spy ace

Chapter 3117

Chapter 3117
He was quite a distance behind, and there was another member of the relay, who immediately waved his hand to the back again.Then both of them hid in hidden places by the side of the road.

The operators on the ambush section began to wait patiently after receiving the signal.A prison van and a medium-sized truck from the devil drove over.Because it was a dirt road, they were not driving very fast, and after the two cars arrived in front of them, they slowed down even more because they had to go through a turn.

And at this moment, I heard a muffled sound of "jumping" suddenly from the hill on the side. The hill was about eight meters high, and the foot above it seemed to be cut off by a big knife, and the whole thing poured down, directly It was blocked in front of the vehicle, and even buried half of the front of the vehicle.

And at this moment, there was a swishing sound, and a series of grenades were thrown from the hill, the side, and the field opposite.There are seven or eight grenades.Throw it near the truck behind. In other words, the truck behind is the escort sent by the air defense brigade. There are six people in total, which is less than the number of people in a class that Fan Keqin estimated.They are medium-sized personnel carriers like sheds in the car. They can't see the outside situation, and they can only see it when they get off the car at the rear.

These little devils were sitting in the car, and they walked all the way here, and they didn't see anything wrong.The mentality is naturally more relaxed, but suddenly there is an explosion, and these little devils immediately feel that something is wrong. After all, they are all professional soldiers, and the sound of the explosion can still be distinguished.One of the sergeants immediately shouted: "The enemy is attacking, get out of the car and hide!"

The little devils reacted quickly, jumping down from behind one after another.But when they just jumped out, there were already seven or eight more grenades under their feet, and they just exploded. After a series of bumping sounds, the little devils who jumped out of the car were immediately blown to the ground.And at this moment, the rattling sound of a typewriter rang continuously.A string of bullets began to sweep towards the medium personnel carrier.

A total of four Thomsons with 75 rounds of ammunition, and the operatives of the Security Bureau, all hid in the field opposite the mountain bag.After throwing the grenade, he started to get up and sweep wildly.The four submachine guns all took almost half of the shuttle bullets, that is to say, they fired about two hundred bullets directly.

And the car itself is not bulletproof, the shed is just a layer of canvas, how can it stop it.In fact, the door of the car was pierced through as if it were metal, and with the two devils behind who hadn't had time to get down, almost all of them were sieved by the bulge, and there was no possibility of survival.

Just after they threw the grenade, they started to shoot.There are three other agents from the Security Bureau, two of them also hold Thomson submachine guns, but instead of drums, they use normal magazines, which are lighter and more flexible, but the continuity of firepower is not as strong as that of drums.Another person was holding a Colt, and regardless of the troop carrier behind him, after rushing up, he faced the head car, which was already half buried in the soil, which was the position of the prison car cab, da da da The one rushed while firing.

In other words, a driver in the prison car and a devil soldier in the co-pilot's position are in a daze.They wanted to push the door and get out of the car, especially the ghost soldier in the co-pilot, who had a good combat quality.As soon as the front of the car was buried in the soil, he knew that it must have been ambushed. It is estimated that someone had already stepped up the hill, calculated the location, and planted the bomb.With such an explosion, a corner of the hill collapsed instantly, blocking the road directly.

The ghost soldier started to roar loudly, saying: "There is an ambush, get out of the car and find cover!!"

The driver opened the door and was about to get out of the car, but at the same time, he was shot and shivered all over.The ghost soldier in the co-pilot hurriedly curled up into a ball as much as possible, lowering his body as much as possible to reduce the bombardment area.But the cab wasn't that big after all, and the two Thomson fires were slanted out crazily, and it was useless for him to reduce the bomb area. In the next moment, at least a dozen bullets all hit him, and he quickly began to lose consciousness.

"Cease fire!" said the security bureau agent with the pistol, and the gunfire stopped.He quickly pointed the gun at the cab with one hand, opened the door, checked and said, "Dead!" Then carefully looked at the hands of the dead driver and the co-pilot, Gui Zibing.This is just in case, because some devils are so crazy that they may launch a suicide attack when they are dying, pull a grenade or the like, and press it under their body, as long as you flip it, something will happen.Now look at their hands, there is nothing to suggest that they are doing this.

That's why he quickly pulled them out of the cab like dragging a dead dog, and then began to rummage quickly.At this time, an agent who knew foreign languages, one of the four Thomson submachine gun drums, shouted through the small window with steel bars above the prison car: "Is it Toms and Jack? We are here to rescue you." ,How are you?"

Toms and Jack were fine. After all, the bullets were not shot in the direction of their prison car, but they were shocked.The two of them lay on the ground after the grenade exploded before, so as not to be concentrated.In fact, they are also conscious, maybe someone wants to save themselves.Hearing this shout at this time confirmed his thoughts even more.

Thomas yelled: "It's us, we're fine!! Please get us out quickly."

"Don't worry, we will rescue you right away." The people outside replied quickly.At this moment, the three agents who had just assaulted the cab of the prison car in front had dug out a few keys from the pocket of the devil soldier in the co-pilot.He quickly ran to the door of the prison car at the back, and began to try the keys one by one.

With a click, the lock was unlocked, and Thomas and Jack seemed to see the long-awaited light, and their hearts instantly brightened.They scrambled to jump out of the prison car.

"Thomas, Jack, hurry up and follow us." The agent who can speak English jumped a little with the key in handcuffs of the two of them, and tried to open the lock. Sure enough, it was the key of their handcuffs.After opening it, he pulled the two people together and said, "Hurry up, talk while walking."

Toms and Jack also knew that they couldn't stay in place, so they followed a group of agents from the Security Bureau and started to cross the Great Wilderness...

(End of this chapter)

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