spy ace

Chapter 3112 Trial

Chapter 3112 Trial
In the morning of the next day, Hu Nan came out of the broken house with some money on him, so he bought a breakfast and ate some.Then I went directly to the newspaper office, and after looking around, I walked in...

On the other hand, Fan Keqin also received the news. After he received the task from the headquarters, he asked Bai Fengtai to send someone to inquire about the situation.Feedback is now available.There are only two cases. The first point is that the little devil should have caught someone, but how many of the three people were caught, and they were all caught, so I'm not sure.The second news is that the team that the little devil sent out to search and arrest was in charge of the defense of the little devil city, and the second brigade of Wubaitou Xing did it.

Koji Wubaitou is the captain of this brigade, with the rank of lieutenant assistant.He is one of the devil's air defense forces in Shanghai, responsible for escort missions.And the little devil's air defense force is actually not very strong in our area.It can even be said to be quite weak.It is because our side does not have air supremacy, and there are fewer aircraft, which are relatively backward.Therefore, the little devil's ground air defense force is relatively very small.

But Shanghai is always different. After all, this is an important economic center, so the little devil really deployed a ground air defense force here.They didn't expect that there was an air raid yesterday, and the people who did the air raid, especially Toms, didn't expect that the little devil had air defense.That's why it was shot down by the devil.

Thanks to the intelligence network developed by Fan Keqin, at this time, Shanghai is indeed pervasive, so this news came back quickly.After Fan Keqin learned about it, he immediately ordered Bai Fengtai to let the insiders continue to pay attention to the matter, and report it immediately if there is any situation.Also send a telegram back to headquarters.I have to let the headquarters know that I haven't done nothing, and the reaction is very fast, and I have already got the news.

As for whether or not Fan Keqin could save someone if he was arrested, he felt really hard to say.If the devil really catches someone, how can this thing be saved.Maybe the rescue will bring more people into it.So it still depends on the situation.

Soon the reply from the headquarters was rescued, and the number of words was quite large. It also mentioned Meidi's family and asked them to do their best to rescue them.Fan Keqin actually understood what was going on. The reason why Sun Guoxin mentioned the Meidi family in the telegram must be what Lao Jiang meant.As for the Meidi family, in order to show their nobility, they only use their mouths without using their hands, so they can talk full and humane.And Lao Jiang was very concerned about the Meidi family from the beginning to the end.Therefore, the Meidi family is full of humanity and commanding heights, and when it comes to future assistance, Lao Jiang must express his opinion.

But Fan Keqin really wanted to save people, after all, one yard counts for one yard.No matter what Lao Jiang thinks, or what will happen in the future, let's analyze specific things in detail.These pilots were indeed shot down while bombing the little devil's target, so Fan Keqin must have wanted to save them for this.

Then see what happens.In the afternoon, Fan Keqin was in the office, finishing the "creation" of a new song.There was a knock on the door, and Mr. Bai Fengtai walked in.

"Brother Heng." Bai Fengtai said: "There has been a change in the contact code that the headquarters told us. This is Shenwen in the Evening News. Please take a look here. The contact code has been activated, which means that the pilots have not all been caught. .”

Fan Keqin took a look, and saw an advertisement for canned soybeans in the advertising area below.That's true.Earlier, when the headquarters sent a mission, I told him this contact password.

Bai Fengtai said: "Brother Heng, do you need to send brothers to get in touch with the other party according to the contact code?"

"Contact." Fan Keqin said: "Let the new person come over." He did this to prevent other situations from happening, and even if something happened to the new person who contacted him in the past, this is a new person who doesn't know anything, even if it is true There is no problem with being caught by the Japanese puppets.

Bai Fengtai nodded and said: "Okay, I'll go now." After saying that, he turned and walked out, and began to arrange people.

In other words, after Thomas and Jack were caught, they were tied up like zongzi.Escorted directly to the brigade headquarters of the ground air defense force.Koji Wubaitou, the captain of the devil brigade, was very happy. You must know that this air strike was quite sudden, and no one was prepared.If you let the plane come and go freely like this.In fact, they don't have too much responsibility. He can pass the blame to the intelligence department. We haven't received any news. What do you want us to do?

But this time, the ground air defense force he was in actually shot down three planes at once. Although the element of luck was very large, it was also a great credit.Not to mention that two American pilots have been captured now.This is a big Sao Ga.

Wubaitou Koji immediately ordered and interrogated immediately, and all the contents of their stomachs were taken out except for the feces.

So, Thomas and Jack suffered.Those who were stripped naked were locked in two interrogation rooms.Koji Wuhuntou and the others knew the military ranks of the Midi family, among which Thomson's military rank was captain, while Jack's military rank was lieutenant.In fact, Thomas was also the captain of their three-crew formation.

So Koji Five Hundred Heads came to the cell where Thomas was held and wanted to interrogate him himself.Koji Wubaitou looked at Kiki of Toms, put a smile on the corner of his mouth, and said, "What's your name? I'm a bird insider."

In other words, Koji Wubaitou really can speak English, but it's not good, but there are people in their brigade who can speak English.After all, the air defense force, sometimes very hungry for intelligence, also has its own telecommunications team, intercepting a radio station or something.And these things sometimes require English.After all, in terms of the air force, the United States and Britain are still relatively strong.

Thomas was naked and tied into a large font. He had heard a lot about little devils. After all, he came to the Chinese battlefield. He must have some information about this.Understand that the little devil is quite cruel.At this time, I saw the other side's lieutenant officer again, staring at his banana from the moment he came in, and felt a little nervous.

In one, the Meidi family has no tradition of dying or surrendering, so they think differently.It's such a small matter of names again, so Thomas hesitated a little, and replied: "My name is Toms#Wayne. Rank Captain."

Koji Wubaitou held a dog tag, which belonged to Thomas, and threw it on the table. The translator next to him was almost a child's voice interpreter, and said, "You are telling the truth, which is very good. This is the basis of our cooperation... ..."

(End of this chapter)

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