spy ace

Chapter 3114 Absolute Weakness

Chapter 3114 Absolute Weakness
Jack continued: "So I pursued my dream and became a pilot."

"Ideal." Koji Wubaiyu nodded and said, "Then tell me about the performance parameters of your latest designed aircraft."

Jack listened to the question and fell silent.But Koji Wubaitou saw this and said, "Why? Don't you want to say it? Mr. Jack, you have to know that your hesitation now is just as meaningless as before. If you don't say it, someone will say it for you."

Jack said: "I only know part of it. After all, I didn't design the plane."

"Then tell me what you know." Koji Wubaitou is very cunning. Many of his questions have been answered by Thomas, and some of them have not been answered, but he is true and false. Sometimes Deliberately asked a few questions that Thomas explained, and one of them was also difficult to answer. When Jack hesitated, he took out his notebook and read a paragraph, creating a situation: In fact, Thomas has already explained everything, so For one thing, Jack was a bit of a follower of Toms.His own captain said that it really doesn't make sense for him to hide it, except for a meal of flesh and blood, it's useless.

Yes, Jack also answered.But in this case, Koji Wubaizou asked the next question, calmly asking a question that hadn't been answered, or that Thomas didn't know.And Jack himself is a pilot, so he doesn't really know the difference between the real and the fake.Moreover, the previous torture had consumed too much of his energy and physical strength. Under such circumstances, his ability to think was reduced, and he would not be able to distinguish between good and bad, and true and false. Therefore, in the next interrogation, Jack answered many, critical questions.

Don't look at Jack as just a pilot now, but he was indeed the aircraft designer of the Meidi family before, especially he also participated in many research projects.Therefore, under the trap of Koji Wubaitou's various questions, he successively answered the performance parameters of various aircraft.He even answered the Meidi family, why they suddenly gained an advantage in the zero battle.

This is a very critical question. In other words, the little devil has always believed that his Zero fighter is invincible.It's really not just superstition, but there is some truth to it.In the early and middle stages of the war, the Devil's Type Zero fighters were indeed majestic, and they had a huge advantage whether against the Shangmei family, Yinggualan or that flying power.

It is because the performance of the Zero fighter is really good, especially when it is light, it is called flexible when turning and climbing.At the beginning of the air battle, some pilots of the Meidi family and Yinggualan were scared to tremble.what happened?The climbing speed of the little devil’s plane is scary, especially when you are fighting dogs in the air, you may finally bite your tail, and the Zero fighter will climb directly or make a turn. No matter how you operate, you will not be able to keep up .

But on the other hand, if the Zero fighter bites your tail, no matter how you roll around or climb, you can't get rid of it.Therefore, at one point, the little devil's Zero fighter area had a record damage ratio that could be said to be frighteningly high.Even after the pilots of the Meidi family knew that their opponent was a Zero fighter, they asked their friends to write their last words to their family members or wrote suicide notes before the battle.Because they know that they may be dead.

And in this case, if the time is a little longer, there will be a tendency to get bigger and bigger.First of all, as long as you face the Zero fighter, it is impossible for you to have an advantage psychologically, and it can even be said that you can only occupy a great psychological disadvantage.In this way, when you are not psychologically dominant, when you are fighting a Zero fighter, and you find that the opponent's various maneuvers, various flexible climbs and turns, your brain will be buzzing.Therefore, the Zero fighter was once an absolute nightmare for aircraft of all countries.

This also led to the little devil's confidence in the Zero fighter, which has almost risen to the point of superstition.But at the later stage of the war, it seemed to be very sudden. During the air battle, when the Meidi family fought against Zero, the battle loss ratio quickly reversed.It turned out that if I lost one Zero Fighter, the Meidi family might lose seven or eight, or even more.But now, after the Zero fighters lost two or three, the Meiji family's plane lost only one.Even in some local battlefields, it takes seven or eight Zero fighters to lose, or more, before the opponent loses one aircraft.

This also caused a huge reversal in the little devil's heart. The myth that the Zero fighter was invincible in the world was able to be broken.This psychological trauma can be described as quite serious.But what happened?In the sky, he was obviously not the opponent's enemy at all, so why was he so powerful all of a sudden.Although the little devil had made some speculations, or conjectures, he still didn't know the truth.

It turned out that the Meidi family, in a special situation, was even a coincidence.The two Zero fighters of the little devil were seized, and then they began to conduct very detailed research on this devil's fighter. They invited a large number of design experts, mechanical experts, dynamics experts, etc. Researched the obtained zero fighter.

As a result, after the research, the Meidi family found that the original Zero fighter's awesome steering and climb rate were based on sacrificing various protective measures of the aircraft.Because the Zero fighter pursues extremely flexible steering and so on, all kinds of bulletproof panels, and even most of the fuselage, have been dismantled or replaced with wooden materials.The fuselage is very light, so it will be quite flexible.

But it is also true that the Type Zero fighter has several extremely fatal weaknesses, that is, its ultra-flexible steering and climbing are based on a certain speed.It's not above, it's below.Because of dog fighting in the air, the two sides pinch each other, and most of the cases are completed at a certain speed.At this time, the Zero fighter does not have any protective panels, the fuselage is wooden, and it is so light, how can it be inflexible.

However, as long as the speed of the Zero fighter exceeds 350 kilometers, the movement performance will start to have problems.Once the speed exceeds 430 kilometers per hour, the pilot even needs to step on his legs to help operate the joystick together, so that he can pull and move.

(End of this chapter)

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