spy ace

Chapter 3136 Talent is very important

Chapter 3136 Talent is very important

Wei Min went on to say: "The safes of Price Company, Huilong Company, and Tiewei Company are the most difficult to open."

"Oh?" Fan Keqin was really surprised when he heard this. Fan Keqin was a secret agent, but he didn't know anything about safes.Hearing what Wei Min said, he was really an expert, and asked again: "Can you open the safe of Nadel Company? It was about eight years ago, and I don't understand it. Do you need to ask?"

"Let's ask clearly." Wei Min said: "I don't know the specific model, so I can't say I'm [-]% sure. If the other party is inconvenient, it's best to be able to provide what size, and then what it looks like on the surface .In this way, comparison can also be made. Boss, are you in a hurry?"

Fan Keqin said: "Well, let me ask the specific situation first. I want to ask about you. If you know this, how sure are you?"

Weimin thought for a while and said: "My safe is actually quite big. It's not a very special safe. I can usually open it. But this is a certain model, and I may need to study it for a while. It’s not that it’s a safe, I can open it when I get there. But as long as I know this information and I study it for a while, I believe there will be no problem.”

"Okay." Hearing this, Fan Keqin knew in his heart that this kid was quite sure about this aspect.So he said: "I will help you get what model, or what size, what it looks like. In addition, I don't need you to pick the lock, because you can't get in the place where the lock is opened. I want you Can you teach someone to open this kind of safe?"

"Oh." After hearing this, Wei Min frowned and said: "I don't know. I have actually taught a few people before, but they can only say that the quality is average now. But the boss is not, just open which one alone A kind of safe? If so, only for this one kind of words, this practice makes perfect. I can teach him, as long as he learns with his heart, opening a single safe, I think it should not be a problem. "

"Yeah." Fan Keqin nodded, and said: "Great, that's it. These days, you just wait here and wait for the news. Don't you have enough food and drink?"

"There is no shortage." Wei Min said: "I have seen the things stored here, and they are enough for me to eat for at least two months."

"Okay." Fan Keqin said: "Then I'm leaving." After speaking, he got up from the sofa and went out... He returned to the company smoothly.Called Bai Fengtai, and passed the news to Kanono Tatsuya by means.

It is said that this kid Kanono Tatsuya, after agreeing to work.First of all, I did one thing, which was to send this woman of mine back to the mainland of Japan by boat.This kid really cares about this woman, so after returning to the Chrysanthemum Trap, he has basically adjusted his mentality.

He originally belonged to the kind of person who promised quickly, so the burden on his heart was not too heavy.If a person is hesitant to agree to something, then he must have some kind of unwillingness.But he readily agreed, which meant that the psychological burden would be minimal.Unless he pretended to be hesitant.

That's the case with Konoda. He really didn't have any burden. Although he said it was to save his life at the time, but thinking about it later, he still had money to take.It's just that if you want to tip off the news, you still have to be careful.After waking up early, Kanono Tatsu also had breakfast, and then went to the building of Juju.

But when he walked halfway, he saw an irregular symbol that seemed to be drawn by a child at the corner of an alley.But with a thought in his heart, he took a detour halfway and went to an ordinary residential area.

Soon he found a note in a mailbox.After reading the above content, he still breathed a sigh of relief.The content is very simple, let him find out what type of safe is in Kihetian Toshiyuki's office, if he can't figure it out, then describe the size and appearance in detail.

In fact, Kakuno Tatsuya has been following Kiheta Toshiyuki for so many years, so it is natural to try to enter his office to talk about things.Although Muhetian Toshiyuki cared about the safe very much, and never let other people be present when it was opened, but when talking about things normally, he was also in his office when he was talking.And after such a long time, Kanonoda didn't need to check it anymore, he could tell what the safe looked like at this moment.

So, he rolled the note into a small ball, threw it in his mouth and swallowed it.Then I looked at my watch, it was still early.Although he promised to take effect very quickly, it was his first experience of this kind of thing, so although the burden was not much, it was somewhat of a thing.So he got up a little early and couldn't fall asleep, so he went out early.At this time, he calculated in his mind that there was still time.

So, Kanoye Tatsu also came out of this ordinary residential area, went directly to a post office, asked for a piece of letter paper, and wrote all the information of the safe on it.Then fold it.Walking out of the post office, I went around again and came to the appointed place, and put this reply letter in the door of a unit, behind the sundries piled up in the corridor.Then the real work starts.After doing this kind of thing for the first time, Kanoda was still pondering in his heart: "Well, I may still encounter this kind of thing in the future. If I go to work early every day, maybe the effect will be better, and it doesn't have to be like Time is tight today."

When Fan Keqin received the reply, he came to the safe house and met Wei Min. After reading the information provided by Kanono Tatsuya, the latter said with certainty: "I am sure to open it. The company produced a safe, but they adopted the mechanical principle of HP's [-]D-type safe at that time, and the [-]-D type was actually a technology three years ago. In other words, This safe, now, is only a technology of more than ten years ago. At that time, I had studied it, and I can say that I am very sure about this safe.”

Fan Keqin was quite happy when he heard that, so he asked, "Then how long will it take for you to teach someone to open this type of [-]D safe?"

Wei Min said: "Look at who he is. If he is too stupid, it may take at least a month, and more than a month is also possible by failure. I can only say half and half. If you have this talent... ...that will be soon..."

(End of this chapter)

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