spy ace

Chapter 3108

Jack pointed to the left side with his finger, and said: We move sideways in the other direction, that's the only way to go, hoping to avoid them. "

"I have to pray that the Japanese in the woods don't have military dogs." Thomas said, and Jack and he started to go deep into the woods on the left.Their speed is not too slow, especially in this situation, but they don't dare to go too fast, because they have to look at the direction on the right from time to time to see if the devil who is coming is already in front of them, otherwise, the other party will Come forward, you still run like hell, but the devil can see more clearly.

But when the two of them were running, they felt something was wrong, because the sound of the dog barking had already been heard, and suddenly there were several loud Japanese shouts: "林の中に人がいる! (There are people in the woods.)"

Although the two foreigners, Thomas and Jack, didn't understand Japanese, the little devil was yelling so loudly that they were almost incapable of moving. They immediately felt that they might have been discovered.So Jack suppressed his voice out of instinct: "Run, you might have been discovered."

Without his reminding, Thomas also started to run quickly.These two little foreigners are quite bloody, and the pilots carry guns with them, so the two of them pulled out their pistols and ran forward vigorously.As a result, the fear in their hearts grew bigger and bigger as they ran.

However, the sound of barking dogs behind was getting louder and louder, which meant that they were getting closer, so they turned their heads to observe from time to time while running.Just like that, not long after, I saw the forest and a few black shadows flickering.Then after running for a while, when they turned their heads to look, the black shadow was already very close to them, and it was approaching very fast.

This is really helpless, running in the woods, no matter what, it is impossible for a human to outrun a dog.What's more, this is a military dog ​​specially trained by the little devil for the search team, so they all arrived in front of them very quickly.When Jack looked back again, a wolfhound was about to attack. He knew that if he hesitated, the dog would jump forward and start to bite him.And as long as you are bitten by this kind of dog, it is often accompanied by tearing, unless your own flesh is removed, otherwise it is wishful thinking to get rid of it.And it wasn't just one, once he was bitten by one of the dogs, he would be bitten by more dogs in the next second.

Therefore, Jack's heart was ruthless, and while running, he turned his head to face the dog that was about to jump over and bite his thigh, and he was shot.His shot was very fast and very sudden, the dog just jumped into the air again, it couldn't use any strength to move and dodge, so it hit the target with one shot.After beating the dog, it screamed and fell to the ground.

As a result, at this moment, a black figure suddenly rushed up from the side and rear, and went straight to Jack and opened his mouth to bite.It was too late for Jack to turn the gun, so he could only turn his body instinctively in an attempt to dodge, but the dog's speed was so fast that even turning around was too late.

At this moment, there was another gunshot, and it was getting in from the side of the dog's neck. The bullet directly broke the bone inside the dog's neck.So the dog couldn't do it right away, it just bumped into Jack with the inertia it had sprung up before and fell to the ground.

It was Thomas in the front. Seeing that Jack was dealing with the dog behind him, it seemed that he didn't see the one coming from the side.But he was worried that he would not be able to shoot accurately, so he stopped immediately and shot the dog coming from the side.

"Thank you." Jack fired two shots again without looking back, and killed a dog that was nearby, but he killed the dog before it could attack.

"Also, be careful." Thomas was talking, and he had raised his gun with both hands, and fired three shots in a row, killing a dog that ran sideways and went straight to Jack.But just after he finished shooting and wanted to hit another dog that ran over, Thomas felt that something bit his left leg, and it was almost simultaneously torn from left to right, tightly Following a burst of piercing pain, it extended from the left leg to the whole body.

"Ah!" A scream mixed with exclamation blurted out from Thomas' mouth.At this moment, where did he care, the previous dog moved sideways again, heading straight for Jack's dog.With his left hand, he tried his best to pinch the eyes of the dog that was biting his left leg, and with the muzzle of the gun in his right hand facing down, it was two shots with bang bang.The dog let go with a whine and fell to the ground.

At this moment, Jack on the other side was also shooting, and fired all the bullets left in the shuttle at one time, but he found that there were several dogs coming near him, and he shot The results are really good, and this is a time of crisis.

People's hearts are sometimes very strange. In times of crisis, people with very poor psychological quality may be so frightened that they can't walk, and can only tremble in place.But such people are actually very few.More people can burst out with greater courage in times of crisis, at least they can fight for the last time.At this time, Jack saw several dogs appearing around him, and coupled with the effect of adrenaline, he fired the fastest and most accurate shots in his life.After the bang bang bang, the heads of two of the dogs were directly penetrated by the bullets, and the other hit the dog's body all the time, which was also very fatal.

But there was only one dog left, he was out of bullets, and he just kicked when he kicked.Similar to kicking a football, the dog running over is also very smart, tilting the dog's head in the air. After all, it is a military dog ​​that has been trained, but it is completely different.But the same problem, it ran forward very violently, so the dog's head dodged it, but the body did not dodge it.

And the strength of human beings in critical moments is not low. This kick has at least a few hundred catties of strength, and the dog is also rushing forward, so this one is just right against the two forces. Boom The kick directly broke several bones in the dog's body.After falling to the ground, Wuwu let out a scream, but couldn't get up.

"Run! The Japanese are coming up." Thomson shouted.Jack turned around and started running.Together, the two started heading deep into the woods again, while running, the two of them reloaded new magazines.But when it was time to change the magazine, Thomson let out a miserable snort, and fell directly on the ground.

But the effect of adrenaline is no longer so obvious, and when he changed the magazine, he was distracted.The left leg that was bitten by the military dog ​​before suddenly hurt, and it was a little dull. It got caught on a branch on the ground and fell directly to the ground.

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