spy ace

Chapter 3109 Raise Your Hands

"How are you..." What Jack wanted to ask was "How are you".Then he was about to stop and help him up, but just when he stopped, the sound of Tatata's footsteps sounded very fast from behind.You must know that this kind of sound is definitely not achievable by human strides.So Jack immediately changed his words: "There are military dogs!" Then he turned around and started shooting him.

But when he turned around, he saw several shadows running towards him and others again.Jack could only shoot immediately, and shot several dogs.He immediately changed the magazine, which was a bit desperate, because the speed of changing the magazine was not so fast, and the military dogs of these little devils were already less than 20 meters away from them.You know, if the speed of human beings is rushed, it will only take about two seconds to run 20 meters, or even less than two seconds.And the sprint speed of this kind of military dog ​​can only be faster. For them, 20 meters may be just a little more than a second.Therefore, the time to change the magazine may be about to suffer.

But at this moment, Toms, who fell down, endured the pain, turned over and raised his gun, and started shooting with bang bang bang.You must know that the training of pilots is quite rigorous, and their pistol shooting training times are even higher than some military officers.After all, pilots are expensive, and they can come if you need anything.Therefore, the number of training bullets is just a number for them, and they can shoot at will.

In particular, they are still members of the Meidi family, and the treatment is higher.As long as you are on the ground, you can fight whatever you want.Of course, the people of the Meidi family only deal with shooting targets. After all, this thing is not as precious to them as our Chinese soldiers at this time.But even so, the base of shooting itself is still there.It was an emergency time again, so although Thomas was sitting on the ground, his shots were also very accurate.

When he finished the shuttle, Jack connected again.But Thomas yelled, "The last magazine."

Jack finished his shuttle. Those military dogs were really smart, and they just wanted to catch up with them from behind.But now seeing several of his companions being hit, he knew he couldn't charge hard, so they all hid behind some trees.This time Jack and Toms couldn't continue to shoot.

"Me too." They were pilots, carrying pistols as back weapons, their main weapon was actually the plane.But now there are no planes, only pistols left, and the space in the cockpit of their planes is limited, it is impossible to say, let you carry ten or eight magazines.A total of three magazines per person.So the two of them now have a box and a half of bullets left.Yes, Jack had four rounds left, and Toms had seven rounds in a magazine.

Thomas insisted on getting up, and Jack ran back again.Especially Thomas' leg injury, which was bitten by military dogs and torn a few times, so after the adrenaline subsided, it was very painful.It can be said that he can still continue to run forward now, and his willpower can already be said to be good.But even so, the more he ran, the more painful his wound became.There is a little haha ​​in the mouth.

Jack asked as he ran, "How are you? You need to find a place to stop the bleeding."

Thomas knew that the kid was right behind him.So he said, "I'm fine, keep running."

In this way, the two ran for another three or four minutes, and Thomas' speed became slower and slower.Every time the bitten left leg touches the ground, it hurts like a heart.Therefore, now he only taps the ground with his left foot, and immediately steps forward with his right foot, like a springtail.

Jack said: "No, I have to bandage you, or you won't be able to run sooner or later." Then, he forced Thomas to stop and hid behind a tree.Then he opened the backpack, took out a small metal pill box, opened it, took out two pills from it, stuffed them directly into Thomas's mouth, and said, "It will reduce your pain a bit, bear with it."

"Damn it, this time it hurts you, Jack." Thomas chewed vigorously, ignoring the bitter taste of the pills, and then swallowed them forcefully with his saliva.In fact, it's okay to swallow it whole, but the effect is too slow.

"What are you talking about?" Jack said, "You were just trying to save me, otherwise, I would be the one who was bitten by a military dog." While speaking, he had already taken out the bandage and cut it with the scissors in his pocket. Open Thomson's pants.I saw several very deep tooth marks on it, and several large openings.This is what it looks like after the military dog ​​bites and tears the muscle apart.

While talking, Jack kept busy with his hands, and said: "There is no way to be too particular now, I can only stop the bleeding for you, and simply bandage it. But when we need to escape later, the bleeding may still not stop , so I need to wrap you up tighter. Try to prevent you from losing too much blood and fainting."

"Come on. I'm fine." Thomson gritted his teeth, still holding a gun, and was on guard when Jack was bandaging himself. Don't be at this moment, when military dogs are rushing up to attack them.

Jack's technique was very fast, he wrapped the bandage around the wounded thigh forcefully, and then fastened a button, saying: "It's over, let's go first..." Before he could finish his sentence, he stopped immediately , as if in a daze, and then a second later, he said, "Fak... the Japanese are coming up."

"Move くな! さもないと撃つぞ! (Don't move, or you will shoot!)" It turned out that Thomas was sitting on a big tree. missing.And Jack kept bandaging him again, and it was also a little blocked by trees, so neither of them noticed that the little devil had already touched him.

It turned out that the reason why the dogs they didn't kill just now didn't continue to catch up was also the reason why the little devil had come close.Otherwise, with their legs and feet, no matter how fast they are, they cannot be as fast as military dogs.

The little devil also formed an arc while the two of them were bandaging, forming a semi-surrounded situation behind the tree that Thomas was leaning against.And there is another small group of people who have penetrated to their side, also pointing their guns at them from behind the trees.

After the sergeant yelled just now, Thomas and the others immediately got up holding their guns, looked around, and knew it was over.The sergeant may be speaking a little English, and he said with an accent even worse than Fan Keqin: "Raise your hands and throw away your weapons. (Raise your hands, throw away your weapons.)"

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