spy ace

Chapter 3118

Chapter 3118

The agent who could speak English trotted and said: "We are agents of the National Security Agency, and we were ordered to rescue the two pilots of the Midlanders. We arranged for you to change clothes and pants, etc., in our own car. When you get in the car, someone will drive you away, but you have to hurry up in the car and change your clothes."

"Okay, great. Thank you." The two of them replied while running along with joy on their faces.

This big field is quite wide, and the field is not easy to walk, so it took nearly 5 minutes for everyone to pass through.Came to another road, a few cars were parked on the side of the road.The agent who could speak English ignored the others and took Thomson and Jack directly into one of the cars.

Let them sit in the back seat, and the agent who can speak English immediately started the car and started driving along the road, saying: "You see the cloth bag on the back seat, there are clothes you need to change in, and Kettle, you can wipe your face carefully with a towel to remove some marks on your face, and then change your clothes and pants."

"OK!" The two replied, took out the burden, took out all the things in it, found the towel and the water bottle, and began to check and wipe each other's faces and hands, followed by everyone taking off the extremely simple clothes they were wearing. Vest and trousers, put on the shirts, suits, and leather shoes prepared for them.

There are indeed quite a few foreigners living in Shanghai Lease, and apart from some refugees, these foreigners generally have a higher standard of living.Of course, the really powerful people had already slipped away when the little devil took over the concession, and now they played tricks and came to a return ceremony with Wang puppet.But there are still many foreigners in Shanghai.Therefore, after preparing suits for them, it is not a problem for them to pretend to be foreigners who can afford a car.

In this way, they drove all the way into the urban area of ​​Shanghai very smoothly.At an unoccupied turn, the English-speaking agent and the two pilots got out of the car.The empty car was driven away by another agent.

This matter is actually on the edge of the city, but because of this, the probability of encountering a checkpoint or getting stuck is relatively small.Before entering an alley, a person at the entrance of the alley scratched his cheek.Seeing this, the agent who can speak English knew that it was safe at this time.So he immediately took Thomas and Jack in, and within a short time, he directly entered a courtyard gate and came to a house.

This is a safe house they prepared here, on the edge of the city, and it is more convenient to send the two of them away.After all, with their appearance, it is basically impossible to leave by train or the like.The agent of the Security Bureau, who can speak English, led them around the house twice, and introduced them, saying: "This cabinet is full of stored food, mainly canned food. There are clothes in the cabinet, and there are three kinds of each style. sets, and two guns and the corresponding bullets...you stay here first, remember, don't want to go out for a walk just because you are bored in the house.

The investigation is very strict now, and there are so many Japanese and puppet patrols and eyeliners, it can be said that they are all over the corners of the entire city.It's the same situation around here, we really can't care about the eyes of so many enemies, so we can only rely on your self-awareness.Moreover, if the Japanese and puppets are caught, we may think that it is impossible to rescue them.Please pay attention to this point. "

Toms and Jack looked at each other and nodded.Jack said, "When can we be sent away?"

"According to the situation of the Japanese puppet." The agent who can speak English said: "Please rest assured, we will always pay attention to the situation, and if it is suitable, we will definitely send the two of you away as soon as possible. So please stay here patiently. good."

"Okay, we understand." Thomas said: "We will take care of ourselves, and please rest assured."

Fan Keqin soon found out about the two pilots.This time things were done neatly, and it could even be said that it was done quite simply.However, Fan Keqin has always been cautious, asked about the details of the operation, sorted it out, and found no problems, so he was relieved.Then ask your subordinates to pay attention to the wind on the street, as well as the inside line, and also pay attention to the news in this regard.

Originally, Fan Keqin thought that all he had to do now was wait for the letter.Let Bai Fengtai send the secret message back to the headquarters in a concise and concise manner, and then a period of calm can be entered.But on the side of the national government, a major event happened. Huazhang was ordered to investigate the incident at the critical moment.

It turned out that after such a long battle, the expeditionary force was heading towards Mangyou.If you can reach Mangyou, you can join forces with the Chinese troops stationed in India.This is definitely bad news for the little devil, but just before, the plan of this battle was approved by the old Jiang's instructions.But after the old Jiangtou finished his instructions, the enemies of the expeditionary army did not take long to start to make corresponding strategies. It seemed that they wanted to destroy the purpose of the expeditionary army this time.

As soon as this situation occurs, you know that there is a ghost inside.You know, the expeditionary force has already ruled out the possibility of leaking the secrets. After all, it's not like they didn't do anything before, but nothing happened.Just this time, after reporting to the head of the old Jiang and asking for instructions, something happened to him.You don't need to ask, it must be the little devil's spies.

So Lao Jiang headed directly to Sun Guoxin, and threw the work of uncovering the spies to the Security Bureau.In other words, he has a lot of trust in Dai Yunong.But after the start of the all-out war of resistance, the power of Dai Yunong's military command expanded too fast, and it is quite large now, and Dai Yunong also established a unit under the military command, the National Salvation Army.In fact, Dai Yunong is really looking forward to the leader of the old Jiang.Let him go east, it is absolutely impossible to go west.But Lao Jiangtou's own character is "I understand it very well", a self-righteous character.

But there is one thing he really understands, and that is the balance technique.He absolutely can't let any one grow bigger, not even Boss Dai.Therefore, after the establishment of the Security Bureau, it was intentionally or unintentionally supported by the old Jiangtou. In fact, there is a reason why the old Jiangtou was playing with the balance.

And now old Jiangtou is playing like this.When something like this happened, instead of looking for Boss Dai, he called the Security Bureau directly.Let them take charge of this.After Sun Guoxin received the order, he naturally asked Huazhang to be responsible for the specific work...

(End of this chapter)

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