spy ace

Chapter 3113 I Like Flying

Chapter 3113 I Like Flying
Koji Wubaitou continued: "I hope you will cooperate so honestly in the future. Besides, which unit are you from?"

Thomas said: "China Aid Air Force, Third Squadron, Second Squadron."

"Ah, the Flying Tigers." Koji Wubaiyu nodded and said, "Very good. The third question is, what is the goal of your operation this time?"

Thomas said: "I don't know about the others, I just know the mission of our crew, bombing your supply station in the south of the city, and a small oil depot."

"You're lying." Wubaizou Kouji said, "You're a captain anyway, and you'll definitely know more."

"I really don't know." Thomas said: "We all carried out missions in batches. Although we took off together, each had its own mission. It was the first time to carry out a long-distance air strike mission, so we had a strong sense of secrecy. It's just that they have assigned goals, and they are really unclear about each other."

Koji Wubaitou asked again: "You must know the structure of your army from top to bottom, please explain it in detail."

As soon as this question came out, Thomas really didn't want to talk about it.After all, if this thing is said, it has a lot to do with it.That's why he was silent for a while, Wubaitou Xinger, seeing this, waved his hand without hesitation, and said: "Give him."

A professional torture guy next to him came over immediately, and tied a cloth strip tightly to Toms's root, which was used to stop the bleeding and prevent him from bleeding too much before dying.Then he took out the knife and came to him again, raised it up and started to strike.

When Thomas saw this, he hurriedly shouted: "Wait, wait! You can't do this to me. I'm a prisoner of war. I should be protected by the Geneva Treaty. What you do is against humanity and the treaty. Wait, I Say! I say, don't do it! Don't do it!"

Hearing his answer, Wubaitou Kouji waved his hand, and the devil in charge of the torture was temporarily pushed aside, but the cloth strip was not untied for him. Obviously, this was in case Thomas didn't say anything. Give him a knife.

Koji Wubaitou said: "Don't be cunning, just say it, you have no choice."

Thomas really wanted to be a tough guy, but he was really scared when this thing went up and down.So after struggling again in his heart for less than a second, he said: "Our commander-in-chief is Klauer#里#Chennault, and the deputy commander-in-chief is..." At that moment, he put the Flying Tigers from top to bottom. Information about the personnel structure, command system, crew composition, etc., is like a bamboo tube pouring beans, all said once.

And after opening the mouth, it can't be closed again, and Koji Wubaitou will say whatever he asks.For example, what kind of aircraft does the Flying Tigers have, what kind of ammunition they have, where is the training ground, where is the hangar, etc., in short, what to ask and what to answer.The clerk of Wubaitou Koji was brushing aside, writing down all the things he explained clearly.

Then Koji Wubaizou asked the question repeatedly, interspersed with it.The answer was the same, so he waved his hands in satisfaction and said, "Mr. Thomas, you are very cooperative, and I appreciate you very much. In this way, your rewards will also be generous. I will transfer you to an ordinary cell, as long as you Don't do anything outrageous, of course I will treat you very humanely." Then he said: "Release him and transfer him to an ordinary prison cell where he will be kept under strict surveillance, and water and food will be provided normally."

"Hi one!" The little devil next to him agreed and began to implement.Koji Wubaitou came out of the cell and went to the next door. As soon as he entered, he saw that the pilot of the American ghost animal with Jack on the dog tag was already in disrepair.Especially around the armpits, the skin has been worn away by the file, and there is an interrogator next to him, holding a brush soaked in salt water, and wants to brush him at any time.

Koji Wubaitou asked: "How is it? Have you explained the problem?"

The person in charge of the interrogation was a squadron leader under him, who replied: "No, this Meidi family ghost has a very hard mouth. We have whipped him twice, and now we are giving him a file and salt water, but it still doesn't work. Ken said nothing."

Koji Wubaizou felt a little admired, because he knew that the probability of the Meiji family speaking up was very high.They don't have the idea of ​​seeing death as home at all. Instead, they think that surrendering is not shameful. After being caught, it is normal behavior to save your life.It is rare to meet the so-called tough guys of the Meidi family.

Koji Wubaizou looked at Jack's state. The latter was covered in sweat, grinning in pain, and his eyes were a little confused.Especially after I came in, I looked at myself several times, as if I wanted to get some information from myself.With a second thought in my mind, I took out the record from the clerk, put it on the table, and said, "Mr. Jack, your boss, Mr. Thomas, has already explained everything. Are you still unwilling to cooperate?"

Sure enough, Jack looked over, his eyes still scanning the notebook.Still nothing.So Wubaitou Koji nodded and said: "Commander, Klauer#里#Chennault, deputy commander...the captain of the third squadron, Kenyon#Kennedy..."

As Wubaizao Takuko continued to read, he found that Jack showed a suspicious look, and then took a breath, as if he had let go of his strength again.Seeing this, Koji Wubaitou felt that the heat was almost ready, and said: "Crew member, Lieutenant Jack#Brown, that is you. What? Mr. Jack, do you want me to continue? Your captain is very cooperative, and has already put these things, You told us all, do you still insist on not opening your mouth?"

Jack looked up at Wubaitou Koji, and said, "You already know everything, why are you asking me?"

"Hey." Wu Baitou Xinger said: "This is different. It seems that Mr. Jack is indeed just a noble pilot. He doesn't understand the sufferings of people like us. There are procedures. He explained that it was him. But you have to say the same thing, understand? Tell me, what is your composition structure. "

At this time, Jack really felt that his persistence was meaningless, so he said: "Our commander-in-chief is Chennault..." After speaking, he explained the composition structure again.

Wubai Tou Xing Er was overjoyed and said, "Very well, then you used to be an aircraft designer, why did you come here to be a pilot?"

"Yes." Jack said: "When I was in school, I studied systematically and designed aircraft, but I like flying..."

(End of this chapter)

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