spy ace

Chapter 3107 Wolf

Chapter 3107 Wolf

Toms and Jack, who escaped unharmed, kept still and watched the little devil finally disappear from sight, and couldn't help panting for a while.Jack whispered, "Let's get out of here. I don't want to stay any longer."

Thomas nodded and said: "In order to prevent the Japanese from returning suddenly, when we leave again, we must look back from time to time."

"Understood." Jack replied, and then he and Thomas continued to walk along the edge of the river.As they say, look back every now and then.He also took a look at the grass on his right.

When they were quite far away, Thomas said with a smile: "The water is too cold, we have to go ashore and dry our clothes."

"How to do it." Jack is actually not much better than him, said: "I have a lighter in my emergency pocket, I believe it will work, but we dare not light it."

Thomas said: "Go ashore first, wring out the clothes before we talk. If we continue, we will lose temperature."

Jack nodded and said, "Okay, let's go up first." As they spoke, the two of them walked a few meters forward until they came to a place where it was easy to go ashore. Came ashore in the ditch.It might have been a little windy when they went ashore, and the two people, who were all wet, hissed at the same time and took a breath of cool air.They didn't care too much, these two guys also knew that they couldn't do anything at this time, so they gritted their teeth and took off all their clothes.Take off your clothes and get out.

Then he lay on his side on the ground, picked up his clothes, sucked in the cool air in his mouth, and squeezed the water vigorously.After twisting all the clothes, he shivered and put them on again.Thomas grinned and said: "We can't stop, we have to move to create heat, go to the woods first, and then talk after entering."

"I understand. Let's go." Jack said, and the two of them crawled forward for a while, looking up from time to time to see the situation around them.After making sure that nothing was found, the two got up, but still bent over.Started to go to the grove.

In other words, it was actually more strenuous for them to walk while bending and squatting than normal walking, but also because of this, they finally got warmer after walking for a while.In addition, they are quite young, strong in firepower, and stand upright.By the time they entered the grove, they had already recovered a little.

After walking tens of meters into the woods, Jack grabbed Thomson and said, "Hurry up, follow me. We still need to warm ourselves up as soon as possible." Saying this, he began to do push-ups on the spot , After doing twenty in one breath, he stood up and started squatting and jumping on the spot.That's it, after tossing for a while, the two of them finally felt a little hot.This is all due to the fact that they are pilots, and their physical fitness is much better than the average person.But the previous hypothermia and busy work also made the two of them wheezing and panting from exhaustion.

Thomas pointed and said, "We need to continue heading towards Shanghai at the edge of the grove, so that we can observe the situation outside the grove."

In fact, Jack also understands, after all, their pilots have also taken some survival lessons in the field, because once an accident occurs in the field, it can increase the probability of survival of the pilot.This year's Da Laomei is indeed rich, and each pilot has an emergency survival kit on his waist.There are all kinds of useful things in it.So two people, each took out a few pieces of chocolate from the inside, they were in the water before, but the water temperature was low, even if the chocolate was directly soaked in water, it would not be able to melt.

The two ate a piece of chocolate each, boosted their energy and calories, and started moving again.First, he groped to the edge of the woods, and then started to walk forward.But before they had gone far, this time it was Jack who suddenly said: "There is a situation." As he spoke, he pulled Thomson who hadn't noticed the enemy.

Thomas stopped immediately when he heard it, and paused.Look at Jack not pointing forward, but pointing to the right.So he also looked through the gap formed between the trees.There is grass.The wild grass grows quite tall, but when the solar term arrives, the grass is withered and yellow, blown to the ground by the wind, as if covered with an extremely thick blanket.Can reach the knee position of the person.In addition, although the little devil's military uniform is not as withered and yellow as the weeds now, it is shit yellow.But it's all yellow.In addition, the distance is not too close, so they really didn't see much before.

There are more of these devils, pulling skirmishers in formation, and there are several layers in front and back, searching forward.No need to ask, this is the main force of the search force.And the previous dozen or so people were in the lead.

"There are military dogs." After Thomas looked at it, he found that among the paratroopers, occasionally some ghost soldiers owed military dogs.That's pretty fucked up.Fortunately, they were sideways and came to the grove.Otherwise, I'm afraid it must be taken down by now.

"I saw it." Jack said in a low voice: "We moved sideways from the crossing, and the smell should not be found. But if they reach the other side before, it's hard to say. If they find the place where the parachute is, they will be there. With the assistance of military dogs, we found that we did not run far away, but went to Shanghai. What should we do? Do we want to change the direction of progress?"

"It can't be changed." Toms whispered: "They have military dogs. Even if they change their direction, they will be caught up sooner or later. So we must speed up. We must arrive in Shanghai as soon as possible, and strive to get this Just change your body clothes."

Jack nodded and said, "Okay, then let's go... what is that?"

Thomas followed his eyes, and saw a light coming out of the woods ahead.But then disappeared.A horrified look immediately appeared on his face, and he said, "We are so unlucky, they didn't let go of this grove, and someone searched ahead."

Jack pointed, and said, "We don't have to crawl out and stagger with these devils outside."

"Impossible." Toms said: "There are several rows of Japanese outside. The rows in the back coincide with the light just now, which means they are in the same line. Look there!"

Jack hurriedly looked, and saw a few people holding flashlights on the edge of the woods in front of them, shining them back and forth.These few people are obviously the coordinates of the devils in the woods and outside...

(End of this chapter)

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