spy ace

Chapter 3094 What is the situation

Chapter 3094 What is the situation

Fan Keqin went on to say: "How do the people in there survive? There must be regular supplies sent to them. Find out the department that sends supplies to them, and be as specific as possible. Then... see if there is a chance to send them supplies." Start with this, and try to find out what is in that factory."

Bai Fengtai said: "It's easy to handle. The detective brothers have not stopped. As long as you find it, you can start tracking it."

Fan Keqin said: "Well, that's it, the principle remains the same."

After Bai Fengtai left, he immediately passed on the order.It is indeed as Bai Fengtai said, it is very easy to handle.The investigators themselves are monitoring the suspected factory.And the people in this factory seldom come out, so as long as you see someone offering them something to deliver, or a car coming to enter the factory, just keep up.

That is to say, it took a day after receiving this order, and it may have caught up.Agents of the Security Bureau are monitoring the suspected factory.Just look at the two military trucks, which drove over slowly, passed through a gentle area, and stopped at the gate of the factory.

Afterwards, someone came out of the factory and seemed to have chatted with the drivers of the two military cards.Then it was released, and the military card then drove in.

After receiving the order, the investigators of the Security Bureau immediately withdrew from the monitoring point according to the plan, and hid at the fork of the road where the army card entered the factory. As soon as the army card came out, they would follow.

In fact, the two military trucks here were really transporting supplies.But these supplies are much less than before, and the types are not so rich.But there is no way, the little devil has nothing to do except search locally.After all, the local people are not stupid. They know that little devils rob things like food and vegetables, and they rob them from time to time every year, so they have experience.He kept fighting wits and courage with the little devil, and now, the food and other things that the little devil can get are getting less and less.

In addition, the supply line was constantly being destroyed, and even if there were supplies, it was very slow.Therefore, although this place still sends them a batch of supplies every once in a while, the variety and quantity have also declined significantly.

After the truck drove in, the kid guarding the factory complained while moving things out of the truck.The driver of the car did not explain to them, and the explanation was useless.After they finished unloading the car, they turned around and drove out of the factory.

After driving out of the flat area and entering the road, I drove straight for a while, then turned left, drove into a horizontal dirt road, and then started to drive unhurriedly.After all, the road conditions at this time are not very good, so I can't drive so hard.

It was also for this reason that the security bureau agents who were guarding this turning point followed very smoothly and secretly.First of all, riding a bicycle, you can keep up.In addition, the road is not flat, so you can hide behind more secretly and use this undulating road to cover your figure.

This time the tracking was quite smooth. Compared with small cars, large trucks have a smaller field of vision behind them, and it is even more difficult to see what is behind them.In addition, the two agents who were followed by the Security Bureau were very smart, and the distance was well controlled.It was good to use the low-lying and undulating terrain, so the army cards of the two little devils never noticed that there were tails behind them.

In this way, it has been smoothly followed.Wait till you get to the city.The two military trucks didn't really turn in, and continued driving for another ten minutes or so.Only then did it turn into a building with a large courtyard on the edge of the city.

Seeing this place, the two security bureau agents knew what was going on.This is the team headquarters of the third wing directly under the command of the Devils Garrison Command.It's like the Sixth Wing, but the Third Wing is in charge of the situation outside the city.So it is normal for the wing headquarters to be on the edge of the city.

Investigators from the two security bureaus immediately reported the situation, and after Fan Keqin found out, he didn't make any more speculations.This can only show that the person suspected of being in the factory may be responsible for the person from the Third Wing of Devils.Or maybe the [-]rd Wing is only responsible for the supply transportation of that factory.

Of course, Fan Keqin knew about the third wing.After all, it has been so many years, and the situation in a big city like Shanghai is just a little bit of reaction.Also understand almost.The third wing is mainly responsible for mopping up various anti-Japanese forces in the outskirts of Shanghai and cutting off the connection between the anti-Japanese forces outside and the city.As for robbing food, poultry, livestock, vegetables, etc., that is also a incidental matter.

After thinking about it carefully, Fan Keqin felt that it was a matter of delivering supplies.It must be in charge of a special logistics and transportation department, such as a transportation class.These things cannot be changed. If you are the telecommunications department, it is impossible to transport supplies, and you will not do that.Unless their captain is a fool.

So Fan Keqin thought about it, could he get an inside line in the third team?And the first thing to consider is that once the insider development fails, the target must be killed immediately.After killing the target, will it cause the possibility of exposing himself?

After thinking about it, Fan Keqin felt that there should be no problem.After all, the anti-Japanese forces are now attacking the devils again and again.The piecemeal fights have never stopped. If the little devil died or disappeared, the devil would only suspect that he might have been killed by the anti-rape team or an anti-Japanese group.It is impossible to immediately think that it is for the development of insiders, or for the suspected factory situation.

And without such worries, it is still not over, Fan Keqin still has to evaluate whether this can achieve his goal.My purpose is to investigate the situation in the factory, and it is best to find out what is in that factory.In fact, Fan Keqin now suspects that there may be some very vicious things in that ICBC, such as human #body# experiments, or some kind of bacteria #bacteria#weapon.

But these are just Fan Keqin's conjectures. Now he knows that there must be something inside based on the information he detected earlier.But strictly speaking, that's where it ends.The rest can only be speculation, or speculation.

Then if I develop some insiders, can I investigate the inside of the factory?For example, even if he took down an insider, and the insider was very accurate, it was the person who delivered the supplies to the suspected factory.But this kid...

(End of this chapter)

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