spy ace

Chapter 3132 Very Happy

Chapter 3132 Very Happy
The damage of the rubber hammer is not high. If it is a normal hand hammer, it can kill people in one fell swoop.But the rubber hammer is different, there is a buffer, the hard damage is not high, and it mostly causes a shock effect.So after Kanono Tatsuya woke up, he rolled his eyes vigorously, and he got better after a while.In the next moment, he felt that he couldn't move his body, and the sense of restraint was extremely strong. Just by moving his body slightly, he could know that the rope tied to his body belonged to an expert.

Because of the chew on his mouth, Kanono Tatsuya couldn't shout, but stared in surprise eyes and snorted twice, as if he was asking who you are and what you are doing.Seeing him like this, the 30-something-year-old agent said, "Tatsuya Kadono, the confidential secretary of the Chrysanthemum Agency's secretariat, and the deputy of Toshiyuki Kiheta. He is [-] years old this year. Am I right, Mr. Kadono?"

Kanono Tatsuya also heard the words, and immediately guessed the identity of the other party in his heart, and it seemed that he was still a little careless.I'm afraid it will be more dangerous... Wait... Not necessarily, if I met an agent of the Chinese special department, or an assassination team such as the Military Command, Security Bureau, etc., what would they do if they were tied up?If you kill yourself, can you still live until now!If it is impossible, it means that things are still slow.

Thinking of this, Tatsuya Kadono opened his mouth to speak, but the chew still didn't let him make a sound.The agent, who was in his forties, was startled when he saw what he had said. Then he seemed to be thinking about something in his mind, and then he whined twice.So he asked, "Mr. Kanono wants to talk?"

Kono Tatsu also nodded his head twice immediately. The 40-year-old agent said: "It's not impossible to take off your mouth, but Mr. Kadono also understands that if you yell, you will die immediately. Do you understand?"

"Yeah!" Tatsuya Kadono immediately nodded vigorously again.

"Then let him untie it." The 40-year-old agent shook his head at him.An agent standing behind Tatsuya Kanono reached out to loosen the rope behind his head.Kono Tatsu also immediately opened his mouth and moved his jaw left and right, and said, "You guys...now that you know who I am? What do you want to do with me? Why don't you just speak up."

"Well." The agent in his forties said: "Mr. Kadono is very smart. Then we will not speak secretly. First of all, we are looking for you to let you cooperate with us. The consequences of not cooperating, I I have made it clear that you will never get out alive. But if you cooperate with us..."

As he spoke, he reached out his hand and took out two thick envelopes from the pocket he was carrying diagonally behind him, and said, "You will get money." Then he seemed to sigh: "Money, it's such a good thing. , Tell me, as long as you have money, you can eat delicious food, drink spicy food, enjoy life. How wonderful, I think Mr. Kadono is only 35 years old this year, and he still has a lot of money. You can enjoy your life. How about it? As long as you agree, not only will you not die, but you will also get a lot of money. So, cooperate with us, agree?"

Kakuno Tatsuya said, "I agree."

Um?When he said this, the agent felt a huge contrast in his heart.But he definitely didn't show it. After all, he is an agent and his psychological quality is much stronger than that of ordinary people.So he said: "Mr. Kadono is very knowledgeable about current affairs. He agreed so happily, which shows that Mr. Kadono has great wisdom. Then... submit the letter, after taking the photo, you are one of us. Of course, we still have I want to ask you something about the Ju Agency, and I hope you can answer it truthfully."

"Okay." Kadono Tatsuya seems to focus on a person who understands current affairs and becomes a hero.Still very happy to agree.

Seeing him like this, the 40-year-old agent took out a pen and paper and placed it on the table next to him.Said: "In order to prevent accidents, let go of Mr. Kadono's hand first. Mr. Kadono, I really appreciate your decisiveness and awareness of current affairs. Please don't do anything that makes it difficult for us."

"Don't worry." Kadono Tatsuya said: "I know what I am doing, and what I say is sincere. I just want to live, and I really don't want to die. And there is still money to take... So, you guys Don't worry."

"Okay." The 40-year-old agent waved his hand and said, "Then let Mr. Kadono loose."

The agent next to him immediately loosened his hands tied behind him, but the other two agents with guns did not put their guns back.And the stance is very interesting, it is on both sides, and then they and Kanoda also just formed a triangular stance.And the other agents in the room don't move much, so it will never affect their firing gun line.

Kakuno Tatsuya's legs were also tied very firmly, so he climbed onto a chair and sat at the table without touching the rope on his legs from the beginning to the end.Pick up the pen, brush a little bit and start writing.It seems that the thinking is very clear, so the writing is very fast. In less than half an hour, he has already written a proposal letter with thousands of words.Kadono also handed it to the 40-year-old agent, who took a look at it, nodded and praised: "Mr. Kadono's writing is really good, the logic is clear, and very sincere. Very good, then you take it and take a picture." Let's take a photo." Saying that, I returned it to him.

In fact, when Kono Tatsuya was writing the application letter, there was an agent next to him, using a camera, to take photos of him while writing, and it was from multiple angles, which could reflect his writing progress and writing state.

Konoda was also very cooperative, holding the application letter, posing several poses and angles very cooperatively, and asked the agent holding the camera to take more photos again.Then the agent in his forties put away the original application letter and said, "Very well, Mr. Kanono is one of his own from now on. Come on, you're welcome, just untie the rope yourself."

Tatsuya Kadono agreed, bent down to untie the rope on his legs, and then asked: "Can you tell me now what you want to do? You said before that you wanted to ask some questions about the Kiku Agency. I am the Kiku Agency. Your confidential secretary indeed knows a lot of secrets, so as long as I know, you can ask whatever you want, and I will never hide it."

"Okay." The 40-year-old agent asked: "I know that the Ju agency has special agents who specialize in instigating rebellion. I want to ask, who are the people on our side who have agreed to your terms?"

Kono Tatsuya also replied: "This is quite a confidential matter..."

(End of this chapter)

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