching behind a big tree root, Ma Liben asked in a low voice, "How is it? Did you find anything?"

"It looks like a factory." Old Qu cast his eyes over the trees, continued to look at the man in gray and the driver on the slope, and said, "I also saw thirteen people coming out of that factory, all wearing complete work clothes. , but all of them have guns. Looks professional and alert."

"Is it the factory guard team?" Mariben asked.

"Yes, it looks like that." Lao Qu said: "But who knows whether it is a non-professional factory protection team, or a professional disguised as a factory protection team. The distance is not too close. After passing the hills..."

(End of this chapter)

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