spy ace

Chapter 3125 Methods

Chapter 3125 Methods
All kinds of instruments of torture greeted him like money.This caused his psychological gap to become very large, and it was easier to open the defense line in his heart.He spat out within a few rounds of torture, and it was impossible to stop this spat.

Hua Zhang and the others didn't bother to squeeze out the secrets from Lan Ning's body.However, there is one situation in what he explained that is quite noteworthy.Lan Ning was originally a spy sent by the Shanghai Ju organization to lurk behind us.But before, when he was in the Shanghai Chrysanthemum Agency, he was specifically targeting the Red Party.At that time, the head of the old Jiang was also desperately targeting the Red Party, and even cooperated with the little devils in order to target the Red Party.

And the Chrysanthemum Organization has been targeting the Red Party for so many years.Therefore, I also thought about dispatching or instigating some traitors to disintegrate the Red Party by means of inner ghosts.However, this plan was only in preparation when Lan Ning was sent to accompany the capital to engage in espionage activities, and he didn't know anything about it after that.

This piece of information in this confession is only a part of Lan Ning's confession, and the proportion is still quite small.Even after Lan Ning vomited, faced with all kinds of instruments of torture, he racked his brains and came up with something to say.Among the people present, other people may not have any reaction to this news.But after Huazhang heard it, he was deeply touched in his heart.

Because Huazhang understands that this plan is indeed very feasible.At that time, the Red Party was being besieged and suppressed by the old Jiangtou, thus launching a very great long march in human history.But it was also at that time that there was a certain disconnect between the front and the rear, due to the inability to communicate in time.So many people were persecuted by Lao Jiang.That time was also the most chaotic time.Therefore, if the little devil also had an infiltration plan in the chrysanthemum organization at that time, it would definitely be operable.

Even though Lan Ning doesn't know what's going on behind the scenes, Huazhang thinks that the little devil can easily give up this plan?The probability of implementation is very high.The first thing that Huazhang thought of was that when Lan Ning was spitting out, the clerk and the torturers were all there, and the confession was written in black and white, so he couldn't hide it.You can only notify the organization first and let them carefully identify it.And I hope that the old Chiang will not target the party organization.

But Huazhang used the stupidest idea and knew that it was almost impossible.The old Jiang himself put the Red Party at the top of his confidantes. Although the guns were consistent with the outside world in name before, he still did a lot of trouble secretly, and even provided some news about the Red Party to the Japanese to use the little devils Crack down on the Red Party.

What happened next, what happened next, was as expected by Hua Zhang.After getting this confession, on the third day, they unanimously notified the Security Bureau to secretly use Lan Ning's information channels, especially the Shanghai Ju agency.Inform the other party of the information of the Red Party as secretly as possible.

In other words, the previous focus of the Security Bureau itself was to deal with little devils.Now that this order is issued, it seems to shift the focus of work to the Red Party.However, Lao Jiangtou was forced by the voice of the people to fight against foreign enemies unanimously before, and he also agreed to unanimously fight against foreign enemies.Therefore, Lao Jiangtou can only play these methods in secret now.After all, the little devil has not been driven away yet.

In addition to notifying the organization through his own channels, Huazhang thought about how to make this plan less harmful to the organization.Instead, she thought of a way, which was to inform Fan Keqin of this matter.In Huazhang's perception, Fan Keqin was not a member of the Red Party, but he seemed to be more resentful towards the little devils, and indeed he had never attacked the Red Party.Therefore, coupled with his own understanding of Fan Keqin, at the very least, before the little devil is completely defeated, Fan Keqin has a high probability that he will not do anything to the party organization.He even tried his best to sabotage the plan of the little devil's chrysanthemum organization.

Therefore, Huazhang seemed to want to fulfill Shangfeng's order, and proposed to secretly contact Fan Keqin about this situation.After all, the Chrysanthemum Organization has this plan, and the old Jiangtou also has this intention, and Fan Keqin is in Shanghai himself, so it may be more convenient to implement.

Sun Guoxin thinks it's okay, but in fact, he himself is not very happy to target the Red Party, at least he doesn't want to do this before the little devil is completely beaten away.He is the real kind of soldier, and foreign enemies must come first.However, it was impossible for him to disobey the old Jiangtou's order, so he directly agreed with Huazhang's suggestion, and sent the situation to Fan Keqin in a secret telegram, but it was written in it, and he could do it according to his own situation.In other words, it is not a hard requirement.

After Fan Keqin received this situation in Shanghai, he really felt a little disgusted with Lao Jiang.But it was precisely because of this incident that he knew that the Chrysanthemum Organization had a secret hidden plan before it.It was impossible for Fan Keqin to ignore this.Therefore, Fan Keqin didn't care about the old Jiang's orders. Instead, he thought in his heart, to see if he could have a chance to find out the plan of Ju's agency, or even find out the latent list of the Bureau's agency, that would be great.Then I secretly passed the information I found to the underground party of the Red Party.Only in this way can the conspiracy of the devil and the old Chiang be destroyed.

Now, the intelligence network operated by Fan Keqin is quite large and deep enough.Therefore, he first issued an order to the intelligence network, especially the insiders within the Ju organization, asking them to try to find out about the Ju organization's plan to infiltrate the Red Party, or the list.

However, there was no news at all for several days in a row.Fan Keqin is not so strange, after all, he has inside information, although there are insiders from the Chrysanthemum Agency.But it is extremely difficult to obtain this information and list.First of all, the devil's plan itself must be very confidential.After so many years, it is even more impossible for someone to say casually or even mention it.This almost cut off the conventional way of passively receiving information, and it is impossible to find any information about this.

The second is that the program does not even know if there is a secret file.Fan Keqin tended to have it, but he was pressed at the bottom of the box.Or it's locked in some file room or some chrysanthemum bureau chief's safe.It's also impossible to let the insider pry open the safe.

Therefore, in the absence of any news, Fan Keqin thought of another way, that is, in the previous period...

(End of this chapter)

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