spy ace

Chapter 3126 Fake News

Chapter 3126 Fake News

He thought of another way, which was to screen out all the old people who were still in the Shanghai Chrysanthemum Agency in the previous period.This situation is not difficult. For the insiders, the people inside the bureau are still very clear.Soon, this information was placed on Fan Keqin's desk.

At that time, there were quite a lot of old people in the Chrysanthemum Agency.After all, the chrysanthemum organ is commanded by remote control, and some devil officers at the top have not changed.But this is only relatively speaking. There are still many people from the beginning who have left the local Chrysanthemum Agency, and may have been transferred to other places.

But Fan Keqin is not worried about this. For those who are transferred to other places, for example, you led the project at the beginning, but for some reason, you have to be transferred to the mainland, or the Northeast, or other places.Then the plan you led must be handed over.After all, this plan was organized by Chrysanthemum, so if you take it away and continue to implement it, it will definitely not work, and it will be too messy.So you might hand over those plans to your successor or something.

But the greater possibility is that the people who are still leading the plan are not likely to be transferred.Because leading a plan requires secrecy, unless there is a reason for you to be transferred, otherwise, this situation will not happen easily.After all, after you are transferred, one more person will know about the secret plan, which is not conducive to keeping it secret. Who knows what style the successor will have.In addition, after you are transferred, if you are in another place, your successor will also worry about you, whether there is a possibility of leaking secrets, and then the emphasis on the plan will be different.

Therefore, Fan Keqin is still inclined at this time, and this person will still be inside the chrysanthemum organization at this time.But how to confirm who this person is is very critical.He asked his team to turn to the telecommunications team and sent a secret telegram to Huazhang.The content is not long, that is, let Huazhang try to find Lan Ning's online, it is best to be able to find the telegram and code book, and then send back a phishing telegram at a specific time.Only in this way can he be able to help him position himself successfully.

In fact, Huazhang was doing this job right now, and she was very happy when she received Fan Keqin's secret telegram.Because this means that his plan should be successful, as long as Fan Keqin is willing to make a move, then the list of the chrysanthemum agency is likely to be obtained.And at that time, I will have the opportunity to obtain this list, so as to help the organization dig out the spies lurking inside the Chrysanthemum Agency.

Therefore, it has been three days since Hua Zhang passed Lan Ning's confession.This is a very important image of death explained by Lan Ning.And according to the method provided by Lan Ning, a special mark was drawn somewhere.

She didn't know if the little devil would take the bait.After all, it took too long to catch Lan Ning. If the little devil was very vigilant, there was a high probability that he would know that Lan Ning had been arrested, so he would take the initiative to cut him off.This kind of worry is not unreasonable. After all, the most important thing in intelligence work is timeliness.

But this time is really different. First of all, Lanning himself is a spy lurking in the attendant's room.That has a special status, and such a latent position cannot be overemphasized.Therefore, Lan Ning's on and off line did not know his identity.This can also be seen from Lan Ning's confession.Moreover, Lan Ning has been lurking for a long time. Except for extremely critical information, he usually does not take any action at all, and does not frequently contact his upline and downline.

Sure enough, Huazhang's analysis was accurate.After deploying and controlling in advance, according to what Lan Ning said, he drew a mark.At eight o'clock in the evening that night, in an ordinary residential area, a drunkard, who seemed to be drunk, wandered into a unit door.But after entering the unit door, the drunkard immediately woke up seeing no one around.Then he took out a letter from one of the agreed mailboxes.He put the letter on his body, and dangled out again.

As a result, he was walking outside this community just now, when he passed a car parked in the courtyard of this community, a person sneaked out from behind the car.The man jumped up, swung his right hand down suddenly, and there was a bang, but he was holding a rubber hammer made of rubber in his hand.The hammer was hitting this kid's head, and his eyes immediately turned dizzy.

At this time, several people ambushing around immediately stepped forward, inspected it a little, handcuffed it and put a chew on it.They raised their arms and legs together and threw them into the car. After driving out of the community, they quickly returned to the security bureau.As if it had never been there.

Huazhang immediately began to interrogate him.This kid was knocked out by the rubber hammer, just like the effect of being hit KO in the boxing ring.Under normal circumstances, there will be no danger, and it can still be slowed down.In fact, the kid woke up halfway through.

Go straight to the means and serve with great punishment.The little devil soon started spitting.He is a liaison officer, and he really knows the telecommunications group of their group.It's still the same reason, and Lan Ning is too important, so he has an independent telecommunications team and doesn't need any superiors.

Therefore, Huazhang can say that at this point, it is tantamount to uncovering the entire Lan Ning's spy team.Everyone who should be arrested has been arrested.The torture was the same, and Fan Keqin was first contacted.Fan Keqin immediately sent a message to the inside line of the Ju agency, and told him to pay attention to the telegram at a certain moment, where did the telegram go and who received it.Then let Huazhang start sending a fishing telegram according to this time.And also passed a false news, that is: there are two senior agents lurking inside the garrison headquarters, trying to find these two people code-named Zero Nine and Maxima.And let them cooperate, and give an approximate time frame at the same time.

By the way, the real name of the insider of the little devil Ju's agency is Ohashi Goro.He himself is a member of the confidential room, and he is related to some secret messages in the telecommunications room, files in the archive room, and important materials.

After getting Fan Keqin's order, he worked very hard as usual.At nearly five o'clock in the afternoon, he had already entered a file.Then I came to the telecommunications room, and found Jiandu Hecheng in the telecommunications room.The latter is the chief officer of the telecommunications room.

It was already time to get off work, but there was still an attendant in the telecommunications room.After Ohashi Goro came, he asked the attendant on duty if Jiandu Hecheng was there. At this moment, Jiandu Hecheng also came out, and after seeing that it was Ohashi Goro...

(End of this chapter)

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