spy ace

Chapter 3095 Information

Chapter 3095 Information
But even if this kid became an insider and successfully entered the factory, he might not be able to wander around the factory casually?If you can't just walk around inside, can you find out what's going on inside?

Fan Keqin thinks it is still possible. After all, the factory has been established for several years, so there are quite a few deliveries of supplies.So many times, even if you can't go too deep into the factory, you will understand a little bit.For example, how many people are there in the factory, or what is the defense situation inside?Even if they don't know the whole picture, they can see a lot of things when they enter the door and where they unload supplies, right?Knowing about these aspects is better than not knowing anything.

Having an insider is better than not having one. Taking ten thousand steps back, even if you fail to develop an insider, you will kill the opponent directly.It should also not make the other party think of anything, let alone cause any loss.Yes, this trick should be usable.

Fan Keqin thought about it for a while and found it feasible.So I found Bai Fengtai to give such instructions, and immediately began to implement them.The first thing is to choose a target. It is definitely not enough to just grab a member of the Sixth Regiment.If you have to choose the logistics and transportation department, it is best to be the person who transports supplies to that factory.

This is actually quite easy to handle. It is impossible for the members of these logistics departments to hide in that compound, and they must come out.Then who drives the truck and how many people are there?Where did these people go?Is it to buy things, or go to that agency to pull things or send things?From these situations, a range can be observed.Then, using the coordinates of the truck that day, it was possible to find out that those people were going to the suspected factory in the suburbs to deliver supplies.

After it's confirmed, Fan Keqin doesn't need to plan it anymore, it's too simple.The people below are perfectly fine.After staring at a person, I found an opportunity to wait for that person to go out, and drink with him at night.After finishing the work, when I walked back unsteadily, I didn't notice a car approaching at all.

When they arrived, one of the two people strangled the Lord's neck with his arms, and the other hugged his legs tightly, and dragged him directly into the car.The car drove away immediately.

When we were in the car, I directly twisted the kid unconscious, then tied him up, stuffed his mouth with a cloth and tied him to the back of his head with a rope, so that he could only snort with his nose and not make too much noise.

Soon, he pulled the kid to the outskirts and turned behind several hills.The kid drank a lot, but he didn't lose consciousness.When you get caught, you know you're in trouble.But soon he was stunned.This dizziness is actually not long, and the blood oxygen can supply the brain again, so I wake up naturally.

But the boy found that he couldn't move, and he didn't dare to move.It didn't take long, and when they arrived at the place, they pulled the kid down.A gun, a wad of money, let him choose.The kid himself was in a daze, and he didn't want to die.Naturally, he didn't dare to choose guns, but chose banknotes.

This is easy to handle, if he chooses the opposite, he will be killed immediately.Then bury it in the pit and it will be alive.It's not a hassle now. After a set of procedures such as writing the application letter, guarantee letter, and taking photos, I will be honest.Because this thing has no room for regret at all.

Then there were various questions about the factory.By the way, this kid really knows some things, after all, he has sent supplies more than once, and he also knows some people inside, chatting and so on.

And the more times he sent it, the more things happened.For example, one time it was delivered at night, and the meal that was eaten in the factory at that time was taken to the kitchen inside.At other times, the people inside happened to be patrolling the outside, and the manpower was not enough. He also helped unload the goods, which was equivalent to going to the warehouse inside.And the road structure along the way, naturally also seen.

There are quite a few cases like this, so this kid told me everything he knew.After everything was over, several agents from the Security Bureau sent him back again.As for the boy not going back for such a long time, how to find an excuse is his own problem.

After the situation was reported, Fan Keqin read the information carefully.Still very satisfied with the harvest this time.Among them, there are two teams with nearly a hundred people in the factory.These people are all little devils, and this factory stores very dangerous weapons, especially at the entrance of the underground warehouse, the security level is very high.

Now Fan Keqin can confirm that, in fact, nothing is produced in this factory.When it was first built, it used the method of building a factory to cover up the actual secret warehouse.But what kind of dangerous thing is inside, the newly developed insider yesterday is not clear.But there must be.

Therefore, with such a combination, Fan Keqin can speculate that the people in the Nagata Mansion monitored the warehouse just to obtain the weapons stored in that factory.Moreover, these weapons are likely to be delivered to the houses they are looking for in this city.The places to find these houses are almost scattered in various areas of the city.Especially in prosperous places, or places with a large population, there are many houses.In areas with few people, there are few houses.

Then, Fan Keqin began to speculate reasonably that the little devil in the Nagata Mansion had a very evil plan.If these weapons were really placed in these houses, why?Street fighting is of course impossible.Then there is only one situation, they want to kill and injure the local population, combined with the situation that the little devils are getting worse and worse, what they want to do is to fight desperately and drag everyone to die together.And if so, what kind of weapon can answer the effect?bomb?It is also impossible, only gas weapons or bacterial weapons can achieve this effect.

Thinking of this, Fan Keqin also felt a little tricky.He even hoped he had guessed wrong.But it can't be left to chance.

After finding Bai Fengtai, he told him what he thought, and Bai Fengtai was also taken aback.Then he said: "Brother Heng, what shall we do? The people in Yongtian Mansion may be crazy. If it is true, we must stop it."

Speaking of this, Bai Fengtai seemed to have opened up his mind, and continued: "They will always be transported out, stop them halfway, and intercept them. But be careful, if you really break these things, they will leak out. It's going to be very troublesome."

Fan Keqin nodded, still very approving.

(End of this chapter)

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