spy ace

Chapter 3110 Smell

Chapter 3110 Smell
"Fack!" Jack gritted his teeth and said, "What to do? Thomas, they surrounded us..."

"There is no way, Jack." Thomas said: "We have done our duty, and we only have a total of ten rounds of ammunition. It is meaningless to continue fighting now, and we can only surrender."

"Damn it." Jack cursed again, and shouted at the same time: "Don't shoot, we surrender!!" He glanced at Thomas, who also nodded, dropped the gun in his hand and raised his hands, Then slowly stood up.

The little devils around saw that the two American guys were very cooperative. They were actually ready to be killed. They didn't expect the other party to surrender so quickly, so they were taken aback for a while.The sergeant said in super-bad English, "Don't play tricks." Then he waved his hand, and several devils beside him immediately came out.He stepped forward and started to check, while the rest of the devils stayed in place and continued to point their guns at them.

The little devil was also very strict. He went forward and first picked up the guns they threw, and then searched up and down. He did not find any other weapons. Then he took out the rope and tied the two Meidi family members upside down. With his hands behind his back, he escorted them to the front of Sergeant Cao.

The devil's sergeant looked around at the two people, and continued to use half-baked English, saying: "Is there another person? Three, you have three people in total, and one more?"

Thomas shrugged and said, "I don't know, there are only two of us."

After listening to the sergeant, without any warning, he raised his hand to face his face with a big mouth, and there was a snap.He shouted: "Lie!! Three people, where did that person go?"

"Hey, hey, calm down." Jack on the other side said: "We are indeed two people, and we don't know where the other one is."

Sergeant Cao looked fiercely, and the Meidi family, who might be called Dad in future generations, waved their hands and said, "Take it back and we'll talk about it."

"Hi one!" A crowd of devils agreed, pushing and shoving Thomas and Jack away.In other words, in the conversation just now, the two of Toms still got some information, because when the devil interrogated them, he asked where the third person was, and after Toms answered that he didn't know, he got a big ear sticker son.This shows that the little devil didn't catch Hu Nan.

But at this time, Hu Nan, whom this group of people are thinking about, is actually not too far away from them.At the moment when the plane was out of control, Hu Nan had already parachuted. Because of the early jump, he saw Toms and Jack in the sky and parachuted almost at the same time.

After Hu Nan landed, he quickly got rid of the paracord.He knew that the devils would definitely search the ground.There is such a big umbrella flower floating in the sky, unobstructed and unobstructed, it can be seen from very far away.Therefore, after Hu Nan landed, he immediately made a plan in his heart.

If I went to find Thomas and Jack, I might not be able to find them, because after the two of them landed, they would most likely continue to flee to the southwest, away from the danger zone.In that case, it would be very difficult for them to run ahead and chase after themselves.And that side is the wild land, it takes a long distance to see places like towns, and the two foreigners are also very conspicuous, and it is almost impossible to escape.But I am different, I am the face of a Chinese, if I change my current clothes with a new one, then I will be inconspicuous.

So where is the best choice?Shanghai!The metropolis of Shanghai has a lot of people.A grain of sand is hidden on the entire beach, even if the little devil decides to look for it, it will be very difficult to find him.Well, then I can think of a way to contact my own people who are active in Shanghai and ask them to help, so that I can leave more conveniently.

Another point is that Toms and Jack, two little foreigners, are unfamiliar with their places of life, and the possibility of being arrested is also very high.And after being caught, he must be taken to Shanghai, so if he can, he can also ask his own people who are active in the local area to help try to rescue him.

Um.Thinking of this, Hu Nan felt more feasible.But at this time, you need to leave as soon as possible.So, Hu Nan spread his legs and started to run towards the northeast, but after running for a while, something suddenly popped up in Hu Nan's mind. The little devil's ground search force might be trained military dogs.He didn't even know why this idea suddenly appeared in his mind, maybe he himself was a person who thought a lot.What he was thinking was, search team, search team, just use people to search?Most likely a dog.

So thinking of this, Hu Nan hurriedly stopped running in the northeast direction, but went horizontally and ran westward.He was very strong, and he could run for a kilometer in one breath. When he wanted to continue running, suddenly his foot slipped and he fell to the ground with a snap.He wanted to get up and continue running, but at this moment, he glanced at the ground, but he stepped on a pile of shit.I don't know what it was. After seeing this thing, Hu Nan was overjoyed, grabbed the shit and began to wipe it on his body.And it spreads very evenly.

In fact, Hu Nan didn't know if this pile of shit could cover up the smell on his body, so as to avoid dogs, but there was no other harm if it was disgusting.So give it a try.After wiping, he continued to trot.After another kilometer passed, Hu Nan was a little tired, so he quickly hid in the undulating field, took out the chocolate in his pocket and ate some to replenish his energy, and then he felt that it was almost done, so he looked at the sun, counted Calculate the direction, and then start walking north.

It turned out that Hu Nan and the others were shot down on the southwest side of Shanghai, so he needed to go northeast to reach Shanghai in a straight line.But Hu Nan felt that the straight line was dangerous, so he ran west first, ran two kilometers away, and then headed north. In this way, after walking for a while, he went east and arrived in Shanghai.And tossing back and forth like this, he felt that he could avoid the devil's search team.After all, the devil's people are not boundless. The suburb is so big, as long as one direction is wrong, the target may be completely lost.

And Hu Nan feels that the devil must find the landing place, and if there are military dogs, let the military dogs smell at the landing place, and then track and locate the direction.So I need to guard against this move, so I have to do this.

After thinking about it, Hu Nan continued to walk north.As a result, while walking, he suddenly saw a wisp of cooking smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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