spy ace

Chapter 3133 8 people

Chapter 3133 18 people

Kanono Tatsuya went on to say: "I only know a few, but it is definitely not complete, because the team leader Fujita is responsible for the bribery of the people who instigated rebellion, and I can't get in touch with it. I just had a relationship with Fujita because of work. The team leader has cooperated several times, so he only knows a few such people.”

"Okay, then tell me what you know," said the agent, in his mid-40s.

Tatsuya Kadono replied: "Combat Staff Officer of Changsha City Defense Headquarters, Li Lide..." He named five names in a row, and he said them in great detail. He also told some other information about these five people, such as where they were. Who rebelled, how old they were, what position they held at the time, etc.

The agent, who was about 40 years old, was quite shocked when he heard this.But on the surface, he didn't show anything. He just remembered these people carefully and reported the news immediately when he came back.After Kadono Tatsuya finished speaking, he asked again: "Are these a few?"

"Yes, these are the few." Tatsuya Kanono said: "When I cooperated with Team Leader Fujita, due to work, there was no need to know other people, so apart from these five people, I really didn't know other people. How about people’s situation? Do you want to get comprehensive information? I’m afraid only Team Leader Fujita knows this. He is very careful. The list of these people must be his top secret, and it is almost impossible for outsiders to know.”

The 40-year-old agent asked: "Then what is the name of the Fujita team leader you are talking about, and provide us with his information."

"Okay." Tatsuya Kanono said: "Fujita's team leader's full name is Fujita Keiji. He is 50 years old this year..." As he spoke, he also told all the information he knew about Fujita Keiji.

The agent, about 40 years old, kept it in mind, and asked a few more information about the personnel structure, personnel, etc. inside the Ju agency.Then he asked again: "Toshiyuki Kiheta had a latent plan eight years ago, and you started drawing it up in March. What's the situation with this plan? Tell me about it."

After hearing this, Tatsuya Kadono frowned and recalled slightly, saying: "In March eight years ago...can you remind me again?"

A 40-year-old agent said: "The person who participated in the drafting of the plan at the time was named Fulai Fumiong, and his identity as an undercover agent was named Lan Ning."

"Oh, I know." Kadono Tatsuya looked at the other party with some confusion and said: "This is an undercover plan sent out. It is about the Communist Party... you... are not from the National Government Military Command or the Security Bureau. ?"

An agent in his 40s may have realized something when he heard the word "communist", but he will do whatever the superior arranges, regardless of that.So he asked: "If you know it, tell me in detail. Don't worry about the rest."

"Understood." Jiao Yeda also sorted out his thoughts, and said: "At that time, the Red Party's non-stop activities in the rear can be said to have caused us a lot of trouble. Even if they were surrounded by your Nationalist Government, at that time During the period, they may not even be able to communicate with the headquarters, but they are still active. Because of this, we realized that the Red Party will definitely be our confidant in the future, so we must prepare early.

At that time, Team Leader Kiwada believed that the Red Party’s learning ability and growth rate were too fast. If calculated based on the situation at that time, within a few years, the Red Party and their underground parties would become a very threatening threat. professional agents, so he had to make various preparations for them before they had grown up. The undercover plan was a means by which he wanted to kill the Red Party. "

Speaking of this, Kanono Tatsu also paused, and said again: "We all agreed that although the Red Party was growing very fast at that time, it had not yet reached the level of professionalism, so it could be used instead. In addition, the national The government is taking a series of actions against the Red Party, which is a difficult time for the Red Party. We can fully seize this opportunity, send personnel to break in in advance, and then lurk for a long time with peace of mind. The premise is not to There are too many actions, so that after a period of time, they can be trusted. Then, strive to climb up and get into a higher position, so as to have a greater effect on dealing with the Red Party in the future. This is the whole the heart of the plan."

The 40-year-old agent listened, nodded, and said: "Then... the number of undercover agents, who is on the list?"

"The number of people is not too large." Kadono Tatsuya said: "Although the Red Party was not very professional at that time, their beliefs were really terrible, and their vigilance was still very high. Once there were too many people, bad things might happen. , so the number of people was not very large, a total of eighteen people. I was only responsible for selecting two of them at the time, one whose real name was Toshiya Hayara and the other named Hiroshi Furumaru. But I did not know what identity they used to break in later. It's not clear where they were sent to work, let alone the other sixteen. Even how many people were sent out, I can't be sure, because I only participated in part of it. It’s just a plan.”

The 40-year-old agent thought for a while and asked, "Where is the lurking file, or list if we call it?"

"I don't know about that." Kanono Tatsuya said: "Only Kiheta Toshiyuki can know this. But... If there is such a list, I believe that with his personality, he will not save it normally, but will save it on his own. In the safe in the office. But it almost cuts off the possibility of anyone being able to peep."

"You're his second-in-command," said the 40-something-year-old agent. "Even you can't get it?"

"Yes." Kadono Tatsuya said: "He is on guard against anyone. If he wants to open the safe, he will not let anyone be present. For example, last time, after I entered the office with him to discuss some work arrangements, He asked me to go out first. I guessed that he was opening the safe or something. But I didn't see him opening the safe after all. In fact, I don't think anyone saw him opening the safe. "

The 40-year-old agent said: "Then... this list, can you confirm that it is in the safe in his office?"

"I can't be sure." Tatsuya Kanono said, "But the reason why I say it's in his safe is because of my guess based on what I know about him. After all, his sense of secrecy is very, very high."

"Hmm." The 40-year-old agent asked: "Then Toshiya Hayata and Hiroshi Komaru, can you tell me in detail?"

(End of this chapter)

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