spy ace

Chapter 3115 Major Information

Chapter 3115 Major Information
It is not an exaggeration to operate it, it can be said that it is frighteningly laborious.And in this case, especially in the case of high-speed dives, because the Zero fighter has no protection and its fragile fuselage, even if you don't need to hit it, it has a certain probability that it will disintegrate in the air.

Therefore, after studying the weaknesses of these Devil Zero fighters, the pilots of the Meidi family all adopted high-speed tactics after fighting the Devil Zero fighters.Or when fighting dogs in the air, as soon as the Zero fighter bites the tail, the pilot of the Midi family immediately starts a high-speed dive, and can get rid of the Zero fighter's tail bite in an instant.Furthermore, most of the Zero fighters have wooden fuselages, which are very easy to catch fire, so when fighting, the Meiji family mostly use armor-piercing incendiary bombs.As long as it hits one shot, it may lead to a zero-fight fire... As a result, the situation of the entire air battle can be said to have suddenly undergone a super-reversal.The invincible myth of Zero War was instantly shattered.

Jack is the aircraft designer, he was involved in these things.And he later became a pilot, and pilots may have to fight Zero fighters, so the American family members will tell their pilots how to deal with Zero fighters.So, how could he not know the answer to this question.So, he explained the situation clearly and clearly.

Koji Wubaizou felt that he had gained a lot this time, so he thought, knowing this, maybe he could turn the tide of the battle again.You must know that the Meidi family can discover the weakness of Zero War through research, but we can also countermeasures based on this situation.So he felt that this piece of information was extremely important.

After he asked some questions again, Wubaizou Kouji felt that it was almost done, and even if there was still oil and water, he had to squeeze it out slowly.So the interrogation was stopped, and then he excitedly reported all the confessions, and immediately started reporting on the radio.Sure enough, it didn't take long for him to be praised by his boss.

But what Koji Wubaizou didn't know was that if he wanted to turn the tide of battle again, just knowing how the Miji family deciphered the myth of the Zero fighter was actually useless at all.First of all, the industrial capacity of the Meidi family is almost abnormally high in this era.You lose an aircraft and it can take a long time to replace.But when the Meidi family lost a plane, the various factories in the family started to increase their horsepower, and two, or even three or four planes had already been produced.So the Meidi family doesn't care about the loss of aircraft or tanks at all, what they care about is technical talents like pilots.Otherwise, why do the aircraft they design have so many protections.

The little devils are different, they have a perverted bushido spirit, and even when they know that their plane is indeed impossible to save due to an attack or malfunction, they will drive the plane directly towards the opponent's target.In this way, the pilots also died one by one.The pilot is gone. You must know that the pilot is not a gunner. If you give him a gun, he can shoot if he is familiar with it. It requires long-term training.In addition, the devil's production industry is also low, how can it possibly win in the end.Therefore, Koji Wubaizou, who got this information, is still complacent, but it is actually useless.

However, his movement made it clear to Fan Keqin, who was lurking in the garrison headquarters.These insiders, for the most part, maybe initially, were also fanatical.But now, the little devil is in decline. Although he is still "very energetic", he can really see some decline.Unless you are a small citizen who lives in a small circle and sees ghost soldiers passing by outside, you think they can continue to dance.

But these insiders are all in various agencies, and their news is much more than ordinary people.From these news alone, it can be seen that the little devil's war is really a bit overwhelming.So, now, I feel a little lucky to be an insider.

The high level of the garrison headquarters got the interrogation statement of this five hundred head Koji, after looking at the important information he said.These high-level people are not really fools, they know what's going on.I understand that even if I get this information, it will not change anything, so verbal praise is still necessary.But do you say you value it?Pay attention to a fart, because it is useless at all.

It is because of this that I don't pay much attention to it.That's why this insider had the opportunity to know about this situation.And where did the confession come from, which department came from it.These things were directly passed on to Fan Keqin in the agreed way.

After Fan Keqin found out, he called Bai Fengtai, and the two of them lit a cigarette to cover up the smell of the burnt paper.Then Fan Keqin said: "It seems that the two American pilots are in the air defense force stationed in the southwest direction."

Bai Fengtai said: "It is still difficult for us to get them out. After all, they are the regular troops of the devil. It is difficult for us to rescue them if they are locked inside."

Fan Keqin said: "Where is the army after all, the little devils will definitely put them in some suitable place for detention in the end. But this air defense force, is there a suitable place for detention around it? Unless they build a new prison or something like that Things, otherwise, as long as it is detained, no matter what, it will be shipped to Shanghai. This is our opportunity."

Bai Fengtai said: "That's right, then we will do it on the road."

"Yes." Fan Keqin said: "But we must keep quiet, and we must not let the devils have any signs of us rescuing them. And those two pilots, even if they spit out their mouths, but for the sake of safety, the devils still want to squeeze They have been together for a period of time. During this period of time, they did not notice these two people, and no one came to rescue them. Then naturally, they would relax their vigilance during the escort. Then, just two people, it is not necessary to directly send A brigade of devils should be used for escorting. I guess this small team is the best. At that time, as long as we act properly, for example, to detect certain road sections so that they must pass, we will , Ambush well. Even laying bombs and booby traps, then our success rate will become higher."

Bai Fengtai agreed with Fan Keqin's statement, so he said: "Brother Heng, I'll let someone scout the route between the air defense brigade and Shanghai..."

(End of this chapter)

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